Author Topic: The US Election  (Read 30393 times)

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Re: The US Election
Reply #15 on: November 08, 2020, 13:30:17 PM
It boils down to McDonalds Trump will either back up what he's saying with solid evidence and conclusively prove the "election was stolen" As he puts it, or he'll just waste everyone's time with half cooked rubbish, I do think the latter is more likely.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #16 on: November 08, 2020, 14:01:36 PM
He has been asked repeatedly for evidence. Trump's modus operandi over the last four years, and even before that, has been to repeatedly lie and not provide any evidence. Where is his evidence of the fraud in the 2016 election?

As to Trump's claims they are covered by the BBC, and if you check every other main news network, including Fox news, goes against him.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #17 on: November 08, 2020, 14:07:04 PM
As to Trump's claims they are covered by the BBC, and if you check every other main news network, including Fox news, goes against him.


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Re: The US Election
Reply #18 on: November 09, 2020, 00:11:37 AM
you can detest Trump as much as you like but having seen quite clear corruption and fraud evidence on twitter, the orange man probably does have a point, and as much as I hate to admit it, I actually think he's right.

Just a couple of issues with that, what corruption and fraud there has been seems to have come entirely from Trump and his supporters, including trying to stop postal votes and intimidate voters.

Observers, the press, and many Republicans have said the elections were not fraud. Each state has their own way of counting, and what votes get counted. So taking several days to count the votes is entirely fair and normal.

Twitter has repeatedly put on Trump's posts that they were effectively lies.

- Republicans and Trump made changes to rules in some states requiring ID proof in person registration for votes
- They also made it harder to postal vote and even trying to cut down the postal service in the run up
- Trump from the start of the year just went out and said postal voting is rigged and corrupt. Despite the fact he has posted his vote as he lived out of state before. He even said last year to republicans to get the vote in early and postal vote. Then the pandemic happened and he changed the policy when it was clear that 1. more people would vote 2. Democrats would postal vote.

- Republicans every election and especially when in power have continued a policy of changing voting to be in their favour. Overall there are less republican people because they are primary the richest / oldest people of the country which has constantly got smaller. IF it was any other country with normal voting they would loose EVERY time. Various republicans have even been on camera out right saying this.

So with the standard republican attempts to hold power and

How Trump is, he has just targeted the crazy to be quite frank and has encourage rumour, accusations, tension, and flawed up racists, conspiracy theory people and built up that population. So more of them feel they had a voice, getting their way even when they were getting less well off because he has created this cult like status. There was a show here in Australia 2 weeks ago showing how he has all but followed the same steps cult leaders do to create follows and have them believe them no matter how crazy it seems to the rest of us.

I do home he is dragged out of the white house, it will make great television in 2021 and a good kick off for a hopefully better year.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #19 on: November 09, 2020, 08:46:00 AM
I heard some prat earlier on the radio suggesting that the Republicans only hope for 2024 is Trump again, they don't feel Republicans would get behind anyone else... well how well has that just worked out for you, eh? When the majority want your candidate not just not elected, but ideally in a casket. It's the same reason Labour will not be in power until "A competent opponent" materializes, as Matt rightly put. Even if you don't like Biden and think he's a sack of sh*t, he's still a massively smaller sack of sh*t than Trump.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #20 on: November 09, 2020, 09:28:51 AM
It seems that Greta Thunberg has a sense of ice cold revenge, tweeting pretty much what Trump told her when she won Times person of the year. she even included his random capitalization so probably copied and pasted.


Greta, “So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!”

Seems she's badass and deserves the thug life shades. It was a bad idea Trump getting at her anyway, sounded more like a five year old doing a tantrum over his sister got two dolls and he didn't get any.

The problem was by the time that Trump-et had tweeted the counts were already favouring a Biden win, Stopping the counts would have ensured it and his advisors had to shut him up.

 :ptu: :rofl: :rofl: :muttley: :muttley:

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Re: The US Election
Reply #21 on: December 01, 2020, 13:30:29 PM
So far the count seems to be 39 out of 40 cases failed to provide any evidence. The only ones shouting fraud are still Donald Trump, a few of his legal team (ones that haven't already quit to save themselves), and right wing media that don't have to tell the truth.

There are still plenty of ongoing cases but even if you total them all up you still get a Biden win, by a long way. The Trump campaign even paid for recounts in some counties and the result was Biden got even more votes than Trump.

What they are stuck with is the orange baby stuck in the White House having tantrums and throwing the Presidential toys out of his pram. The sooner they kick him out he better.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #22 on: December 02, 2020, 00:21:44 AM
So far the count seems to be 39 out of 40 cases failed to provide any evidence. The only ones shouting fraud are still Donald Trump, a few of his legal team (ones that haven't already quit to save themselves), and right wing media that don't have to tell the truth.

There are still plenty of ongoing cases but even if you total them all up you still get a Biden win, by a long way. The Trump campaign even paid for recounts in some counties and the result was Biden got even more votes than Trump.

What they are stuck with is the orange baby stuck in the White House having tantrums and throwing the Presidential toys out of his pram. The sooner they kick him out he better.

It has got so crazy now it is not even funny.
They are now holding these fake "hearings" and broadcasting them and they are just pure crazy, it is nuts.

They have raised $150 million for the fraud war fund (which actually is going to pay off debts) and it is scary the amount of people giving them money and believing all this stuff.

Trump is a baby, a spoilt brat that got money and through lying and cheating some how manages to convince enough people to be scared of him and some how worked his way to become president. He targets a very scary large amount of types of people (basically idiots) and does not do much but in a way with no facts, proof or anything make them believe him and anyone he gets to follow his tune.
As tv has said his "Enablers" are scary - All the republicans and people in white house jobs scared to be fired and scared to be out of jobs if he is not around. Many who have gone too far with him that their reputation is damaged and will struggle to get people to hire them and trust them in new jobs. Some of those now doubling down with trump and going with his insanity.

Facts are there is no proof to any of what they are saying.
They keep changing the narrative every time one avenue fails.
The scary fact is that people , like mentioned here who are the "Stop the count", "Count the votes" ... "Fox news is the only real news", "Fox news is fake news".... TO MANY OF THESE PEOPLE!

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Re: The US Election
Reply #23 on: December 03, 2020, 10:54:08 AM
Having watched parts of some of the weird hearings there clearly is evidence and there clearly was fraud (as there is at any human ran election)  However they seem to keep claiming there's bigger and better evidence, all this "unleash the kraken" Rhetoric so far has been just talk.

What did grab my attention yesterday, and the only reason I'm posting on the thread again really, was this I've followed Patrick for many years now and respect his work on Bitcoin & Blockchain tech and his work against naked short selling on wall street (First saw him on Keiser report ages ago) The video makes interesting viewing, everything he says is PLAUSIBLE, again though, we're yet to see anything :-\ :dunno:

Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 11:02:00 AM by matt5cott #187;

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Re: The US Election
Reply #24 on: December 04, 2020, 00:47:57 AM
Having watched parts of some of the weird hearings there clearly is evidence and there clearly was fraud (as there is at any human ran election)  However they seem to keep claiming there's bigger and better evidence, all this "unleash the kraken" Rhetoric so far has been just talk.

What did grab my attention yesterday, and the only reason I'm posting on the thread again really, was this I've followed Patrick for many years now and respect his work on Bitcoin & Blockchain tech and his work against naked short selling on wall street (First saw him on Keiser report ages ago) The video makes interesting viewing, everything he says is PLAUSIBLE, again though, we're yet to see anything :-\ :dunno:

Not actually quite right.

- There are always mistakes and errors within every election. They have identified those cases and the most votes in any situation has been I think 129 and nothing more.
- The affidavit stuff: 99% of them come from a process where they sent out emails to supporters and asked if they saw any fraud to go to a link and fill in a web form. It had the legal statements and apparently reCaptcha (which apparently helps for a digital thing have the bare minimum vetting level to have it classes as a one)
- They supposedly vetted a lot of these but even those removed were accidentally submitted into more than one of their court cases.
- Some of the ones submitted instantly questioned by judges - all without proof but many who claim to be for the same region/state contradict each other. This is the biggest thing. Out of 100's of these things for one poll centre for example all but 3 were not even anywhere near. A lot of the submissions came from the Trump supports who went to poll centres trying to be observers themselves claiming they could not see or saw dodgy stuff!

- The other thing is they have shown off and have people shown up at their fake hearings and kangaroo courts (not real) and thus not sworn in in any way allowing them to make their wild claims. They have yet in court had any witness sworn in under oaf or submitted their full affidavit and claims because that would mean those people would be liable as well as them - They basically know its trash.
[/size]- In most of their actions as well they have had to admit in front of a judge that they are NOT claiming Fraud either, because again in court and in the actual legal real world they can not make the claims.
[/size]In terms of those claims:
[/size]They have basically claimed everything and anything at this point. As one thing fails they have gone and tried something else.
[/size]This guy has basically covered it all:
Basically shows how despite what is said, in the courts etc there is nothing.

There are actually big flaws in a lot of their claims.

- Machines switching votes in states where machines were not actually used
- Machines switching but the fact they print the ballets and those have been recounted and show no disparity is ignored
- The two companies they mentioned that are owned by the same people and thus in cahoots with the big list of all the conspiracy groups including someone who has been dead for years!! Are actually RIVAL companies and NOT related.

I can go on but been following this a lot in fascination at the claims vs reality and just how fantastical it has become and how they are allowed to do this. Laws, policies and more will change as a result to prevent this in the future.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #25 on: December 04, 2020, 10:09:48 AM
Having watched parts of some of the weird hearings there clearly is evidence and there clearly was fraud (as there is at any human ran election)  However they seem to keep claiming there's bigger and better evidence, all this "unleash the kraken" Rhetoric so far has been just talk.

I think we're on a similar page here, most of your post is what I meant when I said the above :)

Although since I wrote that actual evidence is now surfacing online finally, some interesting videos of what appears to be a USB drive "secretly" Being passed from off of a machine, and videos of a voting centre being "Shut down" People leaving, then loads of gear being pulled from under tables :lol: :lol: :lol: Hopefully this all ends up in a proper court hearing and quickly, it needs sorting.

This was the kind of evidence I was expecting from the get go.
Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 10:20:21 AM by matt5cott #187;

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Re: The US Election
Reply #26 on: December 04, 2020, 17:36:23 PM
As to Trump's claims they are covered by the BBC, and if you check every other main news network, including Fox news, goes against him.


"Shocking" is the bit where US Attorney General William Barr says directly on TV that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election...

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Re: The US Election
Reply #27 on: December 09, 2020, 18:00:55 PM
Supreme court unanimously crushes Trump case. Even the three Trump appointees voted against.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #28 on: December 10, 2020, 00:03:08 AM
Having watched parts of some of the weird hearings there clearly is evidence and there clearly was fraud (as there is at any human ran election)  However they seem to keep claiming there's bigger and better evidence, all this "unleash the kraken" Rhetoric so far has been just talk.

I think we're on a similar page here, most of your post is what I meant when I said the above :)

Although since I wrote that actual evidence is now surfacing online finally, some interesting videos of what appears to be a USB drive "secretly" Being passed from off of a machine, and videos of a voting centre being "Shut down" People leaving, then loads of gear being pulled from under tables :lol: :lol: :lol: Hopefully this all ends up in a proper court hearing and quickly, it needs sorting.

This was the kind of evidence I was expecting from the get go.

The USB:
The person in the video was not responsible for certifying results, this can only be done by the election boardThe videos shows the worker conducting a routine check of the number of ballots that had been recounted. The USb drive is used to transfer a report of counted batch of ballots to a computer equiped with the only program that can read themThis is one way and can only output and has no means of changing code or adding in. This can only be done from the inside which is locked that no worker has the key for and with a laptop and specific software.The video was taken DURING A RECOUNT, not the actual voting.

This has already been investigated and debunked
The water leak was ONLy a urinal that overflowed earlier in the day and not at the timeNo one actually asked anyone to leave. Media were leaving and watchers were still thereThe boxes contained sealed counted ballets from that table and put there ready to be moved at the end. As standard practice across the US where workers counting votes fill the boxes of counted ballets, have them sealed in a certain way by members another worker and placed ready for pickup. Some locations who have a place to store these moved them straight the way, others will less space will do things like store them under tables.
None of these actually presented in a court of law because they would not hold up. These and videos that have been proven modified or edited in certain ways to look dodgy just do not hold up and are done to fuel the flames amount people who want to believe them.

Trump is 1-51 and that 1 was so minor it should not even count.
He is loosing at the top court level and lost 10 Cases in ONE DAY as well now.

Safe Harbour has now occurred as well.


- Trump is a baby and does not like loosing and has ALWAYS claimed he won even when he lost
- He is the biggest liar and cheater and his golfing is a good example of that
- He thought he was making friends and moving "HIS" people into place when ultimately as is the case in politics and power, those people were just getting what they want and do not actually care about him.
- Many republicans are NOT scared of Trump, it is just this cult like following that have become Republican as a result they want to try and keep in some way for voting in 4 years time as well as run offs before that. They do not want Trump back or to run again but they know if they loose too many of his Cult they will not do well for some time as their party is in a mess as a result of... Trump.

- Trump HAS crippling debt both from campaigning and is businesses and he is simply using his cult following to get money out of them.
- Trump is also concerned that he can not pardon himself or his family against things he has not been committed in doing yet and is worried about his downfall when he looses a lot of his protections.

If Trump is not locked up or tied up in a million court cases for the rest of his life or bankrupt he will try and be something, start a media company, spout conspiracy theories and nonsense to those who watch and he may hold a few million, but the rest who voted for him will move on to other conspiracy or crazy rants or follow someone else in time.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #29 on: December 10, 2020, 00:04:02 AM
Supreme court unanimously crushes Trump case. Even the three Trump appointees voted against.
Which he thought all along would be backing him. A hope that if he can get it to them they would be in his debt and do him favours. This is a clear "We got what we want with you giving us power, now go die under a rock"

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