Author Topic: Warhammer Online  (Read 5231 times)

Warhammer Online
on: April 11, 2008, 00:29:00 AM
Since i got chatting with poison about this i thought i would make an actual post about this mmo in development.

The main european site:

The game is currently in development with a release later this year. Based on the warhammer universe from Games Workshop it aims to bring players into a world of conflict and politics on and epic scale.

Possibly the most interesting MMO currently in development especially given the developer is Mythic of "Dark Age of Camelot" fame.

They are currently inviting people to take part in the closed beta though no announcement of when or who will qualify.

You can also take part in the public beta and get head start in game upon release if you buy the collectors edition. (only though play)

I cant wait for this, even though i havent been a Games Workshop fan for a few years. Given the size of the universe, background and the developer this has the opportunity to be amazing.

Warhammer Online
Reply #1 on: April 11, 2008, 00:39:06 AM
Only thing that has put me off is the fact that the Collectors Edition box is 60 quid! Thats with one months subs included I know but thats still a lot of money for a game that you are just going to install once. Still yes I have it on pre-order ;)

Its going to put pressure on Uni lol!

Any game footage to look at yet? As I know they are still under Disclosure Agreements with current Beta testers... :(

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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #2 on: April 11, 2008, 00:46:12 AM
There are already far to many Elves/Orcs/Goblins high fantasy MMOs out there for me to be even remotely interested in this. If it were 40K rather than standard Warhammer it would be a different story but I think theyre coming into the market too late with nothing new to offer.

Warhammer Online
Reply #3 on: April 11, 2008, 00:49:17 AM
There are some blogs around showing beta footage, no decent battle shots though. Mostly scenery and in-game non-com footage

apparently there is some fighting footage in the new vid, but no interface to show you what is actually happening

also looks a little crappy, for a new mmo you would expect actual contact when fighting to make it look like things are hitting each other, rather than swinging at air and things being hurt

[edit] Here is a clip of some RvR tbh, doesnt look anything more than a wow battleground without objectives was hoping to be more impressed [edit]

Warhammer Online
Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 01:35:51 AM
Beta Video seems poor actually, still going to give it a chance anyway :)

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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 02:12:31 AM
Quote from: Chris H
There are already far to many Elves/Orcs/Goblins high fantasy MMOs out there for me to be even remotely interested in this. If it were 40K rather than standard Warhammer it would be a different story but I think theyre coming into the market too late with nothing new to offer.

I would prefer that too.

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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 02:25:17 AM
Who wanted videos?

It looks to much like wow, apparently it plays like wow, a lot of the concepts in wow were taken from Warhammer so.. :P

ive opted for Age of Conan, and if that sucks we have Spellborn, Star Trek, Stargate, etc etc etc
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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #7 on: April 11, 2008, 04:03:47 AM
Quote from: Bacon
Who wanted videos?

It looks to much like wow, apparently it plays like wow, a lot of the concepts in wow were taken from Warhammer so.. :P

ive opted for Age of Conan, and if that sucks we have Spellborn, Star Trek, Stargate, etc etc etc

It is nothing like wow, it is a lot bigger and the way you play is very different and even when you pve it is to a bigger goal towards pve. You whole server and faction actions reflect what happens to the whole server. This game is scaring many because it is huge and they class it as a hobby game. No casuals no short stay players, if your playing WAR it is a hobby.
You need to watch the developer videos on the US site (not flash also new look it works better then the EU site) and watch the RVR information videos etc.

Take the recent city info videos, You have your city and it starts off on all realms run down, the more you do on the server and more everyone gets rep and does quests more of the city opens up and the city changes wealth and new zones and new quests open up, not after you get to a certain level but when everyone has done x amount of things in regard to the city. Piles of rubbish blocking roads that are later cleared up etc.
Thing is the other faction can see a city progression and decide to go pillage and ransack and you get that in the game with things on fire etc and both get new quest hubs when a city turns into this state and you work to sort it our or be the attacker etc.
RVR is massive, small things lead to bigger and bigger things... Watch all the podcast videos on the site and you will see just how stupidly big and complex it is (in a good way)
It is certainly nothing like wow

It has a trophy system where when you do things and kill stuff you do not just get the loot but you can get a trophy like an orc head and you can place that upon your person and be visual to everyone

As for beta it is 3 months behind development internally and has not got the lighting or some of the rendering engines in it

I wont be playing it, to big for me

Many know blizzard has started and is hiring for its next MMO, which is about right, wow is 3 years old, development of your next mmo takes 2-3 years going on what you learn and it will mean wow is about 5 years old so 2010 would be a good time for the next.
- Another version of wow would be stupid
- Diabalo would just basically be wow since wow has many aspects and concepts from that game already. It is best as an rpg
- Some total new story and mmo, this would mean though you would have to make new races and new lore and what not from scratch, more work and more cost.
- Starcraft, The RTS will be a big hit and hype everyone up and the april fools the other year with starcraft mmo got a lot of hype in terms of a concept for such a game. You got the lore, the factions, the races etc to work with and take what you know from wow, use a nice engine which could follow from the looks of starcraft 2 and you have a very good concept for a starcraft mmo.
Besides who does not want pew pew lazer beams?

Star trek online is a mess and been shafted and shifted many times over and again in a mess right now. You will not see this for a long while if at all
Stargate - they been rather hush hush about it really even in their blogs, has nice concepts but will it work? Who knows.

Conan looks great but I think I may not ever pick up an mmo again anyway.

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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #8 on: April 11, 2008, 04:19:39 AM
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Warhammer Online
Reply #9 on: April 11, 2008, 13:52:21 PM
I am hedging my bets on AoC atm, has an actual tangible release date, has betas going on, completely new style (violent and graphic).

I have seen some nice looking stuff in relation to it, and the guild system (own keep) looks good. I just have the feeling it is far too pvp orientated for alot of mmo gamers.

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Warhammer Online
Reply #10 on: April 11, 2008, 14:15:30 PM
Quote from: Sweenster
I am hedging my bets on AoC atm, has an actual tangible release date, has betas going on, completely new style (violent and graphic).

I have seen some nice looking stuff in relation to it, and the guild system (own keep) looks good. I just have the feeling it is far too pvp orientated for alot of mmo gamers.

That is th question, I would love to at least experience a pve raid under that combat system, pvp you can see it working great with a lot of skill elements (problem is less lag and a top pc to run the game will actually be more important then in wow) But how will that work in a raid with a group of people and bosses and npcs, agro etc? Probably works well but I would love to get my hands on it to see how it works

Supposed to be rumored to come on the 360 also and the chat pad and controller use along side pc players

Warhammer Online
Reply #11 on: April 11, 2008, 15:54:37 PM
good point about the net connection/computer

everything you do is live, it isnt click and watch. speed will be of the biggest importance.

would be nice to see a pc/console connection, but they will have to make sure the balance is fair.

Warhammer Online
Reply #12 on: April 11, 2008, 16:10:01 PM
Updating WoW now. Damn it!

Im going to be at Uni when WAR kicks off so a hell of a lot of spair time :)

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Warhammer Online
Reply #13 on: April 13, 2008, 04:07:20 AM
Bring on AoC or Warhammer 40K :P

Might have to give this is a try at some point but the changes of me getting a computer when in Oz are slim.
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Re:Warhammer Online
Reply #14 on: April 23, 2008, 11:56:55 AM
I want to work for these guys
I love Pauls podcasts and videos they are brilliant

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