Author Topic: The US Election  (Read 30330 times)

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: The US Election
Reply #30 on: December 10, 2020, 10:46:04 AM
I think you chaps have a bit of Trump bashing tunnel vision, as much as the guy is a dick you're both talking about the wrong court case, the one thrown out of the supreme court isn't his, he's taking part in Texas +18 other states VS Penns/Georg/Wisc/Michi which I'd describe as some sort of royal rumble mashup :lol: and yes that may still be thrown out of the Supreme court.

As for the videos being "debunked" In what I'd put politely as in a partisan manner, there will always be an "Explanation"

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Re: The US Election
Reply #31 on: December 10, 2020, 16:27:51 PM
I think you chaps have a bit of Trump bashing tunnel vision, as much as the guy is a dick you're both talking about the wrong court case, the one thrown out of the supreme court isn't his, he's taking part in Texas +18 other states VS Penns/Georg/Wisc/Michi which I'd describe as some sort of royal rumble mashup :lol: and yes that may still be thrown out of the Supreme court.

As for the videos being "debunked" In what I'd put politely as in a partisan manner, there will always be an "Explanation"

Who do you think prompted this court case? Trump asked for the case, it's his supporters that pushed for it.

As to your supposed second case. it seems to be ONLY TEXAS. That would be FEDERAL government interfering in STATE government. Basically the same case but with four defendants, and equally unlikely to succeed. They have offered no evidence.

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: The US Election
Reply #32 on: December 10, 2020, 17:54:25 PM
Indeed, there's no stated evidence in the docket but there are allegations, I'm not sure if they're hoping it gets as far as the "discovery" Phase and they can perhaps present whatever it is they claim to have then :dunno:

The press attributes anything supporting as a "Trump case" This is the case that McDonalds Trump has said he's behind and his name is on, along with Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Utah (also backed by other states). As I've said before I don't see what the issue is with him having his day/s in court, it would be massively publicised and if he's the giant tit everyone thinks he is and he's chatting absolute BS then let him put it forward on the biggest stage and potentially go out to the price is right horn, anyone can say there is or isn't fraud, and anyone can explain something away with a mixed degree of credibility, legitimising the result is beneficial for both sides.

Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 18:21:44 PM by matt5cott #187;

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #33 on: December 10, 2020, 23:51:13 PM
I think you chaps have a bit of Trump bashing tunnel vision, as much as the guy is a dick you're both talking about the wrong court case, the one thrown out of the supreme court isn't his, he's taking part in Texas +18 other states VS Penns/Georg/Wisc/Michi which I'd describe as some sort of royal rumble mashup :lol: and yes that may still be thrown out of the Supreme court.

As for the videos being "debunked" In what I'd put politely as in a partisan manner, there will always be an "Explanation"
Far From it, I am very big on facts, learning about things making sure I have the correct information - checking multiple sources and understanding what is going on in what I see.
I am not referring to any particular court case. The Trump Lawyers are 1-51 I think still right now which looks to be nearly 1-60 maybe even by the end of the week. Most of the "Evidence" presented online or in these fake hearings only a handful have actually been presented in court and have been smashed by the courts and slammed for being nothing but hearsay.

The new one with Texas and the states has been slammed by pretty much everyone, not for Trump but for all the party members who think they need to do this to be in good favour for the Trump supporters.

This is what it is now, Trump is a mental and one of the biggest idiots out there but he has resonated with the idiots out there and there is sadly A LOT OF THEM :(
From that many in Republican party seem to think they need to hold on to those numbers some how and they can only do that by looking like they supported Trump and it was the other "Powers" that they lost - They tried for "Their Man". Dammed if it is destroying the US constitution or anything else - A very dangerous game which will clearly fall on it's face.

In terms of the videos there is more than "Explanations" but real world proof to show they are not Fraud. I literally watched a video of someone trying to hack the same voting machines with a USB to prove you can not input via that method. I have seen the other part of the video footage (not shown in the "Fraud proof") showing the same person going over to the computer to plug in the USB and use it with the software to pull the data out.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #34 on: December 10, 2020, 23:52:54 PM
I think you chaps have a bit of Trump bashing tunnel vision, as much as the guy is a dick you're both talking about the wrong court case, the one thrown out of the supreme court isn't his, he's taking part in Texas +18 other states VS Penns/Georg/Wisc/Michi which I'd describe as some sort of royal rumble mashup :lol: and yes that may still be thrown out of the Supreme court.

As for the videos being "debunked" In what I'd put politely as in a partisan manner, there will always be an "Explanation"

Who do you think prompted this court case? Trump asked for the case, it's his supporters that pushed for it.

As to your supposed second case. it seems to be ONLY TEXAS. That would be FEDERAL government interfering in STATE government. Basically the same case but with four defendants, and equally unlikely to succeed. They have offered no evidence.

That guy is one of the biggest Trump supporters. Texas did not want mail in voting because Trump decided he did not want it and had the worst voting centre locations per capita that any other state.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #35 on: December 11, 2020, 12:10:34 PM
He looks like one of the biggest Trump supporters, there are reasons why he might be faking it. Firstly he wants a presidential pardon, the feds are investigating him for multiple crimes. Secondly he might be trying to get the backing of the Trump voters.

Either way this is one State trying to interfere with the election rules of another state - I'm fairly sure that it is not legal under the constitution.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #36 on: December 12, 2020, 01:58:59 AM
And I was right!

Texas has no right to even file the lawsuit because Texas has no right to challenge how another state conducts it's elections.

Complete rejection. This is fun. Anything else?

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: The US Election
Reply #37 on: December 12, 2020, 12:21:47 PM
Captain Orange won't be happy with that, he'd put his name to it quite publicly, what's left... In the last 12 hours or so Sidney Powell has put in 4 cases specifically alleging fraud in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin apparently they "prove massive fraud"

Maajid Nawaz did an interesting thread on where Trumper can go from here, the following being the fruitiest link of the lot

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Re: The US Election
Reply #38 on: December 13, 2020, 01:07:52 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They have already lost 50 lawsuits. The Texas one was dropped because it has to go through the state in question not from another state. This is now just desperation.

On December 14, 2020 the electors gather in their state's capital and cast their votes, after that they are counted January 6th. At that point there may be some challenge, but it is expected to have no effect.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #39 on: December 13, 2020, 05:50:35 AM
In the last 12 hours or so Sidney Powell has put in 4 cases specifically alleging fraud in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin apparently they "prove massive fraud"
"‘Few lawsuits breathe more lies than this one’: Judge eviscerates Sidney Powell election lawsuit" These do not appear to be new but an attempt to appeal to the supreme court because they were lodged a week after they should have been and with no evidence while asking the judges to overrule millions of votes in Trump's favour.

From link "A team of attorneys relying on conspiracies and misinformation to argue President Donald Trump actually won the election in Michigan filed a legal long shot Friday in the hopes the U.S. Supreme Court will take up their case before the Electoral College votes on Monday. Local and national legal experts told the Free Press on Saturday the court will not take up the request, but said the efforts of Sidney Powell and her team continue to undermine the will of voters in Michigan and confidence in the electoral system."

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Re: The US Election
Reply #40 on: December 14, 2020, 23:11:27 PM
electoral college has voted, Biden wins.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #41 on: December 15, 2020, 05:26:46 AM
electoral college has voted, Biden wins.
Watching the Trumper's going "Still not over" and things like "Not final" is really funny!
Watching a republican live on CNN just refuse to answer basic questions and bark the same fraud and "free election" crap and forced to say he did not accept Biden as President Elect was pretty funny as well today.

The Republican party is a shambles and in a right mess. All their supports are Trumper's and they doubled down on Trump and it has (As expected) has all backfired and they are in a mess. You have others who are either just nuts, looking for a pardon for something or for what ever reason backing Trump to try and get some of favour from his supporters.

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: The US Election
Reply #42 on: December 15, 2020, 09:38:56 AM
Bookies rightly or wrongly paid out on China Joe after the EC vote, this lead to a bunch of people losing it on twitter as per neXus above ("not final" etc) I was saying basically before you start melting down why don't you just wait and see if he somehow pulls a win out of nowhere first, fell on deaf ears.

The optics on this have been fascinating, stray from a hard anti-trump line and you're "pro trump" Want to wait till all the court cases etc are done and all the dust settles? "pro trump" Point out that labelling all 74 million voters as thick is a ridiculous thing to do? "pro trump" All will see you met with derision for being seen as one of "the deplorables"

IMO We're at this weird juncture where the democratic side swallows literally anything orthodox mainstream press say as it's 99% what they want to hear, and the other side appears to be pinning their hopes on similarly often wild claims made on social media again 99% of what they want to hear.

I daresay the truth lies in there somewhere, maybe in the middle, maybe to either side, but as usual it'll be likely after the event until it all comes out in the wash, these things often do eventually but pretty much always when it's too late! Despite Serious seemingly finding it hilarious (though the laughter may have been directed at some of the court cases) I'm still of the opinion there was significant fraud at play.

Anyway the least surprising thing is no matter what happens going forward, America goes from one pants president to another.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #43 on: December 15, 2020, 10:14:41 AM
Not only are people more partisan than ever and will-double down on anything fed to them via their social media echo chamber of choice, but the Overton window is also moving at a scary rate into extreme territories.

I don't think things will improve at all under Biden; even if he was a capable President I don't believe there's enough time and support to make meaningful political, social or economic change. At best we might have better international relations due to the new foreign policy team? :dunno:

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Re: The US Election
Reply #44 on: December 15, 2020, 16:10:36 PM
At best we might have better international relations due to the new foreign policy team? :dunno:

As long as we preserve the Good Friday Agreement we won't be that much worse off.

The issue is that if we end up under WTO terms then we have to apply tariffs. That means imports from EU have to be checked. We let EU good through without tariffs then we have to let everyone's goods through of the same kind without tariff. If you don't then immediate punitive tariffs could be applied.

Boris and other Tory ministers did their best to insult Biden, Obama and others who are now important in the American political system. So don't expect them to be willing to do us any favours. America might put punitive tariffs on us anyway early in January - before Biden is in office.

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