Author Topic: Upton Country Park...  (Read 1944 times)

Upton Country Park...
on: August 02, 2009, 17:55:58 PM
There was a country show this weekend at upton country park so i strolled down with the camera gear.

Just sifting through the 390+ photos now, some are rubbish and some are just the same thing more than once, theres some great ones in there though. I thought having a longer lens would make life easier when taking pictures of birds of prey in flight, still really struggling though, the AF is too slow if it loses track and thats very easy to do at a long FL, the damn falcons are just too fast, 60+mph within a couple of feet of you is virtually impossible. Hawks are a little easier but still hard and they tend to try and fly out of the sun, which is a problem as pointing an slr at the sun is never a good idea.

Any tips on taking photos of the flying birds would be appreciated, i guess it may be luck in a lot of cases but i could use any help. I do find that i can use both eyes tracking the bird with one and checking the focus through the view finder with the other which is handy.

Pictures will be up soon..

Upton Country Park...
Reply #1 on: August 03, 2009, 00:02:02 AM
Well the whole set is here:

A few i have picked out:

Theres a fair few pics in the whole set, if anyone wants a 8MP version of any of them let me know.

Any comments/feedback would be appreciated.

Re:Upton Country Park...
Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 00:49:09 AM
Try to fill the frame with the subject; theres a lot of distracting background in the bird pics; if you cant get close enough with your lens then crop. Also I think it looks better if you get down level with the subject; theese look as if youre standing in a crowd looking down at a bird on display, just that and that alone.
The dog action pics are good.

Upton Country Park...
Reply #3 on: August 03, 2009, 01:00:36 AM
Yeah i see what you mean, ill have to try zooming in a bit more in future, i could crop them a bit but itd take ages to do them all. Unfortunately iv only once had the opportunity to get in with the birds, today was worse than normal as there was a fence rather than just a rope so i had to look down at them to get a clear shot.

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Re:Upton Country Park...
Reply #4 on: August 03, 2009, 12:09:00 PM
Worth treating most bird photos as portraits too, turn the camera on its side. In the first pic about 4/5ths of the area is irrelivant. Horse, you could have moved a little bit to the right, personal choice though. Pictures are all nicely focussed on the subject and otherwise good.

Re:Upton Country Park...
Reply #5 on: August 03, 2009, 14:31:22 PM
Quote from: Serious
Worth treating most bird photos as portraits too,

I was just thinking that this morning, i should have done that

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