Author Topic: 10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike  (Read 13300 times)

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #15 on: April 16, 2006, 23:41:47 PM
Quote from: Walrusbonzo

I often do a full hour on the bike these days, can usually rake up an estimated 700 calories(did 750 the other day).  That was 36km in the hour, heart rate usually around 150~160, peaking at in 180s when I was really pushing it.

Im very fit these days though so exercise like that doesnt bother me. I come off and Im fine, I would carry on if it wasnt for having a sore arse :D

Bah!!! pedal harder!!!!!  :twisted:

I can do 500 calories in about  30 mins on a cross trainer and never get a sore arse  :mrgreen:

Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #16 on: April 17, 2006, 02:18:07 AM
I dont understand the fascination with exercise bikes, why sit in the house on a stationary bike? Its really boring to me. I think the idea of a bike is to have fun, get out and let all your troubles just slide away. Exercise and getting fit is just a side effect of having fun.

Some people say cycling in wind and hail, snow and ice are dangerous, I say its fun! snow, lovelly and cold, cycle faster to get warm (just wear some gloves, so you dont have your fingers falling off)

Ice, just gives more of an addrenalin rush, hail, toughens you up, it tenderises you.

Rain is great to cycle in too! if youre not going to work that is.

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #17 on: April 17, 2006, 03:14:54 AM
mr_roll  go to your local gym and use a exercise bike  in January or February,
there are many scantly clad females bouncing up and down a few feet from you and you will see the fascination :D

As for sitting in front of the telly at home doing it, I see your point  :( :P  

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #18 on: April 17, 2006, 03:20:15 AM
Quote from: mr_roll
I dont understand the fascination with exercise bikes, why sit in the house on a stationary bike? Its really boring to me. I think the idea of a bike is to have fun, get out and let all your troubles just slide away. Exercise and getting fit is just a side effect of having fun.

What about the rain, sleet or snow? If you put it infront of the telly you can exercise and watch your faveorite proggies at the same time.

For me even a shower would stop me from riding my normal bike due to muscles cramping up so this is a very good alternative for the winter months.

Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #19 on: April 17, 2006, 03:46:20 AM
See my only TV shows I watch are, well top gear and somtimes Simpsons, Futurama and 24. Theres a few others, but most of the time I dont like TV it depresses me.

I can understand for those who whod get muscle cramp but those who dont and just do it to watch their favourite programs while at home. Im against that, it might sound strange/stupid, but from what I said before, cycling for me is about escaping from the norm and having a total release. Sitting in front of Emmerdale, CSI or somthing like that is NOT escaping.

Those people are, well lazy and weak. Lazy because if you went out and cycled the same amount in the wind and rain youd certainly burn more energy off I think.
Weak, just because they havnt got the staminer to get out of the house and go on their bike for a real ride. I just think its a better feeling.

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #20 on: May 01, 2006, 12:34:57 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
120 bpm doesnt sound that much of a workout tbh.

its 70% max heart rate isnt it?

So that would be 210 (I think) - 21 = 189 * 0.7 = 132.4 for me at least.

hmm actually yeah.. perhaps it is :) forgot serious tiz a wee bit older than meself. :) Kudos matey.. just gotta keep it up :)

130 estimated average, 148 peak last night wihout any real strain. 14.24km in 30 minutes 8)

Leg muscles feel very stiff this morning though :(

Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #21 on: May 01, 2006, 14:02:42 PM
see!!! :) told you... that distance will shoot up the more you do it :D

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #22 on: July 05, 2006, 00:06:33 AM
Havent updated this in a bit, 10.02km in 20 minutes tonight peak pulse 142bpm average 138bpm.

Had to stop cause I couldnt stand the BO smell :gag: :( and went to have a shower...

Muscles are aching of course, as is the joints but not too badly. Whn I started the thread I was almost crippled doing less.

Anyway Im very happy with that performance :)

10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #23 on: July 05, 2006, 00:49:27 AM
Quote from: Serious
Everything was OK till I got off and then all the leg muscles siezed up and I ended up with the knees locked and unable to bend them for ten minutes...


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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #24 on: July 05, 2006, 00:50:46 AM
I know thats funny, but its what happened, try climbing stairs when your legs are like frankensteins monsters  :(

Didnt happen today though :)

10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #25 on: July 05, 2006, 11:17:28 AM
ive just retaken up biking in effort to burn off the burger kings (nige will remember it got quite silly how many times we used to go!)

anyway im looking at getting an excercise bike, anyone have any ideas what i should look for?

  • Offline Serious

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Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #26 on: July 05, 2006, 18:45:33 PM
Ive got a relatively cheap Rebok thats more than adequate. make sure its got a permanent magnetic resistance system rather than friction. I tried a friction one and while pedalling noticed a smell, it was the belt starting to burn! :o

Even better you might be able to get a generator fixed to one if you look hard enough.

Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #27 on: July 05, 2006, 19:02:27 PM
go for a spinner :) Friction brake to apply resistance when you need it, and when it wears through just replace the pads :)

Re:10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #28 on: July 05, 2006, 19:10:10 PM
Quote from: Serious
I tried a friction one and while pedalling noticed a smell, it was the belt starting to burn! :o

arnie 2

the geordinator  :lol:

10km in 23mins on my Rebok exercise bike
Reply #29 on: July 05, 2006, 19:12:58 PM
Quote from: andy[tek
]ive just retaken up biking in effort to burn off the burger kings (nige will remember it got quite silly how many times we used to go!)

anyway im looking at getting an excercise bike, anyone have any ideas what i should look for?

Bad geek.  Get a real bike!

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