Author Topic: Swine Flu  (Read 2390 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Swine Flu
on: July 20, 2009, 22:42:59 PM
Just wondering if anyones got it yet?

Would be interesting to see how it spreads in terms of the people that use this forum. Some of us might have jobs which stick you out of contact of most people, whilst others might be working tech support fixing the computers of people who cough on their keyboard and dont wash their hands, others might be students etc.

So, if/when you get it, report in!

My job sees me either at home on my computer, or in the middle of nowhere, so Im pretty safe, apart from the few hours every fortnight I might spend in uni in a meeting or sorting out data.

Biggest risk is my dad, working in Tescos...I just know hell get it and pass it on to the rest of the family.

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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 01:54:00 AM
I go out once a week with the lads, i have been wondering if i will catch it, but ive not seen anyone coughing/sneezing in the pubs/clubs yet and i only know one person who was suspected of having it.
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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 08:20:54 AM
The problem is most people will catch it and it will only really show as a sniffle so theres no real way to know.

My better half is a teacher and theyve all been warned that it is pretty much inevitable that they will get it sooner or later, but that said the very fact that she is a teacher means that her immune system is tough as old boots so Im not so sure. A pair of students that she taught did have it and were diagnosed a week ago but by that time it had been decided that it was uncontainable anyway so new cases are not officially being reported any more.

Edit : Reading the above it looks rather sensationalist but to be quite honest I couldnt give a sh*t, in exactly the same way I cant give a sh*t about normal flu. The media hype about swine flu is absolutely shocking and it really grinds my gears.

Swine Flu
Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 08:22:58 AM
Pretty certain its gone round me team here, everyone has had flu of sorts and days off.

One of my team member two kids have confirmed cases but are recovering, nobody else bothered getting tested.

If its not swine flu there there is a hell of a lot of normal flu about for this time of year.
Formerly sexytw

Swine Flu
Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 08:42:15 AM
*think* i had it last week, symptoms fitted etc... but didnt bother with testing or anything like that, it was pretty mild tbh...

one of the symptoms is joint pain on your lower half... most of my was fine.... but my leg with a metal bar in it was bloody killing me !

Re:Swine Flu
Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 15:22:49 PM
im not worried about it. Its just flu & people get flu - also people die from flu.
Just mass hysteria by the uneducated.

Look at the last 10-15 years & the hysteria over salmonella, Mad Cows Disease, the flesh eating bug, SARS, Bird Flu, etc.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #6 on: July 21, 2009, 16:17:45 PM
Aye, Im not bothered, more just interested. My mum keeps going on about it as she works in the NHS and a lot of her colleagues are in the crisis teams or whatever theyre called so she gets all the figures and scare mongering.

I keep pointing out that its not meant to be that bad for westerners. Her argument is that its not bad at the moment but itll hit hard in the winter, which I guess might be true.

I dont think ive ever had the flu, if the saying that you have the flu if someone puts £50 outside your door and you cant get up to get it is correct. Ive never been incapacitated, and have been able to carry on with things, in a limited capacity. My nose and throat felt a bit weird the other day for 2-3 days but I doubt thatd be it surely ><

Re:Swine Flu
Reply #7 on: July 21, 2009, 17:09:43 PM
Ive never had anything which would have stopped me getting up to fetch 50 quid from outside the door, and I was once in traction for a week!

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #8 on: July 24, 2009, 19:02:28 PM
Really if anything you should have a moment to think if there are any work colleagues, family or friends that suffer from any medical complications, bad kidneys for example.

If you do get it, perhaps you should consider restricting yourself from making contact with such people.  The news in papers about healthy people dying from this has been absolute bollocks and scaremogering.  Has one coroners report found a healthy person in the UK dying from Swine Flu alone yet and not anything else they may have had?

Im allready in a posistion where I will work from home if nessecary.

Its pretty easy to get paranoid about it.

  • Offline Edd

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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #9 on: July 24, 2009, 19:44:13 PM
Quote from: Cypher
Really if anything you should have a moment to think if there are any work colleagues, family or friends that suffer from any medical complications, bad kidneys for example.

If you do get it, perhaps you should consider restricting yourself from making contact with such people.  The news in papers about healthy people dying from this has been absolute bollocks and scaremogering.  Has one coroners report found a healthy person in the UK dying from Swine Flu alone yet and not anything else they may have had?

Im allready in a posistion where I will work from home if nessecary.

Its pretty easy to get paranoid about it.

But then again, what does underlying health conditions actually mean? i mean for all we know they could of had hayfever, thatd be an underlying health condition

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Re:Swine Flu
Reply #10 on: July 24, 2009, 22:25:18 PM
Pregnant or those with a weakened immune system/health issues

Have had sniffles and sneezes but I think its just an allergy reaction

  • Offline Jaimz

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Swine Flu
Reply #11 on: July 27, 2009, 00:06:15 AM
I think theres gonna be a big f**king scare about it all come late September when students get back to / start at uni, but theres Frehsers Flu every year, just will get blown out of proportion this year I reckon.

Jaimz :rock:

Re:Swine Flu
Reply #12 on: July 27, 2009, 11:42:24 AM
although freshers flu generally isnt actually flu, its just a collection of colds from all around the country combined with surpressed immune systems due to lack of sleep and excess alchohol.

This year it may actually be flu, which could cause more problems.

Re:Swine Flu
Reply #13 on: July 27, 2009, 14:16:57 PM
Im sat here at home with this swine flu, had my Tamiflu tablet and its miserable tbh.
Never had normal flu, so didnt know what to expect.

I feel sorry for those who get the flu in August, as thats when the newly graduated Doctors start who arent clued up.

Re:Swine Flu
Reply #14 on: July 27, 2009, 15:56:50 PM
Quote from: soopahfly
Im sat here at home with this swine flu, had my Tamiflu tablet and its miserable tbh.
Never had normal flu, so didnt know what to expect.

I feel sorry for those who get the flu in August, as thats when the newly graduated Doctors start who arent clued up.

If I knew anyone with it, id be over their house like a shot. Id rather get it now in July/August, then later in the year.

I had flu for the 1st time last december - I couldnt do anything for the best part of 2 weeks.
Missed New Years Eve & could only manage 1/2 an effort at a mates stag party - Luckily recovered for his marriage a week later.

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