Author Topic: James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing  (Read 3695 times)

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
on: December 04, 2006, 18:53:19 PM

There was still no sign Sunday of a missing family from San Francisco last seen in southern Oregon a week ago, police said.

James Kim, 35, his wife, Kati, 30, and their daughters, Penelope, 4, and Sabine, 7 months, were last seen Nov. 25 at a Roseburg restaurant, according to the Oregon State Police.

The Kim family was on the way to Gold Beach area to stay at the Tu Tu Tun Lodge after a vacation in Seattle. The hotel reportedly received an early evening phone call from the Kims saying they would be arriving at the hotel later than expected, CNET reported on its Web site.

But they never arrived and were listed as missing after they failed to return home in San Francisco last Monday.

I always liked his reviews. Hope the family didnt drive off a cliff! :shock:

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 00:32:27 AM
They found his wife and kids safe in the car!!

But James decided to snowshoe out for help, and hasnt been found. Its very cold there at night, and I fear he may have perished from exposure. Hes been gone two days.


James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 21:01:04 PM
They found him today, dead. Hed managed to stay alive in the backcountry for several days, even leaving a trail for searchers. The early reports showed him as being alive.

How sad! Ive been following this for a week, as I used to watch his bits on TechTV for years.

:cry: :(

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Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 21:24:13 PM
Thats pretty sad, surely they stood a much better chance in the wagon waiting for help though, he shouldnt have gone out on his own.

Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 21:29:06 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Thats pretty sad, surely they stood a much better chance in the wagon waiting for help though, he shouldnt have gone out on his own.

No, he did right to go for help. This is a part of Oregon thats really rugged. Driven through there a couple times in the summer. There are plenty of stories of folks getting stuck like the Kim family, only to be found in the spring. I mean, he waited nine days before leaving.

The family was found, but anybody thats familiar with the territory will agree that his attempt to find help was rational to folks who know the area & history.

Really awful, though. Im sure a few of my friends in San Francisco knew them.

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 21:32:16 PM
I should add that the blame for them getting lost is likely because they used an online mapping service that doesnt take road conditions into consideration. Yay, technology. :cry:

Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 21:35:44 PM
a brave man, he will be missed

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 21:42:16 PM
yeah, I think his logic was that though he may endanger himself by setting off like that, he was increasing the liklihood of his kids and wife getting rescued.

Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #8 on: December 06, 2006, 21:59:41 PM
greater love hath no man than this.....

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Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #9 on: December 06, 2006, 22:16:58 PM
Sure cant fault his sacrifice and bravery. It is a sad loss.

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #10 on: December 06, 2006, 22:58:05 PM
Its upset me so much that Im making chicken soup. I always make soup and drink when Im in shock. Ugh. My age with the cutest family a guy could ever dream of.

I have to go skim my soup. :cry:

The irony that a technology writer dies in the wilderness without gps or a cell phone signal is too much to bear. Ill have to add noodles to the soup.


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Re:James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 00:06:03 AM
Was on BBC news. The idea if you get stuck in a situation like that is to stick to the road and follow it. Guess he just wasnt meant to make it.

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #12 on: December 07, 2006, 00:23:48 AM
No, he was 9 days without food and a bit delirious when he left. Considering how far he got, which astounded the search and rescue team, despite malnutrition, cold, and dehydration, he got further into the backcountry than they could ever have dreamed. He wasnt mean to die, such a display of mind over body was a sign of a man dearly in love with his wife and kids.

Walking the road back would have taken days, thus he took what he thought was a shortcut through the gorge.

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #13 on: December 07, 2006, 00:52:14 AM
He was in a car, and clearly lacking in common sense.

1. Setting off when delirious, suffering from starvation and dehydration is stupid.. monumentally stupid... incredibly stupid... so stupid that you would have to be blimmin delirious to even think it was even remotely not stupid to do it.

2. Hes in a car, its a bomb... on wheels.... wheels made of rubber.. which burns with thick black smoke. Er... "hello!!!".

3. Surrounded by snow... there is no reason why you should go dehydrated. providing you can keep yourself warm... snow melts well when placed in a container kept close to the skin.

4. The news story said he had everything he needed for a camping trip... he had all the gear, and clearly no idea. People have survived in worse conditions, on a stick of lipbalm for 2 weeks because they used their head.

Granted its a horrible loss, and a sad one at that. But you cannot say it was unavoidable. He did a somewhat foolish thing, and ended up paying the ultimate price.

James Kim from Cnet fame and his family are missing
Reply #14 on: December 07, 2006, 01:06:11 AM
eh ?

what if the wife and kids hadnt been found ?

sounds to me like he did the best he could for them... it could very easily have been a very different story

plue... one of his kids was only 7months old.... so would really start to struggle without food :(

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