Author Topic: Tibet Pics (loads of pics so no 56k... does anyone still use dial up...)  (Read 1434 times)

  • Offline Kunal

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Ended up using up 7gb in the end! First time Ive properly used RAW images, and while theyre brilliant for tweaking, its tedious when you have so many to go through.

Goes without saying, had an awesome time out there, no pictures of the Beijing/China part of the trip, far too much smog and everything is covered in scafolding for the olympics. Still need to sort out the few pictures I have from Nepal/Kathmandu.

So in chronological order..

The Barkhor circuit in Lhasa

Laurel and Hardy style cops sitting right in the middle of circuit path playing cards! Random

People praying outside the Jokhang

Tea House off the square near the Barkhor circuit - note Yak butter tea is horrid - like sweaty soaks in your mouth

Outside the Sera Monestary

The Dalai Lamas Summer Palace gardens in Lhasa

The new Summer Palace with some kids looking at the funky fish in the fountain

The Potala Palace also in Lhasa

Within the Potala Palace

Carving of a giant Bhudda

The Usual Suspects - click to enlarge

Jump around


Playing around with HDR in a bar the night before reaching Everest Base Camp

Milky Way.... ruined by random light pollution!

Road to Everest

And well finish with a panoramic stiched shot - click to enlarge

Very annoyingly I noticed when I got back that theres a couple of dust specs on the sensor which has meant Ive had to clean/edit all the shots I want to keep.

Most pics taken with my new Canon 10-22mm F/3.5-4.5 ultra wide angle which is a lot of fun to play with, can defintely recommend it. Couple of the closer shots taken with 50mm F/1.8 MKII. Panoramic taken using my 75-300mm on a tripod.

  • Offline Serious

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Got yourself some nice pictures there, the panorama is particularly good by the looks of that.

Hope you bought yourself some goodies too :ptu:

makes me want to go.. but also makes me think Ill be a tad bored.

some really sweet shots there, nicely done!

Looks like the 10-22 is working out well for you, Im thinking about getting myself the Sigma 10-20 soonish so these are quite interesting for me.

Absolutely love the pano shot, just gorgeous.

Gutting about the sunglasses shot. Should have focused on the image, rather than the glasses :) Would have been ace otherwise.

Love the panorama, and also love the jump around one and the road to everest.

  • Offline Kunal

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Sunglasses shot is unfortunately just a crop and not a resize. Only really noticed the temple in the glass when I got back home (screen on the camera is tiny).

  • Offline bear

  • Rutabaga
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Great pictures !!!

I like them, full of colour and love the panoramic!

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