Author Topic: WTF Microsoft / Xbox - Mixer  (Read 2105 times)

  • Offline neXus

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WTF Microsoft / Xbox - Mixer
on: June 24, 2020, 03:15:52 AM
Microsoft have impressed me under their new CEO for a while now. They have continued a path to improve their overal look and feel and how people see the company. The software continues to improve and they are making some killer hardware with clear design ethos and goals.

Same with Xbox. After the debacle that was this generation launch where multiple big wigs at Microsoft thought they would get in on the Xbox project and made a blood mess and stupid marketing they got rid of most of those, restored a solid team and lead for Xbox and spent the generation fixing all the issues. I believe they did that with a strong console and online offering for it's gamers then Playstation but it was all too late by then in terms of userbase and sales.

With this generation they have been doing a lot of great things. How they revealed the console, the news and information and more while Sony has been mostly silent until recently. Their recent event was solid but did have a lot of deception they have been fingered for since.

But Microsoft then slipped up with their last online event. Promising game play but really just had trailers for games. Assassins Creed kept saying gameplay but was just a trailer.
One slip up after a lot of win's.

Now Microsoft has ended their big investment in Mixer and partnered with FACEBOOK to run through their streaming service. A service everyone hates and at a time Facebooks political views and privacy is very much in question.
Not only that, all the exclusive streamers like Ninja were not told by Microsoft directly, they all found out in the same tweet. There is also talk now of the integrations in Xbox that will be baked in with facebook stuff.

I like many honestly do not get this decision and how they have gone about it. They wanted their own streaming service, OK, you feel it did not work out but the facebook deal is bizarre.

    • - It's new and improved!
  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Re: WTF Microsoft / Xbox - Mixer
Reply #1 on: June 24, 2020, 07:27:18 AM
They are trying to get their fingers into as many of the big pies as possible - all of which I think is in some way to try and bulk up usage and push their Azure platform hard - I mean look at how they've taken over GitHub (and it has had more services downtime since than I can remember).

The problem is they are flogging a lame horse, Azure has neither the ease of use or maturity of Google or AWS's cloud offerings and their APIs are typically a joke with documentation that does not even match the requests/responses.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: WTF Microsoft / Xbox - Mixer
Reply #2 on: June 26, 2020, 03:38:23 AM
They are trying to get their fingers into as many of the big pies as possible - all of which I think is in some way to try and bulk up usage and push their Azure platform hard - I mean look at how they've taken over GitHub (and it has had more services downtime since than I can remember).

The problem is they are flogging a lame horse, Azure has neither the ease of use or maturity of Google or AWS's cloud offerings and their APIs are typically a joke with documentation that does not even match the requests/responses.

Azure is a lot easier to use these days. It is quite nice. Adobe and them partnered and they moved/are moving Creative Cloud from AWS into Azure. Not wrong about the documentation though but they do run faster than AWS. AWS has a number of bottle neck issues and DDOS and IP blacklisting issues at the moment.

Xbox cloud though is VERY good built around Azure and that is probably the best online gaming platform around.

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