Author Topic: Some stuff from the Paris  (Read 2960 times)

Some stuff from the Paris
on: January 26, 2012, 23:19:20 PM
Went to Paris at the weekend with the Mrs..

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris - Eiffel Tower by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris - Eiffel Tower by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

France - Eiffel Tower by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris - Eiffel Tower by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris - Eiffel Tower by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 22:27:19 PM by XEntity #187;

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Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #1 on: January 26, 2012, 23:54:32 PM
Great photos, always good to see the classic stairwell shot too 8)

Bacon will get moist for your B&W shot with the red highlights ;)

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 00:40:46 AM
...always good to see the classic stairwell shot too 8)

Haha... My last 3 holidays in stairs:


Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr


Stairs Rome by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr


Stairs Prague by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

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Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 09:49:04 AM
Nice pics especially the staircases :D

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Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 13:44:58 PM
WTF is this? :thumbdown: Where's the bread seller? the garlic necklaces? berets? book of stereotypes?  :lol:

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #5 on: January 27, 2012, 15:47:25 PM
haha XEntity has a stair fetish!

Nice shots, never been to Paris and don't really have any intention of going for a holiday as such but it does appear to be quite photographic going off these.

Really like the night time shots from what I presume is the top of the tower.  Did you take a tripod with you?

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 21:30:06 PM
Cheers, I was there for 3 days and we didn't do any of the museums, just walked round taking photos mostly (these are only from the first set I've uploaded and there are more on flickr, and more to be uploaded)

To be honest the weather was pretty rubbish, really overcast during the day, so rubbish light, that's why all these pics are during the night/twilight or on the rare occasion where there was a little bit of sun!

I think I might have a fetish, I don't look at stairs the same way most people do  Wub

Yeah I've got a light weight tripod for travelling, as my alu Manfrotto is massive and weighs a tonne so strap this to my slingshot and it fits perfect:

Slik Sprint Mini II

But replaced the head with the Manfrotto 494RC2, so I can keep the same mount for both tripods and it's just a better head anyway:

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #7 on: January 27, 2012, 23:06:36 PM
Looks a good tripod combo, I've got a similar one, a Hama Traveller Compact Pro Tripod but haven't changed the head on it might be a good idea if I can change it for something that uses the same plate as my larger manfortto one too.

Looks like you've handled the poor weather nicely then by not including it :D

Well your alright for now but if you start posting photos of stairs that don't look as good as the ones you've posted above I'll start to get worried and might have to call the men in white coats to come and get you...

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #8 on: January 27, 2012, 23:38:39 PM
Yeah, most of my first day of photos were average really because of the weather, I hate over-cast days for scenic shots, stormy weather is pretty good, I have some good lighting shots from Rome actually...

The tripod looks good, I think mines lighter and smaller, but doesn't have as near anywhere the extended height of yours which can be a real pain!

I'll post some kinky stuff later, like escalators :P

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #9 on: January 29, 2012, 10:18:03 AM
Aye my little tripod isn't small really, its a lot smaller than my Manfrotto but still quite big to carry about so not sure what it would be like to carry abroad.  The heads also not great so I might replace it but the entire tripod only cost me £20 so I'm not complaining too much.

Be careful you don't post anything too kinky, don't want to see you get banned for your erm perversions lol

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #10 on: January 29, 2012, 22:31:06 PM
That was a really good price! The new head is definitely worth it, even if it saves the hassle of switching plates..

I've re-uploaded the first and second pic, just added a grad on the skyline as it was bugging me..

And the one below with the Arc de Triomphe lurking in the background..

Paris by Jake Tebbett, on Flickr

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #11 on: January 30, 2012, 13:18:36 PM
That looks better, have you got enough to try a panoramic of them?  That would look cool if you did.

Only problem with getting a new head is that my current one is rather old and uses the old hex plates rather than the newer square/rectangular plates, I have been looking at a completely new tripod though...

Re: Some stuff from the Paris
Reply #12 on: January 30, 2012, 21:17:08 PM
No the main problem was that using the tripod I had to poke the lens through the wire fencing around it, and at certain points you couldn't get the right angle or there were lightening rods in the way. I would have used the wide angle lens if it would have fit..

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