Author Topic: owch  (Read 3426 times)

on: March 20, 2014, 22:09:39 PM
just got out of hospital :(

was 20foot up a ladder on Monday when it slid down the wall, me left wrist went through the ladder then the ladder with me ontop of it landed on the writs... I knew it was broken straight away because my writ was a zug zag shape :-s

long story short, end of arm bone in 15birts and my wrist joint turned to dust (apparently that's the medical term)

wasn't looking good, docs were talking about fixing my wrist solid so i could never move it again, or best case putting a metal cage around my arm with screws going into arm/wrist to hold things in place

I know doc's normally go worst case but realised how bad it was when every time i went for an x-ray or mri scan the people doing it would call in the people from the other rooms to come have a look and then there'd all gather round and ask how I did it :-s

but... one 4 hour opp later and they were surprised how strong my bones are and managed to fix most of it... so no metal cage etc.. and I can still move my fingers (there was a chance they would die)

so I've got a cast on for 1 week, then go get it changed for a different one for 4 weeks, then some sort of brace on for months while they try to get my wrist moving again

pretty sh*tty, but a lot better than I was expecting

I had everyone on the ward prepped not to tell any of my visitors how bad it was and to cover the cage up with a blanket when I got back from surgery so my mother wouldn't freak out!

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: owch
Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 22:48:07 PM
Good lord, a speedy (as possible!) and hopefully successful recovery to you sir! :yarr:

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Re: owch
Reply #2 on: March 20, 2014, 22:52:03 PM
It amazes me that you never injure yourself more seriously half the time, glad you're not going to have a f**ked wrist for life though!

What caused the ladder to slide down like that, any idea? Take it easy and have a speedy recovery

Re: owch
Reply #3 on: March 21, 2014, 09:27:29 AM
no idea why the ladder slid, it was at the right angle.... I'd just got it back from someone I lent it to so maybe he messed up the feet or they were slippy... I dunno, could be anything I guess

typing with one hand sucks!

you're right Nige... kind of annoying I do dangerous stuff and I'm fine, then do something simple/safe/easy and this happens!

Re: owch
Reply #4 on: March 21, 2014, 09:28:35 AM
p.s. already bidding on automatic cars on ebay.... it'lkl only be for a few months (hopefully) so I'm going for something daft.,.. xjs in my sights right now :-)

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Re: owch
Reply #5 on: March 21, 2014, 09:35:41 AM
Ouch !!!! I know the feeling I did a similar thing a few years back (but I seem to have strong bones nothing broken) most of my left leg blue. Hope you will have your wrist usable when it is all healed.

Re: owch
Reply #6 on: March 21, 2014, 09:56:53 AM
after the opp they said I've got surprisingly strong bones and they expected them to be week when they saw how bad the damage was, I guess all the manual labour/physical stuff I do paid off a bit

they said that's the only reason they managed to fix it as well as they have, strong bones are easier to fix because broken bits of week bones break when they tey to drill/bolt them together

Re: owch
Reply #7 on: March 21, 2014, 15:15:36 PM
strong wrists huh


Re: owch
Reply #8 on: March 21, 2014, 21:03:40 PM
went into work for a couple of hours today

ever stronger wrists than they thought... turns out I went through a light on the way down then destroyed a shower cubical and snapped a load of joists that were on the floor.... they were probably a better landing that the concrete floor tho....

on the upside, I need an automatic car to run around in, so I bought an (old) jag, photos to follow when it's light :-)

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Re: owch
Reply #9 on: March 22, 2014, 01:05:32 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing the Jag, about time you got a nother nice car!

Re: owch
Reply #10 on: March 23, 2014, 09:30:04 AM
Ouch. I can sell you an auto cheap. 1.6 vw bora :)

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  • Offline zpyder

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Re: owch
Reply #11 on: March 24, 2014, 13:43:03 PM
Ouch. How many days have you spent in hospital over the last 10 years now? ;)

I guess it's an example why all the window cleaners round here say they can't/don't use ladders any more. Thought it was health and safety gone mad, but maybe not!

My dad's been out of hospital a few weeks now after having a knee replacement. He's due to have the other one done soon, been amazed at how quickly the human body can recover from things like this. The thought of having your knee/leg bones cut out, replaced with metal, stitched up, and then be walking on it (with crutches and a brace mind) 2 days later is mental. Most of the pain was from the muscles being moved around in the surgery rather than the cutting...

Re: owch
Reply #12 on: March 24, 2014, 16:11:13 PM
Ouch. How many days have you spent in hospital over the last 10 years now? ;)

I guess it's an example why all the window cleaners round here say they can't/don't use ladders any more. Thought it was health and safety gone mad, but maybe not!

My dad's been out of hospital a few weeks now after having a knee replacement. He's due to have the other one done soon, been amazed at how quickly the human body can recover from things like this. The thought of having your knee/leg bones cut out, replaced with metal, stitched up, and then be walking on it (with crutches and a brace mind) 2 days later is mental. Most of the pain was from the muscles being moved around in the surgery rather than the cutting...

window cleaners is health & safety. Most dont bother around here. As for knee replacement, yep, they just shape the bone & cap it. I guess it is something I will need when I am older.
Suprised I survived my snowboarding holiday earlier this month as well as I did. Only tore my ankle ligaments.

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