Author Topic: Some stuff from the weekend  (Read 118553 times)

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #150 on: September 11, 2012, 15:31:26 PM
Yep, very nice, and I'm certainly still interested. Like to see what you've been snapping.

Love the softened water, did you have to use a filter to get long enough exposures or was it darker than it looks at the time?
Formerly sexytw

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #151 on: September 11, 2012, 16:24:15 PM
Your photos are really quite good. I imagine you'd have some success selling most of them on stock sites if you aren't already?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #152 on: September 11, 2012, 16:49:57 PM
Yep, very nice, and I'm certainly still interested. Like to see what you've been snapping.

Love the softened water, did you have to use a filter to get long enough exposures or was it darker than it looks at the time?

Yeah there's 2 Lee filters on, just got them a few weeks ago so haven't used them loads yet.  There's a 0.6 ND Grad Hard for the sky and then a 0.6 ND over everything just to slow it down a bit, it was starting to get a bit gloomy at the time since it was down by some cliffs and the sunset was behind me but it wasn't that bad.  Still had to whack it up to f22 and got it to a 6 second exposure.

Your photos are really quite good. I imagine you'd have some success selling most of them on stock sites if you aren't already?

I haven't tried yet actually, I've been thinking about looking into putting them into Getty through flickr but I've not looked into it much yet at all.  Does anyone on here use any stock sites I should have a look at?

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #153 on: September 11, 2012, 19:59:25 PM

Your photos are really quite good. I imagine you'd have some success selling most of them on stock sites if you aren't already?

I haven't tried yet actually, I've been thinking about looking into putting them into Getty through flickr but I've not looked into it much yet at all.  Does anyone on here use any stock sites I should have a look at?

I've been on shutterstock and istockphoto for a few years but haven't been active as I got a bit disheartened due to relatively high rejection rates. However a few weeks ago I logged in to shutterstock out of interest to see how the 20 images I'd put up had faired, and saw one I took on an away day had been bought by someone with extended rights for about $30. This prompted me to try again so I picked a dozen photos and uploaded, expecting maybe 10 to be rejected. Instead nearly all were accepted, with the ones that didn't make it, only rejected on the grounds of them having loads of that type already.

Since then I've been going through my flickr stream picking out photos and have been on a lengthy process of uploading and tagging photos on 4 websites. Acceptance rate is about 80% overall. I'm not sure how much is down to improvement in skills, how much is down to the exif data saying I have a better/more expensive camera, and how much is down to different standards (I've been surprised at some accepted(and rejected) photos).

I get the impression that it's something you need a portfolio of a few hundred images at least to expect any kind of return, which is quite a lot of time and effort, but I guess once they're up it costs nothing, and if it means a cheque for $100 every year, why not? I'll start a new thread about this I guess.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #154 on: September 11, 2012, 22:29:52 PM

Your photos are really quite good. I imagine you'd have some success selling most of them on stock sites if you aren't already?

I haven't tried yet actually, I've been thinking about looking into putting them into Getty through flickr but I've not looked into it much yet at all.  Does anyone on here use any stock sites I should have a look at?

I've been on shutterstock and istockphoto for a few years but haven't been active as I got a bit disheartened due to relatively high rejection rates. However a few weeks ago I logged in to shutterstock out of interest to see how the 20 images I'd put up had faired, and saw one I took on an away day had been bought by someone with extended rights for about $30. This prompted me to try again so I picked a dozen photos and uploaded, expecting maybe 10 to be rejected. Instead nearly all were accepted, with the ones that didn't make it, only rejected on the grounds of them having loads of that type already.

Since then I've been going through my flickr stream picking out photos and have been on a lengthy process of uploading and tagging photos on 4 websites. Acceptance rate is about 80% overall. I'm not sure how much is down to improvement in skills, how much is down to the exif data saying I have a better/more expensive camera, and how much is down to different standards (I've been surprised at some accepted(and rejected) photos).

I get the impression that it's something you need a portfolio of a few hundred images at least to expect any kind of return, which is quite a lot of time and effort, but I guess once they're up it costs nothing, and if it means a cheque for $100 every year, why not? I'll start a new thread about this I guess.

My thoughts exactly, once they're up on the net then if I can earn a few quid off them grand, I'll never manage to make a living off it but what the heck :thumbup:

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #155 on: September 23, 2012, 15:29:29 PM
First few of mine from Scotland

The Rock In Front of the Rock Behind by russellcram, on Flickr

Plodda Falls Pt 1 by russellcram, on Flickr

Plodda Falls Pt 2 by russellcram, on Flickr

Got a 3rd (and what I think is the best of the 3) to go up from Plodda Falls which I'll probably bung up tomorrow.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #156 on: September 24, 2012, 12:35:36 PM
Last one of the 3 from Plodda falls, probably my favourite out of the 3 as well.

Plodda Falls Pt 3 by russellcram, on Flickr

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #157 on: September 24, 2012, 12:55:42 PM
I do like pt3.

Pt2 is a good example of what I hate/struggle with landscape stuff so much. You find a beautiful location and angle, conditions are perfect, and then there's some kind of man made object/construction ruining an otherwise truly natural shot  :(

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #158 on: September 24, 2012, 13:27:33 PM
Yeah that seems to happen a lot, sometimes its fine and makes part of the shot other times it really gets in the way.  That one doesn't look easy to photoshop out either, I've got another photo I was editing of Eilean donan castle and was managing to get rid of most of the tourists fairly easily but that I'm not even going to bother trying.

Quite scary standing at the top of it cause it bounces quite a bit and its rather a long way down!

Edit: Just remembered there's actually some man made stuff in the last shot, hard to tell but there's an old rusty railing on the far side of the river, looks like an old walk way thats collapsed but you hardly notice it.
Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 13:29:11 PM by Russell #187;

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #159 on: September 24, 2012, 13:48:56 PM
Love these latest photos. This is what the waterfall immediately made me think of:

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #160 on: September 24, 2012, 14:08:17 PM
Love these latest photos. This is what the waterfall immediately made me think of:

hahaha awesome!

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #161 on: September 27, 2012, 13:55:01 PM

Eilean Donan Castle by russellcram, on Flickr

Hopefully a less Predator inspiring photo this time, course it does fit in with another 80s film...

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #162 on: September 27, 2012, 14:01:24 PM
Highlander? I would have otherwise said MP's Holy Grail but that was '75  :)

Postcard worthy photo, btw!

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #163 on: September 27, 2012, 14:13:53 PM
And Clock'd gets a prize!  Highlander was the one I was thinking of, don't think it was in the Holy Grail but its quite a while since I've watched it.

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #164 on: September 27, 2012, 15:50:56 PM
Holy Grail was all filmed around Doune Castle in Stirling it seems, except for the shots of the Castle at the end of the film that is Castle Stalker (coincidentally though, it seems Stalker was used in filming of Highlander: Endgame) :)

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