Author Topic: Women!  (Read 35700 times)

  • Offline Dave

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Reply #45 on: March 29, 2006, 19:47:11 PM
Quote from: Poison_UK
Treat her like a princess.... Everything Perfect for her. Then she cheats on me  

that is probably the problem

Im not saying treat em mean etc... (that is just macho rubbish that works on girls who are insecure) - but dont be a door mat.

cat string theory - dangle a string in front of a cat - dont let it get it all the time & it will stay interested in it & keep jumping up & playing - chuck the bit of string on the floor in front of it making it easy to get & it will walk away.

Best to treat girls like a pricess occasionally - but make them work for it - if you always pander to thier every need etc.. then theyll just get used to it, your efforts become devalued & theyll look elsewhere for excitement.

  • Offline Serious

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Reply #46 on: March 29, 2006, 19:49:52 PM
Quote from: Dave
that is probably the problem

Im not saying treat em mean etc... (that is just macho rubbish that works on girls who are insecure) - but dont be a door mat.

cat string theory - dangle a string in front of a cat - dont let it get it all the time & it will stay interested in it & keep jumping up & playing - chuck the bit of string on the floor in front of it making it easy to get & it will walk away.

Best to treat girls like a pricess occasionally - but make them work for it - if you always pander to thier every need etc.. then theyll just get used to it, your efforts become devalued & theyll look elsewhere for excitement.

Remember girls that applies to blokes too ;)

  • Offline Dave

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Reply #47 on: March 29, 2006, 19:54:44 PM
Quote from: Rhino
youre thinking call her you twit right? wrong. i just cant see it lasting, she wont like my somewhat crude friends for a start, and they are real friends who will be there if you get me. and i can imagine her parents living in a big house, expecting their daughter to do better than a builder :roll:  

If you start thinking like that then you are setting yourself up for a failure. If you are worried about your friends then dont introduce them straight away - plant a seed about them being real characters always lively etc... just stay positive - as long as she likes you then your friends wont be an issue & shell prob see the good side to them rather than being offended by thier crudeness.

 Also - if youre worried about your career being off putting then - as far as she is now concerned you work in construction/development/real estate again keep it positive. Like knighty said if she is properly rich then why would she care whether you earn money anyway.

  • Offline Rhino

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Reply #48 on: March 29, 2006, 23:44:52 PM
hmm, you guys have me thinking now :?

  • Offline Sara

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Reply #49 on: March 30, 2006, 00:04:03 AM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Dave
that is probably the problem

Im not saying treat em mean etc... (that is just macho rubbish that works on girls who are insecure) - but dont be a door mat.

cat string theory - dangle a string in front of a cat - dont let it get it all the time & it will stay interested in it & keep jumping up & playing - chuck the bit of string on the floor in front of it making it easy to get & it will walk away.

Best to treat girls like a pricess occasionally - but make them work for it - if you always pander to thier every need etc.. then theyll just get used to it, your efforts become devalued & theyll look elsewhere for excitement.

Remember girls that applies to blokes too ;)

Its totally true for women. Not blokes though (in my experience) - one they think theyve found "the one" thats it, they can placidly stay in a relationship which is really quite rubbish with no trouble, because they thing theyve got her and thats it.

Reply #50 on: March 30, 2006, 00:09:50 AM
In my experience, if you ask a woman her type she gives you an "image" where as a guy will give you a "personality"   :p

(only counts when there being serious tho) :p

  • Offline Serious

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Reply #51 on: March 30, 2006, 01:13:34 AM
Quote from: Sara
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Dave
that is probably the problem

Im not saying treat em mean etc... (that is just macho rubbish that works on girls who are insecure) - but dont be a door mat.

cat string theory - dangle a string in front of a cat - dont let it get it all the time & it will stay interested in it & keep jumping up & playing - chuck the bit of string on the floor in front of it making it easy to get & it will walk away.

Best to treat girls like a pricess occasionally - but make them work for it - if you always pander to thier every need etc.. then theyll just get used to it, your efforts become devalued & theyll look elsewhere for excitement.

Remember girls that applies to blokes too ;)

Its totally true for women. Not blokes though (in my experience) - one they think theyve found "the one" thats it, they can placidly stay in a relationship which is really quite rubbish with no trouble, because they thing theyve got her and thats it.

Thats because girls do stuff for men and then they take you for granted and expect it, you have to give them a little bit of a push every so often so they dont do that. Its useless pampering them and then expecting a change, it just wont happen.

  • Offline Sara

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Reply #52 on: March 30, 2006, 11:27:02 AM

LOL. Your idea of todays women sounds like its stuck in the 40s :p

Reply #53 on: March 30, 2006, 11:36:23 AM
am I the only one who doesnt understand seriouss post?

I cant see where your coming from mate.

Is the girl pampering the guy? or the guy pampering the girl?

I think Sara hit it on the head to be honest.

Girls in general are more shallow than blokes.

Blokes may joke around saying "phwooaaaar!!! big tits!" and so on so forth, but Knightys comment about personalities is true... when it matters we generally couldnt give a crap what she looks like (providing she is fairly respectable, im not saying were blind fools here) so long as she fits our psyche.

TV shows constantly go on about "finding the one" from the aspect of the woman but I think a lass is generally more concerned with physical appearance of her man more than personality, and I also think "the one" is more of a man thing, we settle for the company of a girl despite being mistreated, women dont do that... unless they are scared (in the case of spousal abuse), they tend to run if they feel hard done by.

A good analogy would be dogs and cats I think.

Men = Dogs.

You yell at them they run away with tail between their legs, but call their name and theyll come bounding back in forever faithful.

Women = Cats.

Yell at them, theyll ignore you and walk away. Come back when they feel like, and generally not care what you say to them as they arent interested.

  • Offline Serious

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Reply #54 on: March 30, 2006, 11:37:32 AM
Quote from: Sara

LOL. Your idea of todays women sounds like its stuck in the 40s :p

I suspect you would be supprised at the number of women who still do it then. Oh and do you really think relationships and human nature have changed that much?

M3ta7h3ad. Your analogy is one sided, I have seen plenty of womed who would rate as dogs on it and lots of men who would be cats. It depends on how vulnerable they are.

My point being that a woman who runs around after a bloke, prepares all his meals, does the shopping, washing and all the rest of the household chores is going to be taken for granted. Secondly if a woman treats a bloke like that then its probable he isnt going to change so if she goes out t work then hes still not going to do any housework.

Anyone think Im going to have to move this to GD? Its definitely not waffle.

  • Offline Sara

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Reply #55 on: March 30, 2006, 11:50:22 AM
I dont think youre quite got it either, M3.

Were not that shallow either. I think you and Serious have both seem two ends of the spectrum of women and assumed thats the general trend.

I can agree with the Cats and Dogs comment though. A dog/man will stay loyal and true to the end, because thats what he does (this is my experience with friends and my own relationships). A cat/woman wonders whats in it for her. Shell love and care for someone for as long as they are worth it - and "worth it" will be extremely different things, from woman to woman.

Obviously it depends person-to-person. It all does, thats what makes us human.

  • Offline Serious

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Reply #56 on: March 30, 2006, 12:03:21 PM
You have to go deeper than that Sara, A woman has a limited capacity for looking after kids and she still wants her children to be looked after. A man can go around fathering them providing he has the looks and attitude. Thats the way the world is heading, people arent getting married anymore but starting to go into shorter term relationships.

Actually you would be wrong about me and the 40s, more like 30s, WW2 changed a lot of things about relationships, danger of being killed meant that a lot of people lived more for the moment. Id much prefer stable relationship but find that difficult to sustain as I tend to be really over-protective.

Reply #57 on: March 30, 2006, 12:21:35 PM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Sara

LOL. Your idea of todays women sounds like its stuck in the 40s :p

I suspect you would be supprised at the number of women who still do it then. Oh and do you really think relationships and human nature have changed that much?

M3ta7h3ad. Your analogy is one sided, I have seen plenty of womed who would rate as dogs on it and lots of men who would be cats. It depends on how vulnerable they are.

My point being that a woman who runs around after a bloke, prepares all his meals, does the shopping, washing and all the rest of the household chores is going to be taken for granted. Secondly if a woman treats a bloke like that then its probable he isnt going to change so if she goes out t work then hes still not going to do any housework.

Anyone think Im going to have to move this to GD? Its definitely not waffle.

The analogy works as a rule.

What your on about are exceptions to that rule.

Most women are stronger mentally than a bloke from the same background.

men tend to be more dependent on women for "love" where as in general women only stick it out if they can see its worth it.

Take for example the age old "I want to be married", two people love each other the man not caring if they are married or not so hasnt asked. Woman then threatens to leave him because they "arent going anywhere" theres nothing further in it for her, but for the man... hes happy where he is right now.

Men in general are more likely to find "the one" and stay with her.
Women in general wont, theyll always be looking for it, sure they may be in a long-term relationship, but if they find themselves wanting more from it, and you cant supply it. She will start to look elsewhere, she may not act upon it, but you can guarantee shell be thinking about it. :)

As for the shallow thing, I mentioned that mainly because of knighty.

Hes right though, men go for personality traits, women go for looks.

Reply #58 on: March 30, 2006, 12:40:37 PM
Quote from: Sara
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Dave
that is probably the problem

Im not saying treat em mean etc... (that is just macho rubbish that works on girls who are insecure) - but dont be a door mat.

cat string theory - dangle a string in front of a cat - dont let it get it all the time & it will stay interested in it & keep jumping up & playing - chuck the bit of string on the floor in front of it making it easy to get & it will walk away.

Best to treat girls like a pricess occasionally - but make them work for it - if you always pander to thier every need etc.. then theyll just get used to it, your efforts become devalued & theyll look elsewhere for excitement.

Remember girls that applies to blokes too ;)

Its totally true for women. Not blokes though (in my experience) - one they think theyve found "the one" thats it, they can placidly stay in a relationship which is really quite rubbish with no trouble, because they thing theyve got her and thats it.

Kind of diffrent here because she felt it more than me, something I would rarely get to read I read with her backing being her diary and the post in it was well... Pritty damned "love him for ever" "couldnt hurt him" "life wouldnt be the same without him" "this is the man I want to hold my children" etc etc   UTTER BULL sh*t IMO!

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Reply #59 on: March 30, 2006, 12:40:38 PM

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