Author Topic: Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]  (Read 6720 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Anyone seen the first Episode?
They still have the grip and lots of questions that you bring up but they did not half hit you with some content in that episode, as much as the whole of season 2 just about.

But still, what on earth where they doing and then leave it all to just live in houses and why oh why are they treating them like that, was a great episode, had me gripped.
Give more

Side note: Smallvile new season allready cool

Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]
Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 01:49:04 AM
Best show on TV. :D

3:1 threw me as well. Theres a time blackout. :lol: those cheeky bastards. Wait, wah, huh??

Its the best thing since Twin Peaks and Northern Exposure.

Yeah, the fact that they live in a proper village and them holding them like that is making me think.... WHYYYYY, ARGHHHH!!!!!!  :x

just watched it, it does answer a lot of questions but it makes you ask alot more, sooo frustrating. Great program though.

  • Offline neXus

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Cant wait to see how they explain the black fog creature thing

Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]
Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 14:58:35 PM
Soon well find out that its just a collective hallucinations from "bad mushrooms" in the in-flight meal. :lol:

Quote from: Walrusbonzo
Yeah, the fact that they live in a proper village and them holding them like that is making me think.... WHYYYYY, ARGHHHH!!!!!!  :x

Thats how I was when they found the second hatch that was a monitoring station for the first--then found that the vacuum tubes emptied the reports directly onto the ground in pointless piles. :lol:

Quote from: maximusotter
Quote from: Walrusbonzo
Yeah, the fact that they live in a proper village and them holding them like that is making me think.... WHYYYYY, ARGHHHH!!!!!!  :x

Thats how I was when they found the second hatch that was a monitoring station for the first--then found that the vacuum tubes emptied the reports directly onto the ground in pointless piles. :lol:

TBH, Ive been going WhyYYYYYyyYY, ARGHHH, every episode :D

Ill be getting ep2 tonight, anyone seen it yet?

  • Offline PuNk

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Im getting it now, i read a teaser and was surprised for the second episode theyre apparently still following the jack + sawyer situation, LOST normally jumps story lines frmo one week to the next so I was expecting to find out about the hatch

Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]
Reply #10 on: October 12, 2006, 23:09:52 PM
tut, yous so yesterday !

had it hours ago but aint got time to watch it tonight :(

(No subject)
Reply #11 on: October 12, 2006, 23:18:06 PM
watched it last night in hi-def  8)


OMG, are those Others friggin evil! Still want to know if theyre "superhuman" in any way. Sure, the real village humanizes them--but they can still apparently travel w/o leaving footprints and such.

Go Sun, btw, shoot that dirty beeeyatch! :lol: And what is it that they want from Jack?? /theramin

  • Offline jamieL

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Haha! How good was the Sawyer/Kate kiss, leading into a nice fight! :D

"You smell of strawberries.."

"heh.. well you smell of fish biscuit!"


I thought the ending was okish. Atleast now we know that the rest of the world hasnt been blown up, etc. and that theyre not the only survivors, etc.

I wonder what happens with Michael and Walt! Maybe the others use the now captured boat to recapture michael and walt? I dont know!

Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]
Reply #13 on: October 13, 2006, 15:36:45 PM
Where did we see Michael and Walt last? :S

edit: an episode guide reminded me that Michael betrayed his friends to get a boat and coordinates off the island. I remember it now perfectly. Too much TV, too  little brain. :lol:

Ive been missing Mr. Echo. Im waiting for him to go all Sam Jackson and solve this nonsense. :lol:

Also craving my John Locke, whos by far my favorite character on the show. :ptu: Him and Desmond are alive and OK by the looks of the trailer. :D

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not see dont read!!!!]
Reply #14 on: October 20, 2006, 21:12:15 PM
Mr Echo Not going to be doing much for a bit, polar bear got him all beat up :)

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