Author Topic: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations  (Read 4923 times)

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One second, I thought a no deal Brexit was going to be really good and make everyone in the UK happy and rich?

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 20:34:05 PM
I'm already tired of hearing about it, literally DNGAF at this point :w00t:

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #2 on: August 17, 2018, 22:22:09 PM
That is how capitalism and the "free market" works if you create monitary and buisiness unions and etc. or privatise common property etc. it is very hard to turn around and go back.

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #3 on: August 26, 2018, 01:16:19 AM
I'm already tired of hearing about it, literally DNGAF at this point :w00t:

Problem is they told us how great it was going to be, how getting a deal would be the easiest ever. We can take back control of our borders and stop migration from the EU. Now it's everyone who voted leave wants no deal.

Latest is Chancellor Hunt saying £80 billion a year more government debt. Latest migration figures 87 million from EU 235 million from rest of the world. So much for controlling EU migrant workers. Scientists are claiming they are going to lose out on £500 million a year EU grants. Worse for them they are getting people rejected by the home office.

Yep DNGAF, Until it's your income that's being cut, or your family needs medical treatment and there are not enough staff.

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #4 on: August 26, 2018, 20:40:29 PM
It's all immaterial posturing and hollow promises fed by wave after wave of BS, that's why I DNGAF. The same scaremongering BS that keeps your eyes away from the underhanded deals being struck behind closed doors that are the true causes for the decline of the NHS, etc. Something that has been happening long before Brexit was announced.

As to your former point, I work for a company that's owned by the largest job board in Germany, that's in turned owned by the largest media house in Europe, I'm really not too concerned about my income either.  If things really got that bad I would pay for private healthcare through my work. But none of that "I'm alright, Jack" has anything to do with my not caring about this Brexit deal, as I pointed out.

I wouldn't trust anyone in the cabinet as far as I could throw them and I certainly don't think they could even cut a deal on a used car, let alone Europe.

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #5 on: August 29, 2018, 22:32:47 PM
The whole country has gone to sh*t and half the MP's talk more bullsh*t than i do and i am a lifelong salesman.

Look at how the NHS cannot cope, 20 years ago we didn't have this issue.
Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 22:34:48 PM by Bacon #187;
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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #6 on: September 28, 2018, 22:35:10 PM

Problem is they told us how great it was going to be, how getting a deal would be the easiest ever. We can take back control of our borders and stop migration from the EU.

Don't tell me you actually believed them?

The one good thing that has come from Brexit is it's shown how pathetic nearly all politicians are. The MPs that campaigned to leave will and are blaming all of brexits failings on the PM, and I'm sure any successes will be claimed by them too. If somehow the campaign for a second referendum is successful, if the vote is "actually, I think we'll stay in the EU" the brexit campaigners will say that was the plan all along, make brexit so bad it doesn't happen.

Here in NZ there's a growing anti-establishment movement over the use of a poison called 1080 in controlling the pest rodents in the countryside, that eat all the native birds (Kiwis etc). It's scary as we can see parallels in the style of the campaign along with the brexit campaign. People are getting sucked in through the echo chamber of social media and "alternative facts". Seriously, people think 1080 is bad simply because they keep seeing spraypainted signs saying "Ban 1080". They don't do their own research or critical thinking into why it's used over other methods.

It's to the extent I think there should be a referendum on whether it should still be used, but that learning from Brexit, if there were to be a referendum they should present the options fully action planned and costed out. EG, "Continue using for 10 years at this cost using these methods" or "Stop using it, use these methods at this cost...". So then at least when the Kiwis go extinct in the wild, the blame can't be passed back to the department of conservation...

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #7 on: October 01, 2018, 22:21:04 PM
Crony finance runs the world, this is all a big puppet show.

I wrote this before the referendum and my position remains unchanged,

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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #8 on: October 08, 2018, 23:11:16 PM
I'm already tired of hearing about it, literally DNGAF at this point :w00t:

Problem is they told us how great it was going to be, how getting a deal would be the easiest ever. We can take back control of our borders and stop migration from the EU. Now it's everyone who voted leave wants no deal.

Latest is Chancellor Hunt saying £80 billion a year more government debt. Latest migration figures 87 million from EU 235 million from rest of the world. So much for controlling EU migrant workers. Scientists are claiming they are going to lose out on £500 million a year EU grants. Worse for them they are getting people rejected by the home office.

Yep DNGAF, Until it's your income that's being cut, or your family needs medical treatment and there are not enough staff.

All already happening, if your working class male with no family you get f**ked, earn more, pay more taxes to keep more dossers on their fat asses.

The whole country has gone to sh*t. Sure i said that earlier.
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Re: Jeremy Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations
Reply #9 on: October 30, 2018, 01:43:19 AM

Don't tell me you actually believed them?

The one good thing that has come from Brexit is it's shown how pathetic nearly all politicians are. The MPs that campaigned to leave will and are blaming all of brexits failings on the PM, and I'm sure any successes will be claimed by them too. If somehow the campaign for a second referendum is successful, if the vote is "actually, I think we'll stay in the EU" the brexit campaigners will say that was the plan all along, make brexit so bad it doesn't happen.

Here in NZ there's a growing anti-establishment movement over the use of a poison called 1080 in controlling the pest rodents in the countryside, that eat all the native birds (Kiwis etc). It's scary as we can see parallels in the style of the campaign along with the brexit campaign. People are getting sucked in through the echo chamber of social media and "alternative facts". Seriously, people think 1080 is bad simply because they keep seeing spraypainted signs saying "Ban 1080". They don't do their own research or critical thinking into why it's used over other methods.

It's to the extent I think there should be a referendum on whether it should still be used, but that learning from Brexit, if there were to be a referendum they should present the options fully action planned and costed out. EG, "Continue using for 10 years at this cost using these methods" or "Stop using it, use these methods at this cost...". So then at least when the Kiwis go extinct in the wild, the blame can't be passed back to the department of conservation...

I got to the voting station, my brother gave me a lift in his car. I voted against leaving. That was not for myself, but for all the people who are already losing out.

The problem is just enough people believed the propaganda, and they are now realising how badly they were misled. I'm not just talking about the vote leave campaigns but the papers, radio and TV. The BBC reporting was amongst the worst, and still is. The Electoral Commission has been accused of open bias, with evidence.

At the same time as this I have been battling the campaign against inoculations, the original doctor who made the claim was struck off for fraud and falsifying the data. He should have been imprisoned for life. It turned out he had accepted bribes before starting the fake research.

As to the use of 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) my problem with it, as with all similar poisons, is it does not cure the issue permanently and the animals who ingest it suffer because of this. I have a similar problem with fox hunting, it is a blood sport, not a method of controlling foxes, or even effective. There were actually more foxes in fox hunting areas than ones that do not have hunting. In the long term it is better to eradicate the invasive species than keep paying over many years for control. Then we are still having problems with DDT. Despite the decades that have passed since it was banned it is very persistent and has been plausibly linked to autism and other nerve disorders. It is still measurable even now in the adult human population.

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