Author Topic: Age of Conan thread  (Read 3231 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #30 on: May 26, 2008, 09:32:21 AM
The resources are interesting in being persistant. Quite cool how it makes you hunt for them and then you can place a map marker when you find them...

...but so open to abuse. I give it a week or two before lists are on google of resource locations.

Any idea if the fields of the dead are still bugged? Ive got a couple of quests Im either gonna have to ditch or hold onto until its safe to go in!

Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #31 on: May 27, 2008, 10:03:47 AM
It isnt a lack of content per se

It is the fact you level so fast that you dont really experience anything, I havent been power levelling at all yet am almost 40.

In wow that would have taken weeks, this has been done in less than a week of partial playing.

It just feels like they have made it fast levelling as they realise they havent enough content (quests etc) to keep people going at a level for long.

The fact I cant do any gathering because of the feat fixing bug, I am now playing a character where i can only level, which is beginning to get a bit repetitive.

1) Get quest
2) Look on map where i need to go.
3) Go to area
4) Kill everything in that area
5) Go back to quest giver
6) Go to step 1

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #32 on: May 27, 2008, 10:29:25 AM
But isnt the alternative to that to get the quests, do them, and then grind like mad for a week?

Im actually liking the fact that there is a surplus of quests. It means I can choose whether to quest in a group or not. I admit Im a little surprised at how fast im levelling but Im not complaining. Once I hit 40 and get my mount I think Ill ease off playing wise.

Maybe with the levelling theyre focusing on the end-game higher stuff, you get through fairly quickly and then it comes down to some high end instances, gathering resources for your guild, and attacking/defending guilds etc?

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #33 on: May 27, 2008, 10:45:28 AM
Quote from: zpyder
The resources are interesting in being persistant. Quite cool how it makes you hunt for them and then you can place a map marker when you find them...

...but so open to abuse. I give it a week or two before lists are on google of resource locations.

Any idea if the fields of the dead are still bugged? Ive got a couple of quests Im either gonna have to ditch or hold onto until its safe to go in!

The Fields of the Dead issue seems to be related to sound, if you disable sound completely from the launchpad you can still get by in there.

Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #34 on: May 27, 2008, 11:11:46 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Maybe with the levelling theyre focusing on the end-game higher stuff, you get through fairly quickly and then it comes down to some high end instances, gathering resources for your guild, and attacking/defending guilds etc?

ATM there is no end game, other than a bit of PvP which noone can do as noone has enough money to make a full PvE cities yet let alone a PvP keep.

There are alot of high level people who are complaining that they have nothing to do.

Yes they rushed there, but now they are stuck in limbo until something new comes out.

They needed another 6 months dev time, but they realised with WoW:WotLK and Warhammer coming out soon they needed to beat them.

As soon as the 30 days are up they are going to drop players like lead weights atm, yes most of them were probably going to go anyway, but there will be a large chunk who are just bored.

Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #35 on: May 27, 2008, 11:26:13 AM
been reading this thread.. find it quite odd that theres 80 character levels & people are well past 40 already.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #36 on: May 27, 2008, 11:33:49 AM
Quote from: Eggtastico
been reading this thread.. find it quite odd that theres 80 character levels & people are well past 40 already.

Yeah, it slows down as you get to the further levels in an mmo but it does seem rather to quick and as people seem to be saying with all the bugs and no real end game while a good game they will probably loose a lot of players until they address many bugs and supply a lot of content sooner rather then later.


  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #37 on: May 27, 2008, 11:35:01 AM
I figured the only reason I was so high was because Id played beta through umpteen times so I could pretty much work through the quest chain blindfolded. Ive been playing quite a bit as well so those who are 80 must genuinely have no life. Thats their prerogative but if they get there quickly and find no other 80s to play with they have no-one to blame but themselves. Once I hit 80 I plan to spend all of my time apprencticing lower people in my guild. Wait.. whats that... doing something that has no personal gain? What an unusual concept in an MMO.

I can see a lot of developers just packing it in soon to be honest, there is so much whining in must be pretty soul destroying at times.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #38 on: May 27, 2008, 15:24:33 PM
Quote from: Sweenster

ATM there is no end game, other than a bit of PvP which noone can do as noone has enough money to make a full PvE cities yet let alone a PvP keep.

The thing I see with the resource system is, though the resource areas are chocka with nodes, it wont take much for them to be constantly exhausted by having a single player sat at each node waiting for it to refresh...?

Thinking about it, WoW seems to be the only MMO game Ive played where Ive not really encountered much whining. Im not saying it doesnt happen, just that Ive not seen it. LOTRO and AoC I have had to put up with LOADS of whining (some from me as well I admit)

Im just hoping its early days syndrome and things will get ironed out soon. The combat system is cool and theres great potential if they sort out some of the issues mentioned. Only reason I am at level 35 atm in less than a week is because I finished uni and have been pretty hardcore. I think in WoW if I had spent the same time from scratch Id be at about level 25-30 so theres not that much difference. The main thing though is wow would have had a heck of a lot more needless grinding.

  • Offline Bacon

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #39 on: May 27, 2008, 23:27:19 PM
Insert signature here.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #40 on: May 27, 2008, 23:32:55 PM
Ive got to disagree with you there Bacon. Ive been around for quite a few MMO launches and this one has been by far the smoothest game to launch and the game with the most content that Ive seen at launch bar none. Obviously that is to be expected as new technology allows developers to push things forward somewhat but it really isnt anywhere near as bad as the whiners make out. Were hoping theyll up sticks and head back to World of Warcraft sometime soon so we can stop muting the OOC channel and get back to enjoying a rather good game that is suffering from a few minor teething problems.

If anyone reading does decide to give it a bash and youre on Aquilonia be sure to drop me a PM and Ill see you in game.

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #41 on: May 28, 2008, 01:31:29 AM
I still haven’t been able to play due to my connection, but I must say it all sounds a bit disappointing from you guys :(

Which is a real shame, as I thought the game got off to a good start.

I will level a character up to 80 more than likely before making my own mind up on the game, but it isnt looking great at the min :(

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #42 on: May 28, 2008, 10:06:59 AM
Resource wise, I am now in a guild, and the guild instance resource zone is chocka!

  • Offline Bacon

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #43 on: May 28, 2008, 10:55:30 AM
Insert signature here.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Age of Conan thread
Reply #44 on: May 28, 2008, 15:11:06 PM
Quote from: Bacon
Were hoping theyll up sticks and head back to World of Warcraft

This is what will ruin the game.

Its going to turn out to be another Lotro, 100-150k subscribers with a niche slice of the market, surely this is not what any company wants.

Its the whiners that pay the bills, that keep the servers up.

Actually Funcom always stated from the word go that they werent looking to take on the big ones like World of Warcraft but instead felt there was a niche in MMOs that they were going to exploit. Of course now that theyve launched to such an astounding success Im sure that the PR people will be singing a very different tune, but that was certainly the initial objective.

At the end of the day World of Warcraft = kids and whiners = dumbing down the game to suit them rather than forcing them to play the game as it was originally intended. To be honest the fact that it has done so well at launch could end up being its downfall, throughout development people were very hesitant to make World of Warcraft comparisons as they are really at opposite ends of the MMO spectrum however now that the media has picked up on it and everyone and their auntie are making World of Warcraft comparisons it is only logical that the next step will be to dumb things down and remove things that make Age of Conan so intuitive in response to the rather vocal crowd whove jumped over from Warcraft in an effort to keep subscriber numbers high.

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