Author Topic: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?  (Read 3174 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
on: January 07, 2020, 22:34:08 PM
Hey everyone, welcome to 2020.

I am back in Sydney and burning Australia after 2.5 weeks in Auckland visiting family. Anyone who visits family for the holidays will know - It tends not to be a holiday, especially with two kids.

Had some good times, my boys got to open presents in 3 houses (morning, lunch and dinner) and then at home more bigger presents back in Sydney so they were very lucky. I moved between my wifes family home and my parents home visiting so that was back and fourth every few days. My wife, as always ended up either doing family stuff for rentals or cooking all her family (a lot of them) dinner, including xmas dinner or shopping and I spent most of the holiday looking after my kids, standing around shopping centres or in houses looking after the kids.

Anyone with kids as well will know when you are staying at peoples houses where they are not baby friendly is a lot of hard work, you have no safe zones as such so it is a lot of attention and they are out of routine a lot of the time so they are a lot of hard work. The 2 hour time zone difference may not be much for us but still sends kids out of kilter for a few days as well.

So it was a busy one, the fires in Australia were bad enough to blow over to Auckland a couple of time and turned the sky orange and had people calling the Police not know what it is and enough for them to come on the TV and tell people to STOP calling them, lol.

    • - It's new and improved!
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Re: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
Reply #1 on: January 08, 2020, 07:59:52 AM
I hope you have masks or air purifiers, the air quality over there is the worst in the world right now, take care.

Our Christmas was a write off as my mum brought a horrible virus with her and made everyone ill for two weeks, we even had to take my son to hospital to get checked as he stopped responding to Calpol. He bounced back fast though thankfully.

It's very true about visiting other people's homes, they are never safe enough and they don't realise that you have to constantly be watching your little ones so its not fun at all. The one benefit to being ill was that we didn't have to visit any other family!

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
Reply #2 on: January 09, 2020, 01:09:09 AM
Air con at home with filters. Masks - No but looking, normal ones do bugger all and you have to get M5 supporting ones.
Sorry to hear about your Xmas mate, a friend's son got hit by a car and broke his hip badly a week before xmas and her mum nearly died - Just how it goes sometimes :( Hope your boy is better now though mate. Still strange to think we are Dad's now!

My parents smoke... A LOT and I had to mention to them again about just going outside and smoking and going to pick up the kids.

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Re: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
Reply #3 on: January 09, 2020, 06:50:15 AM
My parents used to smoke, gave it up eventually. Few years later Dad died of a massive heart attack, although he did overdo the salt.

Mum lasted into her 80s and eventually died of lung cancer the hospital totally missed.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
Reply #4 on: January 09, 2020, 22:40:15 PM
With the stress of the kids my dad was 10 minutes playing, smoke and have a drink of tea or something for 10-15 more and back and then again.

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Re: Happy New Year - How was the holidays for you?
Reply #5 on: January 22, 2020, 16:36:14 PM
Slow :)

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