Author Topic: Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!  (Read 2279 times)

  • Offline mrt

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Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
on: November 16, 2006, 14:12:57 PM
Right, I currently have a point and click auto everything camera which takes nice pics but cannot change anything (Nikon Coolpix 5600).  

I just cannot afford moving to a digital SLR, just far too many other financial commitments to adhere to.

So with that is mind I am looking at a Fuji Finepix S5600 ... retails for about £140.  This IS my budget!!!

Now, the current restrictions I have with my Nikon is that I would like to be able to take portrait photos, where the subject is in focus and the background is blurred.  I also would like to be able to capture those motion pics, like cars on a motorway where the lights look like stripes of colour (I believe this is a long exposure time??).  Or say a moving car where the car is in focus and track is blurred.  As you can tell I know fall about photography to any great lengths but would like to learn gradually.

So what do you think of the camera I have in mind?  comments please.

Thanks guys (and the odd girl I have seen floating on here from time to time)

Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 14:32:44 PM
the Fuji S5600 is a very capable camera for its price. The only thing on your list which you might have trouble doing with this camera is the portraits.

The effect you are looking to produce with an out of focus background is achieved by using a large aperture opening to get a shallow depth of field (distance around the main focal point where things are still sharp). The problem you will encounter with this and just about any digital camera other than a full DSLR (and even there the x1.6 crop ones have more trouble than 35mm film) is that you cant get shallow enough depth of field to throw the background out of focus. This is caused because the small size of the sensor requires a short focal length lens. Short focal lengths always have more depth of field than longer focal lengths so everything ends up in focus. This is great for a P&S, not so great if youre trying to be artistic.

Saying that, the manual options will let you do this sort of thing a lot better than you can with a full auto P&S so it should make a nice stop gap until DSLR prices come down far enough or your finances improve enough to allow you to buy one.

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 16:44:41 PM
Totally adequate and in some areas a better choice than an SLR. Range is enough to handle most things out of the box.

Ive managed to do the background out of focus on my Panasonic FZ20 but as there are other people on here who own the camera I will leave it up to them to say if its truly capable in this area.

Where these cameras do suffer is low light sporting events.

  • Offline Alien8

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #3 on: November 16, 2006, 17:45:15 PM
Quote from: Serious
Totally adequate and in some areas a better choice than an SLR. Range is enough to handle most things out of the box.

Ive managed to do the background out of focus on my Panasonic FZ20 but as there are other people on here who own the camera I will leave it up to them to say if its truly capable in this area.

Where these cameras do suffer is low light sporting events.

I have (or is that had since the other half prefers it to her Kodak P&S) Panasonic Fz30 that has only a few things different to the Fz20, Fz30 is 8MP and has a manual focus ring, where as the Fz20 is 5MP and the manual focus is in a menu setting IIRC.

she loves the cam and has gone from "me see, me shoot always full auto" to being able to selecting the aperture and shutter speed on manual to get DOF and a balanced sky & foreground in some quite crappy light, all on a Fz cam in about 4 months

if you can get a Fz20/30/50 or Fz3/5 for that price range I dont think you will be un happy.

the below shots show some DOF taken with a fz cam

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #4 on: November 16, 2006, 17:56:12 PM
FZ20 has the manual focus ring but the zoom is on a small tab ring around the shutter button. Only areas of major difference are the number of pixels and the fact the 20 has to expand its lens when you switch on while the 30 doesnt. Means it takes several seconds for mine to switch on for a slightly more compact lens during carriage, TBVH I would have preferred the FZ30 for this item but the number of pixels makes no real difference in practice.

Think there is a cheaper option in the FZ7 or earlier FZ5

Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 19:31:58 PM
The Fuji 5600 also has a nice support forum for it over at

DOF can be an arse on a non-SLR because the sensor size is so much smaller, however it can be done... and as I am sure youll find when going through the numorous pictures on there as an example of what the camera can do, theres lots and lots of tricks available to achieve many things.

  • Offline mrt

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 20:00:52 PM
Cheers all, keep the comments coming.  I am aiming at the Fuji 5600 due to price as the Panasonics seem much more expensive at £200+ although cannot see how comparable they are to the Fuji 5600.   Can anyone tell me if the money I am spending £140 is best spent on the Fuji 5600 or would you buy something else.  I really cannot go above this and yes, a DSLR would be a dream, although at this stage I dont think I am good enough to need a DSLR.  I am quite arty so have a good eye, but lack the photography technical ability in terms of functions which is why a step up before DSLR.


Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #7 on: November 16, 2006, 23:14:28 PM
In your situation, if you really cant stretch to the Panasonic then Id go with the Fuji. As mentioned above you CAN do shallow DOF effects with these cameras, just not AS shallow as you can with a DSLR so you just need to make sure your subject is some distance in front of the background.

Ive seen some really nice shots taken with this Fuji, I dont think you will be disappointed with it for the money.

  • Offline Alien8

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #8 on: November 17, 2006, 00:38:20 AM
Quote from: Serious
FZ20 has the manual focus ring but the zoom is on a small tab ring around the shutter button.

I stand corrected, I never used the fz20 and knew it was a ring on the front ;)

the 5600 is a good cam but if you buy it, get a few sets of good rechargeable batts as my freinds seems to eat AAs

  • Offline Sara

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Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 00:45:17 AM
Rechargeables are great in my S5500, a set of 2000mAH ones easily last a couple of days of serious shooting :)

As for portraits with blurred BGs (i.e. shallow DOF), it can easily be done! Largest aperture setting, then take some paces back and zoom into you subject and boom, there we are :)


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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 02:30:03 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad

DOF can be an arse on a non-SLR because the sensor size is so much smaller, however it can be done... and as I am sure youll find when going through the numorous pictures on there as an example of what the camera can do, theres lots and lots of tricks available to achieve many things.

the present crop of prosumer SLRs can also suffer a little too as their sensors are also smaller than 35mm camera film area. To get rid of the problem fully you would have to go up to a professional version with a full sized sensor chip, they arent cheap though.

  • Offline mrt

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 08:26:36 AM
Cheers all, I really appreciate all your comments on this.  Thanks Sara for posting some photies ... this is exactly what I wanted to be able to do.  I am just learning at the moment and think I am going to go and buy the Fuji - its a good enough price that if I do get really good at it quickly then I will not feel I should have bought a DSLR to begin with as the initial cost is not that expensive.  My concern was buying a Bridge camera which costs £200-300 and then realising that I should have just added an extra £100 and bought a D50.  

Thanks again, I look forward to posting some pictures   :thumbup:

Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 09:16:52 AM
Thing is... a camera like the Fuji will always be in demand anyway, so youll likely be able to sell it and any accessories you buy for it for quite a bit when you decide to move onto a bigger and better camera :)

Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 09:43:40 AM

I also predict the bottom end of DSLR pricing is about to drop again, the new Nikon D40 is unlikely to remain unchallenged as the bargain basement DSLR for long

  • Offline mrt

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Re:Camera purchase .... help!!!!!!
Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 10:24:37 AM
I was looking at the D40, although Jessops have got it priced higher (£440ish) compared to the D50 which is cheaper elsewhere?

Still, a lot more money I can afford at the moment.  Think I will be happy to just have a camera which feels a lot more than the little P&S I current have.

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