Author Topic: A stern Stern report  (Read 1347 times)

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A stern Stern report
on: October 30, 2006, 14:00:46 PM

A stern Stern report
Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 14:34:43 PM
Its global warming, it always was going to be nasty.  Its just a shame that people like George W obviously dont give two hoots about the environment.  He will if it starts hitting his economy as much as what that report says.

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Re:A stern Stern report
Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 14:51:01 PM
Bush is out permanently in two years so do you think hes really bothered?

A stern Stern report
Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 17:27:42 PM
True, I wouldnt be suprised with him if in his last year or so he deicided to invade Iran or North Korea, cause hes only gonna be there for a little while longer and wants to out with a bang.

Re:A stern Stern report
Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 18:42:33 PM
as usual the govt is going to try and fix a problem by taxing us all more.

It is already hard enough for my and my gf as first time home owners, and they just keep making it harder.

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Re:A stern Stern report
Reply #5 on: October 30, 2006, 19:02:03 PM
Global Warming is happening anyway.  Its cyclic, just like the Seasons.

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Re:A stern Stern report
Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 19:31:18 PM
Quote from: DEViANCE
as usual the govt is going to try and fix a problem by taxing us all more.

It is already hard enough for my and my gf as first time home owners, and they just keep making it harder.

Spend more time in bed and have lots of sex to keep warm...  :twisted:

OK that might just backfire a bit if she gets preggers but then again you cant have everything.

Probably the biggest bill you have is the cost of buying your home.

The problem people are those who dont have it properly insulated, use incandescent bulbs, have an old, inefficient boiler, and drive a big car. They also tend to leave things switched on.

You might try paying off some of your mortgage instead of buying a different car? :P

A stern Stern report
Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 22:18:26 PM
its all bollocks anyway

there picking on cars because there any easy target, and easy to tax without too much impact on business.

they go on about trees all the time but 70%+ of the worlds CO2 is converted to oxygen by plant life underwater in the sea... but they never talk about that

more CO2 is produced by the making and setting of cement than is produced by cars... but they dont talk bout that.... (long time since i looked that up.. maybe its not more anymore, but its a hell of a lot)

A stern Stern report
Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 22:33:07 PM
Quote from: knighty
more CO2 is produced by the making and setting of cement than is produced by cars... but they dont talk bout that.... (long time since i looked that up.. maybe its not more anymore, but its a hell of a lot)

I think your right, concrete is one of the biggest contributors because of the way it has to be baked, the difference as I see it between cars and concrete is we can live with less cars but we use concrete for a lot more so its harder to live without especially since there arent any alternatives that I know, there are for cars.

By that I mean think of the number of people who drive a car to work with just one person in for example when they could be car sharing.  I know Im quilty of it, but my 1.4 tdci fiesta has low emissions anyway (so I only get to pay £50 road tax a year, shucks :D)

I do think that all new homes should be forced to have things like solar panels as well to aid in heating/electricity generation.  That would surely help, although sods law the panels probably produce more CO2 than waht theyd save lol.

Theres a guy at work who pays for green electricity, he pays a little more to get electricity provided from renewable sources, great.  Except he then leaves every thing on, his pcs etc I bet his tv is on standby 24/7 too.  Ejit.

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Re:A stern Stern report
Reply #9 on: October 30, 2006, 22:44:20 PM
Basically taxing by the mile isnt going to make a blind bit of difference to the people with 4.2L Range Rovers and the like.  They can AFFORD to pay the extra.  Who it will hit is people who need cars for work, or have to drive longer distances to work.  I _could_ take the bus to where im working atm, but itd take me an extra hour or so.  It takes me 30 minutes in the car, im not extanding my working week by another 10 hours (at least).

A stern Stern report
Reply #10 on: October 30, 2006, 22:57:02 PM
what needs to happen is the u.s. signing the fusking kyoto agreement and winding in its polluting ass.

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