Author Topic: Being Nearly hit by a bus  (Read 5201 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Being Nearly hit by a bus
on: March 16, 2022, 02:10:54 AM
A few weeks ago I was I crossed a pedestrian crossing.
It is crazy to think that this is a thing but how is it in the UK?

Story Time:
Happening far too often at a few crossing in our area, a worry with some being near schools and a kids park. Literally 1 in 3 times you go do a crossing.

So here in Inner Sydney cars, Taxis (the worst) etc seem to..

1. Not slow down enough near pedestrian crossing (They don't call it zebra here)
2. If someone has started crossing think its OK to just keep going and either do the blank stare (They see you but dont look) or the "Sorry wave" which if they ran someone over is just dumb.
3. Do not even notice or see you even it the crossing is a raised one.

A lot of the time it's just as you start and on the other side of the road still. Bad, not on but you are not that close. SOMETIMES though like this bus you are over half way.
I did the looking left and right and the bus was moving a fair bit but way down the road. Cars to my right had already stopped and I started to cross. I do not always then look left again but I decided too, the bus had PLENTY of time to have slowed and stop but I saw him keep going, even continuing to accelerate. I had to jump back and the wing mirror hit my brolly.
If I had not looked and moved he would have hit me.

All with the police at the moment as I did the full report. As a Dad if I had kids with me or pushing buggy they would be gone. I had reported a taxi to the taxi company for doing something similar a week before and they did nothing about it so I wanted this bus drivers head.

It was no either or here. If he did not see me he should not be on the road and a total idiot. If he saw me he did not care if he hit me or not. I know he was running late and did not want to stop and probably had to ad the other pedestrian crossing further down the road already.

Still makes me mad and I can not think how people think this is OK.
This an issue in the UK?

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Being Nearly hit by a bus
Reply #1 on: March 26, 2022, 05:09:50 AM
Don't think the crossings are that bad here in NZ. Despite all the bad driving that happens here, they all seem to be fairly courteous at crossings and use indicators like there's no tomorrow (even when they're cutting you up they indicate whilst doing so!). No one uses their horn though, I suspect in part that there's a good chance the other car is part of a gang. Wouldn't be the first time someone's ended up being dragged from their car, or having an axe put in their skull, as a result of daring to call out some bad driving.

The one thing that comes close though are the HGV drivers, logging trucks and milk tankers and the like. They will not slow down if you pull out in front of them. You could be so far ahead that to wait for them to pass would mean waiting half a minute, so you pull out. Next thing there's a tanker up your ass. They don't need to break, just take the foot off the peddle for a few seconds. I swear some speed up...

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  • Offline neXus

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Re: Being Nearly hit by a bus
Reply #2 on: March 29, 2022, 23:59:27 PM
Don't think the crossings are that bad here in NZ. Despite all the bad driving that happens here, they all seem to be fairly courteous at crossings and use indicators like there's no tomorrow (even when they're cutting you up they indicate whilst doing so!). No one uses their horn though, I suspect in part that there's a good chance the other car is part of a gang. Wouldn't be the first time someone's ended up being dragged from their car, or having an axe put in their skull, as a result of daring to call out some bad driving.

The one thing that comes close though are the HGV drivers, logging trucks and milk tankers and the like. They will not slow down if you pull out in front of them. You could be so far ahead that to wait for them to pass would mean waiting half a minute, so you pull out. Next thing there's a tanker up your ass. They don't need to break, just take the foot off the peddle for a few seconds. I swear some speed up...

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NZ biggest issue is the parked car doos that fly open as you'r driving by and the craziness that occurs as soon as it rains :)

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Re: Being Nearly hit by a bus
Reply #3 on: April 06, 2022, 17:43:38 PM
Ive been run over twice so far, its not all its made out to be, sadly i didnt have a high vis on so i couldnt claim, i wear my high vis religiously now and one day i know ill be claiming as the standard of drivers is terrible.
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  • Offline neXus

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Re: Being Nearly hit by a bus
Reply #4 on: April 07, 2022, 01:25:20 AM
The only outcome from me was the guy got suspended. Police wont say what they been doing.
Too busy with family work to keep chasing it up myself.

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