Author Topic: Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)  (Read 7628 times)

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #15 on: March 05, 2008, 13:38:27 PM
this looks interesting.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #16 on: March 05, 2008, 13:48:05 PM
I think youre missing something...

Theres a pretty strong indication Stem Cells do work on a lot of illnesses.  But afaik you cant do it in this country as its totally banned on humans since the source of the stem cells are/were embryos and people got jumpy.  If youre willing to try anything then you really need to leave the UK to try it.  Because they arent going to be doing human trials here anytime soon.  Just waiting for the legal restrictions to be lifted alone is going to take years.

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #17 on: March 05, 2008, 13:57:29 PM
Quote from: SteveF
I think youre missing something...

Theres a pretty strong indication Stem Cells do work on a lot of illnesses.  But afaik you cant do it in this country as its totally banned on humans since the source of the stem cells are/were embryos and people got jumpy.  If youre willing to try anything then you really need to leave the UK to try it.  Because they arent going to be doing human trials here anytime soon.  Just waiting for the legal restrictions to be lifted alone is going to take years.

Thats why China will always be world leaders, they dont care.

he UK has hundreds of protesters,
trouble with uk there is always an outcry on this stem cell treatment as you get all these pro life people saying it is wrong as it is sometimes from embryos so they f**k things up for everyone,this with the umbilical cord still raises issues with some as they say that the baby has rights to say if their cells are used to help others and then there is the whole genetic thing that people argue about  so in uk too many will listen to the few that know nothing but have loud opinions so not only do we fight illnesses we fight the ignorant people who have nice healthy lives, and dont forget the god squad who no doubt will have there say too.

“As moral debate sidetracks stem cell research in the U.S., countries in Asia, Europe are moving to stake claims in the promising industry”
-Terri Somers - Union Tribune

this is the main reason.
Why is stem cell research controversial?       

The source of stem cells determines whether the use is controversial. There appears to be universal support for using stem cells that are obtained from non-embryonic sources such as umbilical cord blood, placentas and bone marrow. The procurement of stem cells from these sources does not harm the donor. Strong disagreement ensues over experiments using stem cells collected from human embryos and fetuses.,en/

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #19 on: March 05, 2008, 16:32:02 PM
Quote from: Privateer
Thats why China will always be world leaders, they dont care.

Indeed.  Chinas government do not have as many problems about the morality of stem cells.  Then again, you could also argue quite strongly that the same thing that allows it is also part of the same ethos that means the west often raise an eyebrow at some of their other moral choices.

The list is pretty long.  I think stem cells are fine but Im glad there are people out there regulating it and protesting.  Because frankly, the lack of moral questioning has other consequences that probably matter more than delaying science by a year or two.

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #20 on: March 05, 2008, 16:37:21 PM
Quote from: SteveF
Quote from: Privateer
Thats why China will always be world leaders, they dont care.

Indeed.  Chinas government do not have as many problems about the morality of stem cells.  Then again, you could also argue quite strongly that the same thing that allows it is also part of the same ethos that means the west often raise an eyebrow at some of their other moral choices.

The list is pretty long.  I think stem cells are fine but Im glad there are people out there regulating it and protesting.  Because frankly, the lack of moral questioning has other consequences that probably matter more than delaying science by a year or two.

an individual pulled that trigger, also I and a lot of people think its staged.
I cant believe they wont leave Tibet, thats worse.

  • Offline SteveF

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Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #21 on: March 05, 2008, 17:16:12 PM
It was just one example :)  PS: Its a policy not an individual act.  Human rights is not currently one of Chinas strong points.  Evicting everyone from the capital to build empty sky scrapers noone will ever live in ready for the olympics would be another hint.  But lets stop this going off topic.

Assuming that because China isnt being held back by the morality of stem cell research is because theyre forwards thinking isnt necessarily as straight forwards as you imply :)

edit: Anyway - go to china and apply there?  Writing to UK unis/medical institutes offering to be a human trial subject wont achieve anything other than filling bins in a country where treating you would be illegal and mean they were shut down.

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #22 on: March 05, 2008, 17:17:55 PM
David Robert Blair is from COUNTRY: Scotland (Campbeltown) .


See videos: Before1, Before2

David had unsteady balance and poor coordination. He could only stand up for a short time without support. He had difficulty walking heel-to-toe on flat surfaces, and could not walk up or down stairs without using a handrail. He had slurred speech when tired. He could flex his fingers and grip objects, but he could not hold things steadily.


David’s balance and coordination improved significantly. He was able to stand up straight with no support for extended periods. He was able to walk more easily than before on flat surfaces, and for the first time in seven years he could walk up and down stairs without a handrail. He could also go up and down stairs sideways, which he could not do before the treatment. His speech was no longer as slurred as before. He could also grip objects more steadily. This improved his writing and allowing him to perform day-to-day tasks which he could not do before treatment, such as tying his laces or drinking a cup of water by himself. As a result of these improvements, David was far more self-dependant than before. He was also more confident.

I watch his video, its great, I need to find him to ask several questions, does anyone here know how to do it.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #23 on: March 05, 2008, 17:18:41 PM
Quote from: Privateer
The source of stem cells determines whether the use is controversial. There appears to be universal support for using stem cells that are obtained from non-embryonic sources such as umbilical cord blood, placentas and bone marrow. The procurement of stem cells from these sources does not harm the donor. Strong disagreement ensues over experiments using stem cells collected from human embryos and fetuses.,en/

I seem to remember reading however that the processes used to create stem cells from non-embyonic sources are much less reliable, and because of this expensive. Theyre working on getting the rates of viable cells up to the same as embyonic ones (which even then the amount of embryos required to get enough viable cells is considerable if I remember correctly) however. This is what I was meaning in the tech lag between what Ive read about in the last month or two and what that website purports. Dont get me wrong, when it comes to the ethical debate of embryonic stem cell research Im all for it to be honest. Same with a lot of other research that has ethical issues.  

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #24 on: March 05, 2008, 17:50:37 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Quote from: Privateer
The source of stem cells determines whether the use is controversial. There appears to be universal support for using stem cells that are obtained from non-embryonic sources such as umbilical cord blood, placentas and bone marrow. The procurement of stem cells from these sources does not harm the donor. Strong disagreement ensues over experiments using stem cells collected from human embryos and fetuses.,en/

I seem to remember reading however that the processes used to create stem cells from non-embyonic sources are much less reliable, and because of this expensive. Theyre working on getting the rates of viable cells up to the same as embyonic ones (which even then the amount of embryos required to get enough viable cells is considerable if I remember correctly) however. This is what I was meaning in the tech lag between what Ive read about in the last month or two and what that website purports. Dont get me wrong, when it comes to the ethical debate of embryonic stem cell research Im all for it to be honest. Same with a lot of other research that has ethical issues.  

in the FAQ on that site, very imformative.
Has embryonic stem cell research (which destroys human embryos) produced remedies in human beings?        

No. Embryonic stem cell research has experienced only failures, including the worsening of Parkinsons
symptoms in one human test group. Since 1998, when researchers first isolated embryonic stem cells,
there has been no reports of a successful treatment for any human being using this type of cell.
Research using embryonic stem cells has been problematic. The cells have proven difficult to control.
Therapies with embryonic stem cells will have to overcome the problem of rejection by the immune systems
of recipients, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Has non-embryonic stem cell research produced remedies in human beings?        

Yes. Doctors have used bone marrow and cord blood stem cells for more than 40 years,
according to NIH. Research using non-embryonic stem cells has provided treatments for
numerous medical conditions, including spinal cord injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
sickle cell anemia, lupus, strokes, Parkinson’s disease, Crohns disease, heart damage and some
types of cancer. Non-embryonic stem cells have been used to treat 80 different ailments, according
to Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics. Remarkably, there are three documented
cases of paraplegics regaining the ability to walk after having undergone non-embryonic stem cell treatment.

Why is stem cell research controversial?        

The source of stem cells determines whether the use is controversial.
There appears to be universal support for using stem cells that are obtained from non-embryonic sources
such as umbilical cord blood, placentas and bone marrow. The procurement of stem cells from these sources
does not harm the donor. Strong disagreement ensues over experiments using stem cells collected from human
embryos and fetuses.

  • Offline SteveF

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Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #25 on: March 05, 2008, 17:59:31 PM
Im not exactly clear on the purpose of the thread anymore.

* Stem cells = good idea (everyone agrees)
* Source of embryos is a problem for some countries.
* You would like to try it.
* Noones stopping you going to join those trials or develop your own system.

I thought the point of the thread was would our government fund stem cell research.  It does, and so does the european research funds which sponsor all this stuff.

Then I thought it was China spending more (which is unlikely - the US is almost certainly spending more).  Probably Japan too.  Per person Im sure we do.

Theres a lot of info here but I dont get what the threads about anymore.  :confused:

Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #26 on: March 05, 2008, 18:12:08 PM
Quote from: SteveF
Im not exactly clear on the purpose of the thread anymore.

* Stem cells = good idea (everyone agrees)
* Source of embryos is a problem for some countries.
* You would like to try it.
* Noones stopping you going to join those trials or develop your own system.

I thought the point of the thread was would our government fund stem cell research.  It does, and so does the european research funds which sponsor all this stuff.

Then I thought it was China spending more (which is unlikely - the US is almost certainly spending more).  Probably Japan too.  Per person Im sure we do.

Ive been waiting for years now, the US, UK and Europe are no further foreward than when they started because of PC crap, at least asia says no to pc people, looks like ill be going to China.

Theres a lot of info here but I dont get what the threads about anymore.  :confused:

ffs if you dont click after the qute you answer in the same box

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #27 on: March 05, 2008, 20:24:43 PM
BLIMY, Ill find her.
 Beike - Audrey Jones                 
Tuesday, 12 February 2008

NAME: Audrey Jones - The Former Lord Mayor of Manchester

AGE: 75

COUNTRY: Great Britain,en/

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #28 on: March 05, 2008, 20:38:06 PM
Quote from: Privateer
BLIMEY, Ill find her.
 Beike - Audrey Jones                 
Tuesday, 12 February 2008

NAME: Audrey Jones - The Former Lord Mayor of Manchester

AGE: 75

COUNTRY: Great Britain,en/

If a British Lord Mayor has treatment in China, obviously human rights wasnt going to stop her. :cheers:

Re:Ataxia (Chinese Stem cell)
Reply #29 on: March 05, 2008, 20:57:42 PM
Quote from: Privateer
If a British Lord Mayor has treatment in China, obviously human rights wasnt going to stop her. :cheers:

Its called survival.. those who bleat about it wouldnt turn down a new heart & lungs grown that way if it was to save their or their kids life.

Just that people dont have anything better to do but moan.

Human rights is a load of bollocks.
Those usually affected by human rights are nothing more than scavangers of the human race who have nothing to offer but to leech & waste resources.

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