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Entertainment & Technology / Re: Network expansion - Starlink Router
« Last post by knighty on July 08, 2023, 23:44:33 PM »
hi, welcome back :-)

I'd forget about mesh and just fit a bunch of access points?

what kind of distance between the buildings etc. ?

what kind of starlink speed are they getting?

I've fitted a few of these at work and a bunch of the older ones (same thing, bit slower)

power over ethernet so no worrying about power where I need it

I like them, piece of cake to setup, good coverage, decent speed etc. etc.

but means you'll need wires between buildings
Entertainment & Technology / Network expansion - Starlink Router
« Last post by addictweb on July 08, 2023, 04:42:34 AM »
Hi All! Long time since ive been here, very glad you're all still around!

My parents have just had Starlink fitted at their farm, mainly for a business which rents a building there. They have got a single ethernet cable running from the Starlink router up to the house and need to convert that into some proper network coverage.

Currently it goes into some BT mesh disks which works ok but it feels like some for an upgrade.

Whats the best way to go about converting a single ethernet WAN connection into a very large wifi area (ideally across multiple buildings)? Can I fit an additional router? Do I just need a good mesh setup? Ubiquity?

Im lost, please help!
Entertainment & Technology / New Monitor
« Last post by neXus on June 30, 2023, 04:08:00 AM »
I have had the  1st Gen Acer X34 for a while but it has been progressively getting worse with it cutting out to black, green fuzzy lines and so on.
Not a wash with money so been on the hunt for a replacement for a few months and there was a 30% off and bought this:


Still working on the desk setup and cables etc. My wife uses my old Macbook Pro when working from home, I sometimes need to work at home and use my Macbook Pro as well as the PC.
I found the HDMI and wife's laptop not pushing enough pixels so have cables / adapters coming to sort that.

Not fully sorted cable management and currently sorting and cleaning the office as well.

I am keeping the Acer because it may be based on an issue I have found common online. Some of the capacitors / chips become faulty and cause current issues / display issues. I can keep my eye out for a broken screen going cheap and buy it and swap the parts over and then hook the other up as well.
Entertainment & Technology / Re: When did everything get so expensive and tacky?
« Last post by neXus on June 19, 2023, 05:11:57 AM »
I've been viewing a lot of houses lately as we are looking to move, you would be amazed how many bedrooms I've seen with RGB strips plastered all around the edges of the room.

RGB is cool sh*t now and not just for the nerds, apparently.

RGB strips like that OK if done right, at least lights with the yellow and white options.
If you have a proper sunk in LED strip around the edges like that with a defuser that can be controlled by the light switch/google it is actually really good to have the toned lighting at different times and automated.
Entertainment & Technology / Re: It's Spec-Me-Up time!
« Last post by Clock'd 0Ne on June 17, 2023, 09:51:02 AM »
I doubt you will have to pay for the returns seeing as you told them to hold the order as you wanted to make some changes. Maybe they will even do a collection on delivery arrangement (that's what I would do if I was still in the game)
I've been viewing a lot of houses lately as we are looking to move, you would be amazed how many bedrooms I've seen with RGB strips plastered all around the edges of the room.

RGB is cool sh*t now and not just for the nerds, apparently.
Entertainment & Technology / Re: When did everything get so expensive and tacky?
« Last post by neXus on June 16, 2023, 02:19:51 AM »
yep... a few tech type shows come up on my youtube feed regularly... it's all RGB... who gives a f**k about that?

there's less and less talk about performance/cooling, more and more about hot it looks :-(

We're all 40 or more, thus not the target audience anymore. :lol:
Noctua are pushing the airflow and technology, Corsair are all about the RGB and connectivity and the rest are all over the place.

At the end of the day though, these companies are making money having their stuff show up on tik tok's etc of peoples setups and so that is where the money is, that is where they are leaning too. As long as things are decently cooled people care more about having those dream desk setups now.
I am sure if we all did a thread here of our setup's most would be far removed from this, we are not the target audience and we care for the performance etc over the looks more than anything else.
yep... a few tech type shows come up on my youtube feed regularly... it's all RGB... who gives a f**k about that?

there's less and less talk about performance/cooling, more and more about hot it looks :-(

We're all 40 or more, thus not the target audience anymore. :lol:
Entertainment & Technology / Re: When did everything get so expensive and tacky?
« Last post by neXus on June 14, 2023, 02:56:55 AM »
Got one. And a new gamemax cooler to go with it.
Eldest can turn all the rgb sh*te on when he's playing hogwarts, I can turn it off when I'm booming.

In terms of your original Query...
A lot of cases are now targeted for looks. They do have some airflow control but they are for the streams, the tick tok videos and all the RGB. Some do both and some focus on the Airflow and are more expensive as a result. There is indeed a lot of expensive crap out there but there are good ones and there are cheaper cases but the good stuff at the moment is worth it.

Lian Li cases are good. I have the Lian Li evo dynamic (White).
But ones focused on cooling out there at the moment are brands like..]
- Fractal cases
- Lian Li Lancool
- be quiet cases
- People say the Cooler Master MasterBox NR600 is good but it is a no frills case.
Entertainment & Technology / Re: It's Spec-Me-Up time!
« Last post by Eagle on June 12, 2023, 23:56:51 PM »
GAH!  Useless.  ???

I asked Scan to hold-off dispatching the order because I wanted to amend it (Case, PSU and Fans).  No problem they said - not due some parts until 16th anyway.

What did they do?

Dispatched it today...  Grrrr.

Will I have to pay for the return of the items?   
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