Author Topic: Perpetual Photography Thread  (Read 3410 times)

Perpetual Photography Thread
on: May 27, 2008, 21:25:26 PM
Havent posted in aaaaages it seems want to try and post more often, so to that end...

Lets try a perpetual photography thread, the idea being you can post well whatever you want really.  Me Im trying to catchup with sorting, post processing and uploading to flickr all of my photos that are any good so this is an excuse to try and keep myself motivated to get through them when I can and to get some criticism off other people.

Feel free to join in!

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 21:31:11 PM
So to kick us off...

My Dad had been doing some work in the garden last week, emptying out a composter, queue a pair of Robins going nuts and grabbing every little bug and creepy crawly they could get ahold of.  Grabbed my D50 with my Sigma 400mm F5.6 Manual focus lens with a full set of extension tubes on and sat in the garden for half an hour taking around 60 odd photos, ended up with 10 that arent too bad.  Quick little buggers they are though, lots of out of focus shots but most of the time they were less than 3-4 feet away.  Had to keep the ISO up to either 800 or 1600 so some of them are a bit noisy.

Rest of the set here

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 10:10:13 AM
Those are damned cool!

Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 19:50:03 PM
Ta muchly, quite impressed with them too.

Hoping to have some more photos sorted out over the weekend, in the mean time am sure someone else will come along and post some pictures (they better or else...)

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Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #4 on: May 29, 2008, 02:15:45 AM
Ive stickied it, hopefully others will post their pics in here too.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #5 on: June 01, 2008, 16:57:26 PM
More from me, just used up my flickr upload limit for June putting up another set of photos this time from a short holiday I had with my parents in Callander in Scotland.

The Falls of Dochart

Bracklin Falls

Random Lamb near the Glen Lednock resevoir

The Church and River at Comrie

And the rest of the set

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 17:12:17 PM
Do you have a proggie that puts those pretty black borders around the photos?

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 17:19:43 PM
Quote from: soopahfly
Do you have a proggie that puts those pretty black borders around the photos?

I just use photoshop, do all your changes then select Image -> Canvas Size, put on an extra 1.5cm around each edge and select the colour as black, or whatever takes your fancy.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 17:28:13 PM
Ill join in this photographic fun and games

I would have entered one of these guys for the comp, but I took them in May so I will post them here instead

Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 19:10:42 PM
There quite nice, little noisy but you seem to have got the focus spot on and the depth of field just right.

What lens were they taken with?  Im missing any realy macro lens, only my 50mm F1.8 would fit the bill but its a bit short for bug work.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 20:49:59 PM
yes they are a little noisy, the web versions seem to have made it worse too :( it was a pretty dull day so I was left with no choice but to push the ISO up somewhat. Even so I could still only get 1/20th, thank the lord for shake reduction!

The lens was my Tamron 90mm SP macro on a matched 2x converter. It only cost me £50 second hand but its one of the best lenses in my bag even with the converter. If you have the chance to get one Id recommend it. Its an adaptall 2 lens, and mounts are available for Nikon and Canon (although the EOS ones are like hens teeth they do exist). In retrospect this time Id have been better off without the converter since it wasnt hard to get very close to the critters (I was in a butterfly house near Aberystwyth). Unfortunately I didnt realise this until I was shooting away and I wasnt willing to change lenses in the super humid environment.

Still they turned out ok I think. Might re-process them at some point and see if I can do something about the noise. NR is always a ballancing act between loosing detail and killing noise, and I dont think I got it quite right.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 21:22:11 PM
Quote from: Mongoose
It only cost me £50 second hand but its one of the best lenses in my bag even with the converter.

£50! Bargain Tastic or what, Ive looked at the tamron 90 for a while and it never goes that cheap which is a shame as Id love one.  Sounds like a great little lens for macro work and general work really useful to take on holiday along with something a bit longer (or indeed something a bit wider to go to the opposite end of the scale) and youd be set.

You could try doing (dont ask me exactly how to do this as Ive never tried but it sounds right) in photoshop or whatever, create a new layer and copy the original image to it, carefully erase the butterfly then run whatever noise reduction technique you use on your new layer for the background, then use the original background layer just for the butterfly.  Dunno exactly just taking a stab at it, but what youve got certainly look good, well done!

  • Offline Pete

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Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 21:36:36 PM

Im getting a wee bit better with this camera.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #13 on: June 04, 2008, 23:04:57 PM
Quote from: Russell
Quote from: Mongoose
It only cost me £50 second hand but its one of the best lenses in my bag even with the converter.

£50! Bargain Tastic or what, Ive looked at the tamron 90 for a while and it never goes that cheap which is a shame as Id love one.  Sounds like a great little lens for macro work and general work really useful to take on holiday along with something a bit longer (or indeed something a bit wider to go to the opposite end of the scale) and youd be set.

You could try doing (dont ask me exactly how to do this as Ive never tried but it sounds right) in photoshop or whatever, create a new layer and copy the original image to it, carefully erase the butterfly then run whatever noise reduction technique you use on your new layer for the background, then use the original background layer just for the butterfly.  Dunno exactly just taking a stab at it, but what youve got certainly look good, well done!

yup, one of my better finds on ebay. it was going cheap because it didnt have a mount with it, but I already had a Pentax K Adaptall mount kicking around so I snapped it up. It works great as a short tele prime too. Its also easily the smallest of the ~100mm macro lenses so it slips nicely into the front pocket of my camera bag. Combined with the body mounted shake reduction on my K10D, its ideal for wandering around taking pics of bugs and the like.

The photoshop technique you describe works well, Ive done it a few times before and its very effective in this sort of situation, just takes a while longer than Ive had to play with them so far so I only tend to bother if Im planning to print the results.

Re:Perpetual Photography Thread
Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 11:47:10 AM
Love that 1st picture Mongoose! Looks really good I think.

I like the 2nd pic sdp, but I would have taken 2 shots there one under and over exposed and maybe a 3rd at the middle of the road exposure and then join them together, I think it was called MDR that was published in Photographer magazine that I get each month now :)

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