Author Topic: Web hosting  (Read 7141 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #15 on: August 17, 2013, 11:12:37 AM
Well my uni-friend had said he'd forgotten it was hosted on my server and is going to shift everything somewhere else. So I'll hold fire until I can remove his email account and see what effect that has.

When I logged in to cpanel I only had 3/25 processes in use (2 were his email and 1 was me in cpanel) - I assume if my account was hitting the 25 limit, that hostgator might also throttle my account, as well as kill any additional processes? Certainly that email above suggests I was violating some terms of use.

Re: Web hosting
Reply #16 on: August 17, 2013, 13:15:05 PM
Transferring a database is usually easy as 123. Just dump it and import it.

And don't go 1&1 they are sh*t, the customer service abysmal and they just don't understand technology, unless you like explaining the basics to some callcenter teen. Hell use godaddy even, just don't go 1&1.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

When was the last time you used both? I've used both extensively, GoDaddy are dire. How many websites do you manage?

'Just dump it and import it' isn't quite accurate, you will probably have to replace a lot of relative paths in the SQL dump, at least for Wordpress its not as simple as that. You can duplicate your Joomla site in a click using Akeeba backup.

Godaddy is indeed dire, but I've had worse from 1&1. Several years ago and I would never recommend them because of my experience with them. If they have changed, fantastic but after having them effectively steal 3 domains from me for a year I shan't change my mind on that.

Wordpress has a migrate function in it. I've used it just 2 months ago. Exported to XML, imported... Bosh, only thing I had to sort were image links.

Transferring a database is dump and import you may need to do an "update" statement post import but its not that scary that it can't be done by zpyder.

I "manage" 5 different sites. 4 are mine, 1 is external. Though what that has to do with the price of fish when recommending one vendor over another due to a poor customer service experience I've no idea.

I use: quickpacket, asmallorange and 123-reg.
I actively avoid: 1&1 and godaddy.


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Re: Web hosting
Reply #17 on: August 17, 2013, 13:53:06 PM
"What it has to do with the price of fish" is the difference between being managing a single site "several years ago" with a host and managing a multitude of sites on a monthly basis, including eCommerce sites. If you haven't used them recently its hardly a fair remark on them.

The migrate function you're talking about for Wordpress is not built in, at least I can find no reference to it anywhere. Its probably one of various plugins you've installed, which is fine as its no big deal to do.

I can agree that 123-reg are okay though, as it happens.

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #18 on: August 17, 2013, 13:55:55 PM
Judging from your email zpyder it sounds like Mac mail was causing some kind of issue, you might find its all completely back to normal now and you don't need to move at all. If you only have a couple of sites and email accounts there's no way you should be hitting process limits.

Re: Web hosting
Reply #19 on: August 17, 2013, 15:08:06 PM
"What it has to do with the price of fish" is the difference between being managing a single site "several years ago" with a host and managing a multitude of sites on a monthly basis, including eCommerce sites. If you haven't used them recently its hardly a fair remark on them.

The migrate function you're talking about for Wordpress is not built in, at least I can find no reference to it anywhere. Its probably one of various plugins you've installed, which is fine as its no big deal to do.

I can agree that 123-reg are okay though, as it happens.

The same could be said for managing multiple sites yet never using the customer service :/

Zpyder asked for recommendations and I gave my honest opinion tiz all.

Being pretty sec savvy, I also don't use too many WordPress plugins beyond jetpack, akismet and a rotating twitter widget, it was within a maintenance panel iirc something like "import" will take a screenshot next time I'm on the PC.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 15:10:12 PM by M3ta7h3ad #187;

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #20 on: August 17, 2013, 16:39:23 PM
I do use the customer service occasionaly though, despite being savvy. hence my point about it being a bit of an unfair comparison to how they were a few years back. for me especially on one of the higher tier packages its good to know there is 24x7 support available and while it might be with a foreign aupport team they tend to be knowledgeable and speak great American english  :lol:
Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 16:41:13 PM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #21 on: August 17, 2013, 17:39:03 PM
Has to be said that Hostgator customer service has been great when I've dealt with them, which has been about once every two years for whatever reason.

With any luck my issue will be down to me/my account rather that the actual hosting.

Re: Web hosting
Reply #22 on: August 17, 2013, 19:46:37 PM
at least for Wordpress its not as simple as that. You can duplicate your Joomla site in a click using Akeeba backup.

I've migrated a multitude of wordpress sites in the last 3/4 years, and it is that easy. either with a backup plugin or mysql dump or with a phpmyadmin dump. someone is setting your wp sites up wrong.

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #23 on: August 17, 2013, 22:11:34 PM
The point is you either need a plugin to do backups or you need to know how to correctly perform an SQL dump and import - that's not obvious to some people right away. The fact that zpyder is asking in the first place suggests he doesn't know these things.

I'm grandma and I am sucking eggs!

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #24 on: August 17, 2013, 23:04:46 PM
I'd say my level of knowledge is such that I don't know what to do, but if someone says "do x and y" I know enough to find out how to do that and to do it :)

Re: Web hosting
Reply #25 on: August 18, 2013, 21:22:55 PM
'Just dump it and import it' isn't quite accurate, you will probably have to replace a lot of relative paths in the SQL dump, at least for Wordpress its not as simple as that. You can duplicate your Joomla site in a click using Akeeba backup.

because im feeling pedantic.

'probably' - so youre not sure. then keep schtum and let those that are speak.

'at least for wordpress' - you're wrong, but you don't like the fact.

'joomla' - has he got a joomla site?

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #26 on: August 18, 2013, 21:41:36 PM
Don't turn argumentative just for the sake of it ::)

"Probably" does not mean I'm unsure, it means there are other cicumstances involved. It depends entirely what plugins you have installed and whether they are smart enough to utilise the directories defined in Wordpress, or perhaps they need an absolute path relative to the webserver home directory? There's a number of instances where I've had to change the paths in the SQL dump with a find/replace to woraround some plugin or suchlike that didn't behave well following a server move.

Maybe you're just so used to using a webhost that offers one click installations and changes your nappy that you've never had to use the official moving guide in the codex (also the number one result on Google for 'wordpress migration' as it happens). Or maybe you're new to Wordpress and have never had to work with older versions.

In any case, the fact that I didn't state absolutely positively you MUST should have been a dead giveaway to these obvious facts, even for a self-proclaimed pedant. Perhaps you don't do much with your Wordpress installations, but I have worked with Wordpress for a long time and with a multitude of plugins, so please don't categorically talk about things you either don't fully appreciate or are ignorant to.

Still neither of you have indicated where this magical 'move my site for me' feature is in Wordpress. When you do I'll eat my hat.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #27 on: August 18, 2013, 23:47:39 PM
'joomla' - has he got a joomla site?

I do indeed, it is mentioned in my initial copied in quote, that I have both Joomla and Wordpress sites installed.

Has to be said, Nigel has helped me out a couple of times with some Wordpress issues over the years, I'd happily say I feel he knows what he's talking about.</flame fanning>

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Re: Web hosting
Reply #28 on: August 19, 2013, 00:00:39 AM
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be high and mighty, just share potentially helpful advice as I remember how easy it was to get stuck on simple things when I first started out. I'm not trying to tread on toes either, just expanding on what you guys are saying by pointing out there can be potential problems. If a host has a one-click copy option that's great, but not all of them do and its ignorant to suggest that a single case scenario is always going to be correct.

But its a bit insulting as a professional web designer (who has just obtained a permanent position as a frontend developer role for a large national company) to be told "keep shtum" or that you don't know what you're talking about when you've developed bespoke themes and plugins as well as migrated sites across all sorts of LAMP platforms.

I doubt this advice is even going to be needed now anyway from the sounds of it, which is good as its saving you a lot of hassle if so. :thumbup:

Re: Web hosting
Reply #29 on: August 19, 2013, 06:57:23 AM
alright, keep sctum was the wrong thing to say. i apologise, it was rude.

but i stand by the fact that in my experience, of wordpress since v3 came out, over multiple decent sized (but only ever small businesses) websites, that wordpress rarely needs you to enter the sql database to edit paths.

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