Author Topic: Bitcoin  (Read 160139 times)

  • Offline Sam

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on: January 15, 2015, 00:12:37 AM
So what's going on with bitcoin now the price is $175. Anyone still got it? Anyone recommend getting some

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 16:12:51 PM
Still holding here as  the techs not going anywhere, lots of work is going on building the architecture, I still think we're a good 3 years from proper adoption (if it happens)

US Govt is due to sell some more, could be why it's gone down but that's just speculation from me :)

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #2 on: February 05, 2015, 21:00:15 PM
I'm still holding a few along with several thousand of another "currency" called ARCHCoin. It's not really a currency though, more like a company stock.

See :- and

As for BTC, the concensus is that the price is being manipulated down, probably to tie in with a climb after the Winklevoss Twins' Bitcoin exchange goes live. So many different conspiracy theories though. I don't pay much attention these days as I'm more into playing Elite Dangerous :D

We may see sub $200 again tonight. I personally think $150~$200 is a buy.
Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 21:02:28 PM by Walrusbonzo #187;

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #3 on: February 10, 2015, 16:32:20 PM
Quite a few of the companies mining bitcoin have reduced or stopped production. They made a lot of profit for their owners from dedicated bitcoin hardware that was made to only produce bitcoin.

As with all commodity markets prices can rise and fall. Bitcoin is a young currency so large variations are expected.

Amateurs and hobbyists don't seem to get much of a look in now

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #4 on: February 10, 2015, 23:56:52 PM
This might be interesting for bitcoin people. A server using waste heat to heat your home?

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 18:23:33 PM
Quite a few of the companies mining bitcoin have reduced or stopped production. They made a lot of profit for their owners from dedicated bitcoin hardware that was made to only produce bitcoin.

As with all commodity markets prices can rise and fall. Bitcoin is a young currency so large variations are expected.

Amateurs and hobbyists don't seem to get much of a look in now

True, several have now stopped mining. Saying that unless BTC is over $300 it's unprofitable, even with ASICs.

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #6 on: February 19, 2015, 18:31:34 PM
For anyone interested in what happened at MtGox in respect to the rise of BitCoin in 2013, read this

Very interesting I thought.

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #7 on: February 19, 2015, 23:08:09 PM
i only mined for a little while... but put my coins into MtGox to sell them

my little brother didn't have s sell account... so I gave him cash for his coins...

both right before MtGox went down

balance was £2500 at the time :-(

  • Offline Sam

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #8 on: February 20, 2015, 00:05:11 AM
Quite a few of the companies mining bitcoin have reduced or stopped production. They made a lot of profit for their owners from dedicated bitcoin hardware that was made to only produce bitcoin.

As with all commodity markets prices can rise and fall. Bitcoin is a young currency so large variations are expected.

Amateurs and hobbyists don't seem to get much of a look in now

True, several have now stopped mining. Saying that unless BTC is over $300 it's unprofitable, even with ASICs.

So is that the beginning of the end of bitcoin?

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #9 on: February 20, 2015, 03:00:44 AM
For anyone interested in what happened at MtGox...

To be honest the whole issue looks very suspiciously like an insider job, otherwise why didn't anyone notice the bitcoins vanishing without them being replaced with money?

if it wasn't then some people acted very stupidly.

End of bitcoin Sam? not quite. Bitcoin value has dropped but it depends on supply and demand. Really BTC is a worthless item based on computational power and belief and hope. There are plenty of currencies that are based purely on belief and hope. That would be all of them.

Look at any UK currency note, it says clearly 'we promise to pay the bearer the sum of X pounds' making it an IOU. Most currency is stored as numbers by banks, not actual notes or coins.

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #10 on: April 22, 2015, 19:17:17 PM

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #11 on: April 23, 2015, 00:22:08 AM
I sold my bt and had just under $3000 in my MtGox account which I tried to remove for a month but it wouldn't let me... :-(

I'll stick a claim in.... see what happens... doubt I'll get much

wouldn't have been so bad... but my little brother had £1200 worth of bt he wanted to sell... so i gave him cash for them because i already had a authorised sellers account!   :-(

Re: Bitcoin
Reply #12 on: April 23, 2015, 08:27:01 AM
Best of luck. Anything is better than nothing.

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #13 on: August 04, 2015, 08:07:01 AM

MtGox bitcoin chief Mark Karpeles arrested in Japan

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: Bitcoin
Reply #14 on: August 04, 2015, 10:11:12 AM

MtGox bitcoin chief Mark Karpeles arrested in Japan

Yep, excellent news for BitCoin, weeding out the bad actors is a good thing, if only it worked like this with fiat.

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