Author Topic: Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!  (Read 1732 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
on: March 14, 2008, 19:08:29 PM
2 months to go till the end of my degree. Im sure others are in the same boat, or been there, done that etc.

Im after suggestions for things to be doing in the week or so after my last exam. - No point suggesting getting wasted haha.

So heres the deal...the last 4 years Ive been stuck living at home, this has its perks (no rent, no debt, food...) but also its downers (A lack of a social life(its difficult bringing some friends back to yours, especially when its a fair way away from uni and your parents are annoying)). My lifes been on hold a little whilst doing this degree, and so Im pretty much chomping at the bit for that bit of freedom where Im no longer at uni, or employed!

One option is probably to start a research assistant contract the day after the last exam heh if I really wanted to...Id enjoy the work and could save the money to go travelling in Autumn...

Another is to make a short hop somewhere in Europe...its handy having a sister whos a pilot for FlyBE :D
Or another which I quite fancy, is to make a trip up north to either the yorkshire dales, where a friend who finished last year is staying in a cottage, or to go to the lake district. I essentially fancy doing a bit of hiking in the country. Cost wise for transport its likely to cost as much to get up there as it would for me to fly anywhere in Europe.

So, anyone got anything lined up for when you finish, or have any fond memories of what you did when you finished?

Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 19:10:46 PM
I sorted myself out in the first semester of my final year... which realllllly is what you should have done mate.

Most graduate schemes opened in Jan, and close at the end of march so youre cutting it fine there.

Id join a graduate scheme... get training, get decent wage, then after 2 years just move on to another company having actually gotten rid of the "graduate" tag.

Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #2 on: March 14, 2008, 19:17:19 PM
Yeah, do what he says.

Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #3 on: March 14, 2008, 19:23:12 PM
Take the research position, nob all the girls you didnt previously.

Wish I had.

  • Offline Mardoni

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Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #4 on: March 14, 2008, 19:31:23 PM
Personally, if I could be back there in your shoes, Id take 3/6 month break and go and see the world.

I had a job all lined up from my placement year and as a result I got about a 2 week break from my last exam to starting work. Since then Ive not had the opportunity to take a long break, I think the longest Ive had off of work in the past 8 years is one 2 week holiday.

So my advice would be, that if you didnt have a gap year before Uni, have one now.

Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #5 on: March 14, 2008, 19:50:28 PM
Quote from: Nimrod
Personally, if I could be back there in your shoes, Id take 3/6 month break and go and see the world.

I had a job all lined up from my placement year and as a result I got about a 2 week break from my last exam to starting work. Since then Ive not had the opportunity to take a long break, I think the longest Ive had off of work in the past 8 years is one 2 week holiday.

So my advice would be, that if you didnt have a gap year before Uni, have one now.

Dont know what your company is like, but I know mine allows you to take sabbaticals to do whatever you want. Obviously you wont be paid during the sabbatical, but then you wont lose your job either so its all good :D

Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 20:02:26 PM
most of the good grad places have gone.

take on some debt & go backpacking across europe until xmas.

  • Offline Mardoni

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Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #7 on: March 14, 2008, 20:42:26 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Quote from: Nimrod
Personally, if I could be back there in your shoes, Id take 3/6 month break and go and see the world.

I had a job all lined up from my placement year and as a result I got about a 2 week break from my last exam to starting work. Since then Ive not had the opportunity to take a long break, I think the longest Ive had off of work in the past 8 years is one 2 week holiday.

So my advice would be, that if you didnt have a gap year before Uni, have one now.

Dont know what your company is like, but I know mine allows you to take sabbaticals to do whatever you want. Obviously you wont be paid during the sabbatical, but then you wont lose your job either so its all good :D

Taking unpaid leave isnt the problem. The problem is that once you begin / get used to earning a wage you also get used to the standard of life that affords you. As a result I couldnt imagine backpacking / roughing it now, itd have to be hotels all the way and thats not cheap ;)

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Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #8 on: March 14, 2008, 23:12:08 PM
Id definitely go touring someplace, take some time out. You dont get the chance when youre older, and while I never bothered to finish uni, I still think a good break would have been good. While youre young and have the means, take advantage. Life will get on top of you before you know it.

Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 23:35:21 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
most of the good grad places have gone.

take on some debt & go backpacking across europe until xmas.

This guy is actually speaking sense I guess. Like I said youve left it late to apply to grad positions so yeah Id probably wait now until next year to apply. Get a list of the companies youre interested in.

Why a grad position and not a straight job? Almost ever grad scheme involves a sh*tload of training typically for management stuff, so what you do is get in... get training, get rid of the "graduate" tag that will follow you around, then go for another job in about 2 years, with a hike in salary.

Average grad scheme salary now is around 23k, at least in my field (computer science). Ive friends on 25, 28 and 33k... when they move on, their salary will more than likely go up :D

While the research position may interest you will it give you the necessary skills and training to further your career? Whilst a grad scheme will offer you craploads of training... thus preparing you for the world of work afterwards :D

Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #10 on: March 14, 2008, 23:40:41 PM
Im not fussed about travelling, as I was in the merchant navy for a while, so saw a good few countries.

Biggest thing Id say is move out! I now live on my own, and LOVE it! I dont have parties or anything like that.....but the freedom is amazing. People come and go as and when, and is great!! Not cheap, but I wouldnt change it now.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #11 on: March 15, 2008, 02:35:28 AM
grad scheme is a good start but dont worry too much about it tbh.. - certainly not a major factor maybe youll get some soft skills management training but tbh.. most of it is generally bollocks - mongs who cant stand up in front of people and give presentations/lead tasks etc.. will be shown for what they are -  people who, are not mongs, and can stand and just_speak_english in front of people will be shown as being not_mongs - basically at the end of it a mong is still an mong only now theyve got a tick in a box somewhere from a softskills/NLP/motivational/bull_sh*t_guru to say they are a mong. Surprisingly enough there are plenty of grads out there starting 30-35k a year jobs who are complete mongoloids and cant so much stand up in front of a small group and give a presentation without stuttering, saying um lots or fidgeting/scratching themselves repeatedly - tis a complete joke.

if you dont get on a grad scheme who cares - so long as you get a job in a decent firm whether you got in on the grad scheme or otherwise shouldnt affect you so long as you perform well at your job. There are plenty of people out there on grad schemes who are complete biffs - it isnt hard to overtake them in the workplace.

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Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #12 on: March 15, 2008, 02:52:56 AM
Quote from: Nimrod
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Quote from: Nimrod
Personally, if I could be back there in your shoes, Id take 3/6 month break and go and see the world.

I had a job all lined up from my placement year and as a result I got about a 2 week break from my last exam to starting work. Since then Ive not had the opportunity to take a long break, I think the longest Ive had off of work in the past 8 years is one 2 week holiday.

So my advice would be, that if you didnt have a gap year before Uni, have one now.

Dont know what your company is like, but I know mine allows you to take sabbaticals to do whatever you want. Obviously you wont be paid during the sabbatical, but then you wont lose your job either so its all good :D

Taking unpaid leave isnt the problem. The problem is that once you begin / get used to earning a wage you also get used to the standard of life that affords you. As a result I couldnt imagine backpacking / roughing it now, itd have to be hotels all the way and thats not cheap ;)

I thought that too, then I just got used to it, I sleep on a five hundred pound bed, but Im just as happy on an air mattress on the floor. Go second rate hotels around Eastern Europe or Russia. Fly over to the US, drive yourself and stay in motels (Im sure Sam and others can give you some hints on this). Same with the far east, you should be able to sort something out cheap.

  • Offline zpyder

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Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #13 on: March 15, 2008, 09:51:52 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
I sorted myself out in the first semester of my final year... which realllllly is what you should have done mate.

Most graduate schemes opened in Jan, and close at the end of march so youre cutting it fine there.

Id join a graduate scheme... get training, get decent wage, then after 2 years just move on to another company having actually gotten rid of the "graduate" tag.

I sorted myself out before my final year :D I left an impact at uni after doing a work placement as an RA there last summer that they asked if I wanted to do it paid this year. Which of course I do, as its the best job ever  (for me)...since then I also landed a contract for a Marine environmental consultancy doing some sample processing, and some work for the home office over xmas. Ive also been informed that there is also a 5 month contract in the works for some soil sample processing at uni. My aim is to become a full-time RA at uni, and try to negotiate a part-time masters whilst there. Perfectly on track to that too :)

As Im looking for a career in Environmental science, nearly all decent jobs require applicants to be at least masters level, grad job wise there isnt much in the fields Im interested in for an undergrad. I couldnt cope with going straight into a masters, but think a part-time course at the place of work would be ideal (Could just take a couple of hours out and come back to work haha)

Freedom wise the start date of the RA position this year is flexible, so this is why I was asking for things to do. I can pretty much choose to go straight into work, or have a couple of weeks out.

Thanks for the concern, onto the suggestions on what to do if I had time out before employment!

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Re:Suggestions for the FRrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmm!
Reply #14 on: March 15, 2008, 10:00:58 AM
If it was me Id take the option of going somewhere in Europe while the goings good - its always going to be relatively easy to get to the Lake District etc (fantastic as they are).

If youre up for the outdoors stuff, could do some hiking in one of the more interesting ranges in Europe, low Alps or Pyrenees.

An alternative, but no less spectacular place for an outdoor holiday is in France.

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