Author Topic: 0h n0es...  (Read 6578 times)

Re:0h n0es...
Reply #15 on: May 05, 2006, 16:23:35 PM
Quote from: Binary Shadow
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
the kit lens with 350Ds  (the nifty 50) is actually renowned for being the best (most useful and best bang for buck) lens on the canon, great results and useful for most "snapshot" situations and portraits. sure its a fixed focal length so theres no zoom, but its one of the best lenses out there.

Im sure the "stock" lens that i saw had zoom, it was also plastic and wobbly at the end... less than quality.

M3ta7h3ad is talking about the good old 50mm prime I think, though I am pretty sure the 350D comes as standard with the 18-55 zoom like just about every other DSLR on the market. Canon kit lenses are not known for their quality, the Nikon and Pentax 18-55 zooms are both optically superior and have better build quality. Thats not to say Canon dont make some nice glass, but you can expect to pay for it.

I spent some time looking at the sample photos on Steves digicams from the three contenders for my money (Nikon D50, Canon 350D, Pentax *ist DL). To my eyes the Nikon was ever so slightly sharper than the Pentax, but the Pentax had more pleasing colour rendition. The Canons sharpness was poor especially at the edges and its colour rendition was washy for my taste.

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Re:0h n0es...
Reply #16 on: May 05, 2006, 18:09:08 PM
My problem ATM is I live in a built up area and the street lights prevent any hope at reasonable star viewing so it isnt worth me bothering to invest in a scope otherwise I would get an eight incher. Many other people on the forums will suffer the same unfortunately :(

Interesting article about alternative lens technology, page down to magic eyes.

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Re:0h n0es...
Reply #17 on: May 05, 2006, 19:20:09 PM
Another one, was in the Metro newspaper today, completely transparent material with no reflections?

Re:0h n0es...
Reply #18 on: May 07, 2006, 21:29:31 PM
Quote from: Alien8
Some slrs now have IS too. and the cannon CCD is increadable in low light/higher ASAs

Thats because its not a teeny tiny CCD at all..

its actually a CMOS sensor, and as you say.. its pretty good. I dont have any problems with using ISO 400 at all, ISO 800 is even fairly good. 1600 starts to get a bit grainy though ;) - if you need ISO 1600 though, your probably a bit of a specialist and probably own something a bit nicer than a 350D, and thus have an even nicer sensor which can deal with 1600 just fine - my dads 20D does ISO 3200!

Quote from: Binary Shadow

Im sure the "stock" lens that i saw had zoom, it was also plastic and wobbly at the end... less than quality.

Its fine really, just dont do astrophotography with it, as there is a bit (just enough) play in it to end up with blobs instead of stars.

its absolutely fine for normal stuff, during the day - take a look at any of my trackday type stuff from the last Combe visit, it was all done on the kit lens. Its never going to equal the quality of the L lens you got to have a play with ;) ~11 / 12x price difference :lol:

The kit lens is an 18-55 zoom, F3.5 to 5.6 - It has been mentioned in here, the wonderful 50mm prime lens (non zoom) 1.8 - cheap, and very good.. I really need to get one really but I probably wont, as I plan on getting a 24-70mm F2.8 L series lens, to compliment my big white lens, and hopefully that should be everything ill need.

Re:0h n0es...
Reply #19 on: May 07, 2006, 21:46:39 PM
Quote from: snellgrove
and hopefully that should be everything ill need.

iv heard that before ;)

0h n0es...
Reply #20 on: May 07, 2006, 21:49:20 PM
yeah the shots from the CCC day do look very good, just need the 500 to buy one now lol

yep looks like its EOS 350D or bust... or maybe that should be and lol

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