Author Topic: Firefox 3 This Tuesday  (Read 5458 times)

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Re:Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 08:09:08 AM
Try typing "about:robots" into the Awesomebar (url bar) and press enter. The earth will stand still for you. 8-)

Cool new easter egg, huh? :)

Edit: Also its already out (or should be) for Ubuntu users. :)

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Re:Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 15:49:38 PM
It is out but its Release Client v2 its not live yet

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #4 on: June 13, 2008, 23:00:48 PM
/v3 I should have said ^^


Things about firefox 3:
Only some of them really since there is a lot more as well and many of them you may not notice at first Glance (certain person I know said it was no different to 2, lol)

  • Offline skidzilla

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Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #5 on: June 14, 2008, 06:08:54 AM
I shouldve said that RC2 is the live client, as the only showstopper is (was) an Apple Mac specific bug.

So for all intents it is already out (live) for Linux users at least.

You should learn , its a great feature. :)

  • Offline neXus

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Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #6 on: June 14, 2008, 11:31:13 AM
Quote from: skidzilla
I shouldve said that RC2 is the live client, as the only showstopper is (was) an Apple Mac specific bug.

So for all intents it is already out (live) for Linux users at least.

You should learn , its a great feature. :)

Thing is RC3 was pushed out as well and all platforms so its not live, live for all platforms is Tuesday :)

Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #7 on: June 14, 2008, 11:44:01 AM

Its already bad enough that sh*t developers hide behind the "designed for firefox" logos/buttons, introducing more experimental features (html canvas for example) will only further the gap.

Great for an application, for internet users in general though its sh*t.

Lets not forget the browser with the largest market share is still IE.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #8 on: June 14, 2008, 12:06:59 PM
Having the largest market share doesnt make you the better product. The new FF seems much better than FF2, no crashes or slowdowns for me yet. Its still miles better than IE.

Linux fanboys know all about that argument Im sure.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #9 on: June 14, 2008, 12:22:17 PM
IE8 current beta is sh*te, at the same stage FF3 is over double faster, means nothing now but still and its memo special feature MS think will be its big feature is already an addon in firefox and a nice one at that.

I have to laugh at M3ta7h3ad tbh because Mozilla are the ones who are web standards compliance and since this my field its the dogs and FF3 is the dogs bollux in this sense, the image rendering alone for example is really noticable and in terms of rich sites it is really good. FF2 has had issues with Javascript but so do them all since the use has increased and that alone in FF3 is an amazing step up.
The font rendering and canvas features that are here are good But do not interfere with your web standards unlike what MS do with IE.
IE8 will be web standards complaint but depending on what they decide as they are still tossing around the idea you may need to switch from the MS way to everyone else way as they may still have their crap way as default.

Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #10 on: June 16, 2008, 20:41:14 PM
you say "Everyone elses way" but yet again I remind you, IE has the largest market share.

IE8 is beta you arse. FF3 is final. Theres a huge difference.

Im not bitching about web standards compliance im bitching about poor web design being hidden behind "designed for" buttons and logos.

Firefox 3 will only increase the effect, as already Ive had to see and use stuff that "only for firefox", open it in IE and you get nada.

Considering the web is meant to be viewable for all, it appears firefox is in fact the cause of sh*t developers. Think back to the Netscape and IE differences, only its worse. Instead of not displaying the blink tag, now entire pages refuse to load for anyone who doesnt use firefox.

Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 20:45:50 PM
Oh and html canvas... totally not a standard (yet).

Its part of a working draft for HTML 5.0 which was only put together in January of this year! Guess MSFT isnt the only "non-standards compliant" browser out there.

Also the new standards compliant mode of IE8 with the backwards compatibility providing the capability to view pages as intended in IE7 is a beautiful thing. Does Firefox offer this? Not as far as im aware.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #12 on: June 16, 2008, 22:41:15 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
providing the capability to view pages as intended in IE7 is a beautiful thing

IE7 goes far from displaying sites "as intended", its not that much better than IE6 in terms of standards adherence. Have you never noticed how CSS hacks are only built for IE, Opera and Safari, never for FF?

My main gripe with FF from a developer standpoint is their insistence on rendering incorrectly formatted tags parsed through Gecko, but its a minor gripe.

FF can be switched into quirks mode and disregards doctypes, suitable for crap sites.

Ive never seen this "designed for" nonsense. Anyone designing sites with one browser in mind is not a good web developer.

  • Offline neXus

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Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #13 on: June 16, 2008, 22:47:40 PM
you say "Everyone elses way" but yet again I remind you, IE has the largest market share.

Which is fading fast, but the point being

IE8 is beta you arse. FF3 is final. Theres a huge difference.

M3ta7h3ad do you not read things on purpose to better have a go at posters or just dont?
IE8 current beta is sh*te, at the same stage FF3 is over double faster,

When FF3 was at the same stage it was faster and more stable - Had and been testing both due to what I do, got people at work here the same and all in agreement about their progress as well as on the web others also and note how I also said..
means nothing now but still

So call someone and arse where it is due but really it is again you just being one yourself here, bit pointless getting tedious as well.

Im not bitching about web standards compliance im bitching about poor web design being hidden behind "designed for" buttons and logos.

Firefox 3 will only increase the effect, as already Ive had to see and use stuff that "only for firefox", open it in IE and you get nada.

This always pulls from anything new in many aspects of web design or the ability to do things, very nice or handy or cool features cool and the bad designers will over use them or not use them and the good ones use them correctly. It will ALWAYS be the case with ANYTHING.

Considering the web is meant to be viewable for all, it appears firefox is in fact the cause of sh*t developers. Think back to the Netscape and IE differences, only its worse. Instead of not displaying the blink tag, now entire pages refuse to load for anyone who doesnt use firefox.

This is very wrong because web standards is the basis of good design, you do know if create a correct website with valid source and correct wording, correct content format etc it will effect your position on search engines etc which in terms of business is very important? Firefox is the best for this and with the addons like firebug it is the source of GOOD developers not sh*te. IE on the other hand IS and because of MS decision to do things differently until 8 It will always be. Eight May comply with a lot of things but its going to be bulky and slow and In terms of development and usage it is important.

Actual predictions from people knowing what they are on about indicate to 20% use for FF Within a few months of FF3 if not more with IE8 being a little way off. Safari will have its new version soon and now being on windows also will see a jump with both eating into IE. With the mobile market as well and Opera again you have a broader and increasing range of market of which IE will be lagging behind and having its market share eating away.
Dell is also considering Safari (do not know why but meh) as something to be pre installed in their packages for example as well.

Firefox 3 This Tuesday
Reply #14 on: June 16, 2008, 23:38:34 PM
TBH the use of the canvas system is neither here nor there. It is a system that is being trialled and you have the option of viewing it with firefox, if a site is designed using it, then yes they are limiting it to browsers that can use it.

Now if i were to mention activex... the bane of the net for the past few years. MS only web based system that was until recently necessary to get updates for windows.

That is making built for browser websites, hell look at wmp for vista or xp mce, MS decided to change the way they process video files resulting in firefox and other browsers not being able to handle embedded files. It took the open source department of MS to release a plug-in that allowed it to work, which is a bit buggy.

FF has pushed forward browsing more than anybody recently, creating a browser built around standards whilst pushing new ideas and technologies. Opera is another major contributor to the browser market but more aimed as an all in one browser that does everything.

IE has been the left behind platform for years, it is now coming back with a few sticky plasters and random crap bolted on to try and make itself seem interesting.

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