Author Topic: DLink 323 - How To Guide  (Read 3530 times)

DLink 323 - How To Guide
on: March 03, 2011, 19:58:39 PM
I just used the below guide to install FunPlug onto my DLink 323:

I started at Step 2, there is no need to reset your NAS box if you know your admin username and password.

One other note is that you need to add a valid dns address into Setup -> LAN -> DNS1 otherwise you wont be able to download files later in the tutorial. I used the OpenDNS address which worked fine.

My next step is to install the Transmission torrent client but I dont seem to be able to find a working download at the moment.
Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 13:38:42 PM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

Re: DLink 323 - Links to guides
Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 20:17:47 PM
Found what I needed in the comments of[REL]-Transmission.html . The guide is also good.

Got Transmission installed with DynDns also running (built in functionality) to give me a static address. Downloaded Transdroid for my phone so i can control and view my torrents from my phone.

Remaining tasks are to get auto-downloading working (from RSS feeds) and get auto-unraring, moving and deleting of completed torrents working.

Its pretty much taken me all weekend to get this far. Lots of faffing but very pleased with the setup so far.
Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 20:22:37 PM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

Re: DLink 323 - Links to guides
Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 09:06:10 AM
Thanks for this!

I'm trying to get FFP running so I can install Twonky and transfer files between drives more efficiently.
Last time I tried, it killed all access to the internal HDD's.  I had to factory reset it (No data loss)

Re: DLink 323 - Links to guides
Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 23:22:30 PM
Getting Transmission To Automatically Add Torrents

This is how to make Transmission automatically download torrents that are put into a torrents folder, this makes the ad-hoc torrent downloading process easier in my opinion, no logging into the web interface, just set all torrents to download to the given directory and you're away!

Log into your DNS323 using SSH.

1 stop transmission
Code: [Select]
/ffp/start/ stop
2 navigate to the folder containing the settings file
Code: [Select]
cd /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/
3 Open the settings file in a text editor, in this example Vi
Code: [Select]
vi settings.json
4 insert the following two lines at the end of the file (use the arrow keys to go to the end of the file then press 'o' to insert a new line, then right click to paste the following:

Code: [Select]
“watch-dir”: “/mnt/HD_b2/Downloads/Torrents/”,
“watch-dir-enabled”: true

5 quit and save the changes
Code: [Select]

6 restart transmission
Code: [Select]
/ffp/start/ start
If the directory you want to use doesnt already exist make it and permission it ie:
Code: [Select]
cd /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads/
mkdir Torrents
chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads/Torrents/
Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 08:03:33 AM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

Re: DLink 323 - Links to guides
Reply #4 on: March 19, 2011, 14:57:42 PM
Installing and Configuring Automatic for Transmission on DLink DNS323 to download from RSS feeds

This will allow Transmission to automatically (hence the name) download torrents from an RSS feed.

Firstly, HUGE thanks to KyleK at forum.dsmg600 for creating Automatic. All credit to him for all of this and to the contributere who helped with a lot of this information.

Pre-requisites are:
- funplug installed
- FTP and SSH access
- Transmission installed with watch-dir working (previous post)

1 - Download the Automatic funplug package, download it here.

2 - FTP (using CuteFTP or similar) this file to from your PC to your DNS323 ffp/pkg folder (e.g. /Volume_1/ffp/pkg/ )

3 - Log into your DNS323 as root using SSH. Navigate to and install the package
Code: [Select]
cd /ffp/pkg/
funpkg -i Automatic-0.6.4-1.tgz

4 - Stop the process (in case it is automatically started)
Code: [Select]
/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start/ stop
5 - Navigate to the folder where the Automatic configuration file is located:
Code: [Select]
cd /ffp/etc/
6 - Make your own config file by copying the example config file:
Code: [Select]
cp automatic.conf-sample automatic.conf
7 - Open the new config file for editing
Code: [Select]
vi automatic.conf
8 - Copy and update the following lines of the config. User arrow keys to navigate the relevant line, type (capital) 'O' to insert a new line below the current one and to enter edit mode (if you're not inserting a new line press 'i' to enter edit mode) highlight the text you want to copy then right click to paste the copied text. Modify the text as needed then press ESC to exit edit mode. For more information on using vi see this cheat sheet.
Code: [Select]
# rpc-host = "localhost"
rpc-host = "localhost"

# rpc-port = 9091
rpc-port = 9091

# rpc-auth = "user:password"
rpc-auth = "myTransmissionUsername:myTransmissionPassword"

#feed = { url => ""
#         cookies => ""
#       }
# This is where you enter any RSS feeds you want to use. You can have more than one feed
# I haven't found a need to use cookies, even for private trackers.
feed = { url => ""
         cookies => ""

#Changed from yes, this reduces issues and and uses the watch-dir feature of Transmission instead
use-transmission = no

#Change to the folder you have setup in your Transmission watch-dir config entry
torrent-folder = "/mnt/HD_b2/Downloads/Torrents/"

# Optionally change this to a more suitable location for the state file, i use my transmission directory
statefile = "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/automatic.state"

#filter = { pattern => "*HDTV"
#           folder => ""
#         }
# Add a filter for each program you want to download.
# If you want it to download to a specific folder enter it in the folder section, otherwise leave it blank and it will download to your transmission default download folder.
filter = { pattern => "CSI*HDTV"
           folder => "/mnt/HD_b2/TV/CSI/"
filter = { pattern => "Mad Men*720p"
           folder => "/mnt/HD_b2/TV/Mad Men/"

9 - Once finished setting up as you want, write the file and close it by typing
Code: [Select]
10 - Create a blank state file (as automatic cant create its own)
Code: [Select]
touch /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/automatic.state
11 - Restart Automatic
Code: [Select]
/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start/ start
12 - Check the log to see if all is well and if any torrents were found
Code: [Select]
All set! Hopefully now your handy NAS drive will sit there and download all your shows to the correct folders without any interaction from you!

I have this working with TorrentLeech (using the generated personal RSS address from the profile page).
Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 14:21:04 PM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

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