Author Topic: My Local Coop  (Read 1601 times)

Re:My Local Coop
Reply #15 on: March 04, 2007, 00:38:35 AM
These mistakes occur often in payroll.  The problem occurs in the software, and the lack of access of the user to correct mistakes and the lack of knowledge of the manager who should have full access to correct mistakes.  The software probably prevented the first overpayment, aka excess of 6 hours overtime for your age, which was probably differed to the following month to add that extra overtime to that month or someone in payroll did so.  But the blurb overseeing thought this a mistake and tried to correct such carrying forward to the following month ended up giving you the four pound.  Often if requires an experienced payroll accountant to come in to correct this, they are probably trying to cover their own mistake.  Contact head office accounting department.

My Local Coop
Reply #16 on: March 04, 2007, 00:44:08 AM
The most likelly reason she appologised to you is due to the chance she could loose her job if you reported that you where given a verbal warning, where you felt threatened and discomfort, the worst of it, it was outside of work, what kind of a boss tells there employee off outside of the work place.. It makes bad relations. A happy employee is a productive employee!

The money issue, claim it all back not just the last months the O/T your owed the lot! Do it quick tho :)

My Local Coop
Reply #17 on: March 04, 2007, 11:38:59 AM
(Speaking as someone who runs payroll for a business...)

Hopefully you will have copies of rotas / shifts worked, written down. If you had regular shifts then this should be easy to work out, but get them all on paper from the start of the disputed period to the end (when you quit). Work out how much you were owed for those hours (including all overtime) and how much youve been paid and write down the difference. Send all this information to your local Co-op, with photocopies of all payslips and a copy to head office. Ask for the total amount to be paid within 30 days or you "will take legal action".

Basically, they have no legal reason to withold your money, if you worked too many hours overtime then that is their fault, not yours. You should still be paid for those hours.

You can very easily get this cash back, its yours.


i agreee with Poison_UK - you could be able to take legal action against your boss, so shes just covering her arse.]

Re:My Local Coop
Reply #18 on: March 04, 2007, 18:32:25 PM
You want to talk to Citizen Advice Bereau (CAB) first. They will advise you.
You should not have been asked to work so much overtime if there was a limit.
By law you should have been issued with a Staff handbook where details of overtime, timeoff, timekeeping & general rules & regulations of that company are laid out in hard form.

I would assume you have a clocking in/out system at work. I am sure under the Freedom of Information Act, you would be entitled to at least a copy of them.

IIRC Co-ops arent independent/Franchise Stores like Spar are, so you may have better luck by taking your problem with head office.

I would also make an offical complaint about her treatment of you, especially outside of hours. At the end of the day, you are being exploited because your young, they think your dumb.
Also, how old are you?
Minimum wage is £3.30 if your 16-17, £4.45 if your 18-21 & £5.35 if your 22 & over.

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:My Local Coop
Reply #19 on: March 05, 2007, 13:36:51 PM
Quote from: Dave
is your manager on her period or something - she has got no right to stop you in the street and have a go at you - secondly the line they are feeding you about your pay is complete crap. Take them to an employment tribunal or at least take them to the small claims court and get the money youre owed.

you can do it online at

Quote from: Maldonado
Basically, they have no legal reason to withold your money, if you worked too many hours overtime then that is their fault, not yours. You should still be paid for those hours.

You can very easily get this cash back, its yours.

Pretty much everything you need to know.

My Local Coop
Reply #20 on: March 11, 2007, 20:02:40 PM
so any news?

  • Offline Liam

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My Local Coop
Reply #21 on: March 12, 2007, 13:56:22 PM
Quote from: Maldonado
so any news?

Yeah about the money that they didnt pay me last month they are going to pay me it at the end of this month, as there was apparently a cock up with PayRoll, iv left the coop now at last :)

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