Author Topic: To Red & All forum folk  (Read 5444 times)

  • Offline Edd

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To Red & All forum folk
Reply #15 on: July 29, 2007, 00:34:34 AM
man, its the internet, get a life

  • Offline neXus

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To Red & All forum folk
Reply #16 on: July 29, 2007, 01:02:31 AM
Quote from: Edd
man, its the internet, get a life

cool, I can actually use this

are you an idiot?

The fact it has already been established this is a really good comunity of friends and were talking about the forums not the internet and idiots about there if you want to fall into the group of these idiots who like mouthing more then insulting people and act childish do so but be an idiot or you can be a friend and enjoy the comunity that is here of a lot of not only cool people but bloody smart folk too, guys running their own companies, do amazing stuff with cars, really just smart as f**k guys like steve and good friends

Up to you, I would have thought the latter, but if you just want to keep insulting people meh

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To Red & All forum folk
Reply #17 on: July 29, 2007, 01:53:04 AM
tell you what, im gonna do whatever i want to do

you can do whatever u want to do, and if thats to make a big deal outta something that is so insignificant thats your choice
i dont know why im actually replying to this crap, its actually laughable

To Red & All forum folk
Reply #18 on: July 29, 2007, 02:08:07 AM
some people just take the internet way more  seriously than is healthy. maybe its because its the only form of communication they use in their day to day lives;  they dont have confrontation outside it because they have no social life offline. who knows. either way, CHILL OUT.

To Red & All forum folk
Reply #19 on: July 29, 2007, 02:19:34 AM
some people just take the internet way more  seriously than is healthy. maybe its because its the only form of communication they use in their day to day lives;  they dont have confrontation outside it because they have no social life offline. who knows. either way, CHILL OUT.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #20 on: July 29, 2007, 02:19:35 AM
Fact is youre all here and all all part of the community by choice. The rules are there fro everyone and like in any good community they are there to make things pleasurable for everyone. The minority will not spoil it for the rest, regardless of how much of a life people on here have :lol:

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #21 on: July 29, 2007, 07:21:48 AM
Trouble is the majority will spoil it for each other too.

  • Offline Serious

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #22 on: July 29, 2007, 07:26:34 AM
Quote from: DeltaZero
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: DeltaZero

I think some people spend a seriously unhealthy amount of time here...

So why do you do it?

I was referring, as you well know, to you. You seem to have this thing about me because James and the lads used to use my accounts to target you and I did nothing about it – because, as per my earlier points – getting on with people IRL is more important than what is written via a more abstract medium such as a forum. I wasn’t going to kick up sh*t with my mates because some dude I’d never met on a forum cried a bit.

We only need to compare post counts to see who spends the most time here and thus rule out the validity of your silly post.

I don’t agree with what Red did as such, but I do think you went on a power trip and, as Dave said, tekforums would seem to be the only responsibility you’ve ever had….and it shows. There’s a whole world out there: go explore.

Anyone stupid enough to let others use their account should expect to be banned, and you continued to be an idiot even after that was pointed out.

You are still being an idiot by trying to provoke me, which is what I was going on about. TBH as soon as you started posting under your new name I was absolutely positive of who you were. Some peeps PMed me asking about it. Only reason you arent banned now is that we can keep tabs on you a bit.

To Red & All forum folk
Reply #23 on: July 29, 2007, 10:42:32 AM
Well all i can say is, seeya guys.

I may pop on and have a look every few months, but there is no point coming on daily any more.

There are very few new threads and only the occasional post

That is of course excluding all these bitching threads, tekforums seems to have turned into a venting forum and not much else. Which is a shame as i get along with pretty much everyone on here.

But after being essentially thrown out and banned from the #tekheads irc channel because of pettiness and to see the same pettiness on here I dont want to be around it.

It was a good forum, a oouple of years ago. But now, it is getting to the point where i dont see why it exists

Anyway, seeya around guys, i know i will speak to a couple of you online and irl before long.

Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #24 on: July 29, 2007, 11:50:52 AM
Why cant everyone just get along?

  • Offline Madrocker

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #25 on: July 29, 2007, 12:06:21 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
Why cant everyone just get along?

Aparently not, I think im just gonna leave everyone to it.
some are just bitching and bitching, just wont let things go.

oh and Ive still got your T-shirt andy.
M3ta7h3ad "You've been blessed with a keyboard with every vowel and consonant in the english language... yet you type like a fool".

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #26 on: July 29, 2007, 14:26:06 PM
This is why we cant have nice things :cry:

Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #27 on: July 29, 2007, 15:01:06 PM
Quote from: Serious
Anyone stupid enough to let others use their account should expect to be banned, and you continued to be an idiot even after that was pointed out.

You are still being an idiot by trying to provoke me, which is what I was going on about. TBH as soon as you started posting under your new name I was absolutely positive of who you were. Some peeps PMed me asking about it. Only reason you arent banned now is that we can keep tabs on you a bit.

ffs - maybe you dont understand this because you cant find it on a search engine. I never explicitly let anyone use my account - I just never became anal about logging out all the time, deleting cookies etc etc - because in my eyes it just wasnt that important: if my mates wanted to have a laugh, they were going to have a laugh and I wasnt going to become some sissy crybaby and start bitching at them. root was a target of it too - there were loads of people on tek from our 6th form when all that was going on - but because he would come on and make a big fuss afterwards you didnt seem to hold any grudge: are you just attracted to the drama and attention?

If you knew the 1% of things I actually contributed to the f**king-you-off effort under various accounts I dont think youd cry so very much about it all. Did you not notice there were lots of legitimate contributions under each and every incarnation too? Never wonder who they were?

As for all this keep an eye bollocks...I dont mean to burst your little this-makes-me-feel-important-because-its-the-only-thing-in-my-world bubble....but I PMd Clockd when I started this new account and assured him it was secure (Id started uni - so was safe) and he - unlike you - understood that a username doesn’t necessarily map to one person. He assured me that should it be a problem to you (and I still have this PM) he would explain to you the situation and that you were not a consideration in his decision.

The reason youre a target - in my opinion - is 1) that you pretend to be knowledgeable about everything, which is clearly is the result of use of a search engine. 2) tekfourms moderation is clearly your world - which sends you on power trips  3) youve made sexual references regarding children which has made people feel uncomfortable - I remember the thread about 12 year old oriental girls.

Never really got round to clearing all that up - but in light of red snapping I thought itd be a good time.

Now can this go back to the way it was? I really used to enjoy the likes of knightys random comic contributions, mr_rolls mad plans, SteveFs science threads, Marks - frankly amazing - car threads, etc etc.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #28 on: July 29, 2007, 15:15:43 PM
To clarify my position, Im pretty sure I also made it clear that future problems would be swiftly dealt with if we thought there was trouble from your account, something that has been avoided thankfully.

I think between the two of you these issues are better dealt with in PM, not in yet another episode of Tekforums Eastenders. Id like to see things go back to normal too.

Re:To Red & All forum folk
Reply #29 on: July 29, 2007, 15:19:36 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
To clarify my position, Im pretty sure I also made it clear that future problems would be swiftly dealt with if we thought there was trouble from your account, something that has been avoided thankfully.

I think between the two of you these issues are better dealt with in PM, not in yet another episode of Tekforums Eastenders. Id like to see things go back to normal too.

Said PM:

Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im all for second chances/clean slates or however you want to term it, so Ill give you the same time as I would any other member, Im certainly not going to hold it against you and Im glad youve chosen to stick around since you are so keen.

If this becomes a problem with the other moderators or more personally to Serious then I will confidentially explain the situation to them.



And I think that concludes everything I have to say on the matter - if Serious would like to PM, he is, ofcourse, welcome to.

On that bombshell, I shall click submit.

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