Author Topic: Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions  (Read 1535 times)

  • Offline Dave

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Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
on: February 06, 2007, 09:19:59 AM

talk about biting the hand that feeds them - the remaining farmers have been told to get out - perhaps they were an embarrassment to the current regime as while the majority of the already repossessed farms have become non productive after being handed over to mugabes political buddies the remaining few white farmers have been growing away as usual - puts a few doubts into the govts claims that there is a drout etc..

Mugabe doesnt have much support in the countryside but hopefully the people living in the citys will eventually realize what he is doing & rise up and slot the cnut

Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 14:58:14 PM
that guy is not just an evil vindictive dictator with bizzare ideas about social justice and a tendancy to kill people who dont like him, hes actually completely insane. For the good of everyone, he needs killing.

I have a former collegue from Zimbabwe, I hope his relatives are ok.

Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 20:31:10 PM
some pc nut will probably jump on me for this.... but it was all the white people who have/had all the money.... and there chasing them all out

its no wonder everythings gone down the crapper.

Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 20:45:18 PM
Were white & theyre black for a reason. White men have no natural right to run countries that arent naturally theirs. That goes for you americans & australians as well ;-D

Our people/businesses have exploited & dictated Africa & other 3rd world countries for years. Good on him for having the balls to take back whats rightly theirs.

Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 21:09:40 PM
I didnt mean that in a black vs white way... Ill re phrase it

the people who used to be in power had/have all the money... and the people running the farms had/have all the money... the products of farming being the countries major exports.

the people in power now have no money (in comparison) and there chasing out the last of the people who do have money.

are you trying to defend whats happening over there ?

I have no doubt that there was a lot of racism in Africa when it was run by white people.... but do you think its better or worse now that Africa is run by black people ?

(remembering that there are a hell of a lot of people in Africa who are starving right now)

maybe the black people has the sh*tty end of the stick when it came to standards of living etc... but they didnt have to live in compounds for safety and I doubt they were afraid to leave there homes after dark.

Id be quite happy to follow a black/brown/white/green dictator here in the UK if he did a good job of running the country.
theres too much pandering to what the people want as apposed to doing whats best for the people.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 21:15:16 PM
My Grandfather was out in Rhodesia when the 1st elections where held, he went out there as an independant Police Observer, and also helped to train some of the origional police.  He was offered a job setting up their Police training college becasue he had been one of the main people who set one up for Lancashire Constab.  His reasons for turning it down where that Mugabe was a nutjob. though i believe the words he used where "Bloody Mad".

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 21:17:45 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Were white & theyre black for a reason. White men have no natural right to run countries that arent naturally theirs. That goes for you americans & australians as well ;-D

so should we ban black people from voting in UK elections as this is a white country & theyve got no natural right to run white countries?

Our people/businesses have exploited & dictated Africa & other 3rd world countries for years. Good on him for having the balls to take back whats rightly theirs.

yes but there are better ways of carrying out land reform than simply driving out families at gunpoint using armed political gangs (and resulting in several murders) & then rather than turning the farms over to the workers - simply giving them to his political buddies who know nothing about farming.

Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 21:59:08 PM
Quote from: Dave
Quote from: Eggtastico
Were white & theyre black for a reason. White men have no natural right to run countries that arent naturally theirs. That goes for you americans & australians as well ;-D

so should we ban black people from voting in UK elections as this is a white country & theyve got no natural right to run white countries?

Our people/businesses have exploited & dictated Africa & other 3rd world countries for years. Good on him for having the balls to take back whats rightly theirs.

yes but there are better ways of carrying out land reform than simply driving out families at gunpoint using armed political gangs (and resulting in several murders) & then rather than turning the farms over to the workers - simply giving them to his political buddies who know nothing about farming.

erm.. I came across a tad strong last time.. Not sure how to word it right TBH.. but basically Black people have been exploited by white people for centuries. Slavery may have been abolished years ago, but they are still being exploited for cheap labour or not being paid top dollar for their products in their natural lands (not only africa).
Zimbawe is in a shocking state. TBH best if all white people just leave africa & leave them to it. Most countries are run by dictators or have gurilla or civil wars. How can we drag 3rd world countries into developing world countries.. We cant atm as the best lands are owned & farmed without pumping anything into the local economy.

As for the 2nd point..
Id be suprised if there wasnt black tribes in the area that got drove out or even killed off & the land claimed for the white man. What goes around comes around eh?

Oh & sure.. black people can run britain or asian or oriental or whatever... but if they treat the indiginous population as 2nd rate & exploit them.. then  they should expect it to come back & bite them.

Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #8 on: February 06, 2007, 22:22:15 PM
mmm, I agree that the indigenous black population of Africa was historically treated pretty badly, but things were getting better (from what Ive read)

but at least there was enough food for everyone.
no armed gangs going around rapeing and killing
and the country had a decent future... electing Mugabe flushed that down the toilet.

Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 22:23:57 PM
on a side note.... didnt Mugabe used to be a dentist in Scotland ?

and he was apparently a really nice easy going guy.....

tho as they say, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely ?

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Zimbabwe carries on with farm evictions
Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 00:20:18 AM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Oh & sure.. black people can run britain or asian or oriental or whatever... but if they treat the indiginous population as 2nd rate & exploit them.. then  they should expect it to come back & bite them.

your confusing the past with the present though - the farm employees were well treated - they are now worse off as they have all lost their jobs due to their employer either being killed or driven out of the country for being white.

simply chucking out all the white farmers when the country relies on agriculture is a pretty silly idea.

The most prosperous nation on that continent is South Africa - a country were the whites stayed in control for a lot longer than any other - now Im certainly not advocating or endorsing apartheid - but I do reckon that making drastic changes such as chucking out the group of people responsible for earning most of the nations income is a pretty silly idea.

Nelson Mandela didnt take any vindictive action when he came to power and white owned farms and businesses were free to carry on operating as before.

Mugabe on the other hand has handed over large farms to his buddies - none of whom know anything about farming nor care much anyway - and the farm workers are now out of work. The farms arent producing anything and a load of the population are starving - but its OK because the few people who own the land now have dark skin.

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