Author Topic: The London Riots (List of Cities in post)  (Read 10236 times)

The London Riots (List of Cities in post)
on: August 09, 2011, 12:03:58 PM
How do we not have a thread about this..

I think it is a disgrace, and don't understand why the water canons and rubber bullets aren't out! (TBH I'd be fine with proper bullets)

Also I love Google maps...

Here is the map of confirmed riots:

You'll get interesting results if you then do a search for Currys Digital and overlay the two!

Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 11:55:27 AM by Bacon #187;

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Re: The Lonodn Riots
Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 12:28:48 PM
Wondering why Martial Law has not been called.
Fastest way to get it sorted.
As Nige said on facebook - more police wondering around the streets as the city burns is no good.

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Re: The Lonodn Riots
Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 12:40:10 PM
From what I read elsewhere the water cannons are all in Northern Ireland and we can't get them over here. Same with invoking martial law, they won't do this unless absolutely necessary as the armed forces are all stretched out in Afghanistan.

What does need to be done is forgetting about race, PC and all that and allowing the police freedom to go out and crack some heads rather than standing around watching London burn and be looted by scum. Some of the videos doing the rounds are sickening.

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Re: The Lonodn Riots
Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 12:58:49 PM
What does need to be done is forgetting about race, PC and all that and allowing the police freedom to go out and crack some heads rather than standing around watching London burn and be looted by scum. Some of the videos doing the rounds are sickening.

^ This.

If these idiots were actually protesting then my opinion would be different but as they're just out looting and destroying, they should be shot on sight.

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Re: The Lonodn Riots
Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 12:58:54 PM
I think in time if not sorted it will sort itself out, as more and more of the confident troublemakers get arrested, the opportunists will feel less confident, from what i have read today it is not just young men out looting but their parents too.

As for sorting it out, i would agree with rubber bullets or water cannons or just some straight forward medieval action with batons from the 80s.

PS. Edited the OP's title.
Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 13:01:48 PM by Bacon #187;
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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 14:16:30 PM
Anyone near london fancy grabbing me a 50" TV?

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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 14:57:17 PM
Anyone near london fancy grabbing me a 50" TV?

Tried Gumtree?
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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 15:19:12 PM
Just to make me sound incredibly naive...but what are the riots actually about? ATM it just seems like people rioting/looting for the sake of it...usually this stuff happens off of the side of a protest/riot?

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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 15:36:41 PM
Just to make me sound incredibly naive...but what are the riots actually about? ATM it just seems like people rioting/looting for the sake of it...usually this stuff happens off of the side of a protest/riot?

The police shot some guy in Tottenham (who I suspect was asking for it) so there was a peaceful protest outside the police station. This escalated and then a load of opportunistic bellends used it as an excuse to start robbing and being f*cking scumbags. Frankly I hope they shoot them too - or hang them, in Trafalgar Square as a nice warning to the rest. Whats making it worse is all the revolutionary Guerra' wannabe's think this is the beginning of something and that people are all turning on 'the system'. I've just tried to explain to one that this will actually push the public closer to government and the police but he thinks I'M the brainwashed idiot... lordy....
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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #9 on: August 09, 2011, 15:45:12 PM
Just to make me sound incredibly naive...but what are the riots actually about? ATM it just seems like people rioting/looting for the sake of it...usually this stuff happens off of the side of a protest/riot?

I just posted this Facebook so might as well expand here:

These aren't poor people, these are mindless thugs chancing on the lack of response so far to go out and steal in the name of 'sticking it to man' as they've watched things escalate, or as one of these chavs said "the Conservatives or whoever, I dunno". They don't even believe what they are saying, they are talking plain sh*te and are just scum taking the opportunity to thieve. It has nothing to do with a black man being shot, poverty or how white and middle class Cameron is. Any apologist for any of this is a fool, plain and simple. People fighting oppression and poverty do not firebomb small local businesses and firebomb their neighbours out of house and home and call it "fighting against the rich and the police". There's been people rolling up in BMW X5s in organised groups to rob high end electronics FFS, people chatting over radios organising where to go and loot next, etc. Children as young as 8 even.

Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 16:09:44 PM
Its utterly shocking. I only recent moved away from Clapham Junction which was badly hit last night, its a nice middle class area, one of the last I expected to have problems but its only a short drive from Brixton and *crucially* it has a Currys Digital.

Its pure opportunism, word got round that police werent responding to anything so people with no social conscience took to the streets and looted anything they wanted. Others, presumably for excitement and to prove they cant be controlled committed mindless acts of vandalism and arson or travelled to areas where the police where to get involved in the fights.

The sad fact is the police will never be able to react to large numbers of people committing crime at random in a wide range of areas, society relies on people not having the inclination to commit crime and the facade of safety that a relitively small number of police bring.

My concern is that now these groups have reaslised that when there is an event which draws a large ammount of police resource occuring they are effectively free to break the law unimpeded.

I question if communities should do more, there was a fantastic show in some areas, notably Turkish communities where people took to the streets to defend their areas with a show of force. It worked flawlessly, rioters diverted away from those areas and they were left untouched.
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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #12 on: August 09, 2011, 17:09:41 PM
It is rediculous, these protests are not about anything in particular, people are just using it as an excuse to cause trouble, and I agree with everything everyone has posted here.

It is time the police to start cracking some skulls and shooting some bullets, rubber or live I don't care, these people are the dreggs of society and a few hundred less alive will do this country the world of good.

Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #13 on: August 09, 2011, 17:44:28 PM
It's okay we don't need 16,000 police on the streets tonight!
Armed with a fishing rod, breast of chicken and 4 cans of lager, Gazza's reported to be on his way to London.

This posh woman on Radio2 earlier was trying to claim it was some plight about the differences between the rich and poorer classes in the UK, brought on by the economic crisis.

Sure love.

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Re: The London Riots (Now in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool)
Reply #14 on: August 09, 2011, 17:48:44 PM
I wonder how long it would take, if things continued, before locals took matters in to their own hands? Whether it'd make things worse if a group of 200 looters that had been organising an "event" on twitter, suddenly found themselves facing a group of 500 people who just want to live their lives without dealing with this trash.

Building on that, I wonder what the scenario would be like if we had gun laws / values like in america, where both the looters and businessmen looting would have slightly easier access to firearms. I'm guessing there'd have been more fatalities, but I wonder if there'd have been overall as much violence?

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