Author Topic: My Bloody Valentine  (Read 1293 times)

My Bloody Valentine
on: January 17, 2009, 18:53:52 PM
Havent seen it but a woman was brought out of the film and laid on a bench at the cinema to recover (she was hyperventilating and being sick) last night, is it really that bad?

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Re:My Bloody Valentine
Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 19:28:50 PM
That could have just been something weird to do with the 3d-ness? Is it possible to trigger epileptic  fits with the 3D format?

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Re:My Bloody Valentine
Reply #2 on: January 17, 2009, 20:42:34 PM
This has been going on for a long time, people go in to watch nasty films, get uptight and end up fainting/being sick. When they released the Exorcist there were a load of people collapsing at cinemas. My father was in a cinema doing emergency first aid while that was on.

Some people just seem to be genetically/psychologically primed to feel sick/vomit/faint while experiencing what is for them a visually horrific scene. So, for some people, yes, it really is that bad, but it might not be for you or someone else.

Re:My Bloody Valentine
Reply #3 on: January 17, 2009, 20:52:13 PM
Quote from: Serious
but it might not be for you or someone else.

Its not getting a chance! lol

Im not squeamish in the slightest but I HATE horror films!

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Re:My Bloody Valentine
Reply #4 on: January 17, 2009, 21:30:18 PM
Quote from: *she-devil*
Quote from: Serious
but it might not be for you or someone else.

Its not getting a chance! lol

Im not squeamish in the slightest but I HATE horror films!

For me it depends, I don mind the early ones but I dont see the point in films which are simply gratuitous murder and violence. The ones where the villain revive and come back again and again and again simply grind. They seem to have decided the action, if you can call it that, is everything and theyve lost all hope of a worthwhile script or plot.

I include action films like Rambo in this, one conscript or a hundred, its just grind and doesnt add to the film.

Is not the blood either, Ive seen the real stuff too often for that.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:My Bloody Valentine
Reply #5 on: January 17, 2009, 21:45:31 PM
Id agree with the more recent horror villain films (Jason x and Halloween H20 and all that), but you have to admit that those first few films with the unstoppable evil were pretty good. They were kind of genre defining, bringing that element into the picture where no one was safe, and even though the cast might get the upper hand at some points, it was never over.

I dont get people that go into a film and then walk out after the first 10 mins or whatever, do these people pick a film out of a hat on the day or something? The cinema isnt exactly cheap nowadays so if youre going to go out and watch something, at least find out whether its in a genre you like and whether it is mild or strong flavoured...!

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