Author Topic: /rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.  (Read 1711 times)

/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
on: October 23, 2009, 00:27:22 AM
TLDR : Go to the Asterisk*s

Scene :

Im the head chef in a small, but very popular (and profitable) local pub for the main brewery in Wales. I work between 50 and 60 hours per week, I struggle to do my job for a variety of reasons, but I get on with it because I need to pay the rent, and there are so many poor buggers out there without a job. Im having to plan various menus and events for the Xmas period, and despite these facts I still have to work on my own in the kitchen for 4 days per week - I turn everything on in the morning, and mop the floor at the end of the night.

So, today we had a quiet day, I got a lot of the weekly cleaning jobs sorted throughout the afternoon, and Im pleased theyre out of the way. We get a call early today from head office saying a few of the big-wigs will be attending tonight with a couple of reps from Heineken.

Cue the bar staff crapping themselves, I tell them to be calm and do what theyve been taught (Ive been working in pubs since I was 17 so its no big deal for me). Everything goes very smoothly, until the highest of the high head office people goes into our courtyard (which backs out from my kitchen) to have a fag. As this happens, a table of 30 walk in unannounced and all order food. As a quick explanation, if a table of 30 pre-booked, it would be a major undertaking for us, at least 3 people in the kitchen, and a couple of extra waiting staff. As I was in a decent mood, and we hadnt taken much money on food I thought it would be a nice distraction. My company demands that food, no matter what it is and no matter how many people have ordered before you, takes a maximum of 15 minutes to arrive at the table, ever cooked a piece of gammon an inch thick?

Anyways Im cracking on, Im about 7 minutes away from sending 25 of the 30 meals out (I dont have space to plate more than that at once), and the proverbial hits the fan.

The kitchen has a door that backs out from it to the courtyard, and when its busy I have to open it because the extractor canopy we have is older than I am, and wasnt designed to cope with the amount of smoke that comes with cooking so many grill meals I had to all at the same time. Please note that if the door is closed and more than 10 slices of bacon are on the grill at once the kitchen turns blue for about 10 minutes and my eyes water to the point of being blind. I dont fancy being blind and walking around (on a slippery floor) in front of various pieces of equipment all between 180 and 250degC, cooking loads of food.

The big-shot from head office picks up the door wedge, throws it into the kitchen, and slams the door shut. I dont know who has done this by the way, the wind has been known to play tricks with that door. I finish sorting whatever Im doing, nip over to the door, gingerly open the door (customers have a habit of the leaning on it when its open), see a random bloke and say :
"I need this door open please", he replies,
"This door should be shut, , , "
Then he literally, and I mean full on, hard as he can, slams the door shut with my face less than an inch away from it.

I ask to see the Assistant Manager (my missus  :heehaw:) and tell her Im going to walk out, she understandably wets it and calls the manager. He comes downstairs as its his day off asks her what the issue is, storms into the kitchen and boots the door open, and says "Sod the ***stard". Very uncharacteristic for my manager, but I appreciated the gesture.

More background :

The door shouldnt be open, I know this very well. It could lead to a variety of problems - insects flying in causing contamination etc, etc.

However, if I said that it is unsafe for me to work with the door shut, I wouldnt have a job - Ive spoken to reps from a local equipment supplier that says a new extraction system would cost around £8000. The brewery wont pay that when they can fire me and get someone who will put up with the danger for a lot less. Ive worked for this company on and off for around 5 years, and they are known within Wales for being one of the worst big chains to work for. As an example, Weatherspoons pay a pound more per hour for bar staff, I dont even want to think what I could get for my experience.

My big problem is the way the gentleman spoke to me. Im 26, and an overworked chef. Youd be surprised what effect a dude with access to a variety of sharp and boiling hot items can do to someones attitude. This chap, no matter how hard he works, gets 4 weeks a year, plus bank holidays off work. 10 days at Xmas, and a pretty much unlimited supply of beer and food vouchers. Poor you with your Bentley and 6 bedroom house. Ive never in my life wanted to put my foot through someones face as much as this guys. I had to ring my mum (how bloody sad is that), as I was shaking so much, the adrenaline coursing through me was unbelievable - Ive had three guys twice my size pin me against a wall and the rush was nothing compared to this. I hate violence, and anytime I see it on the news I feel genuinely sick, but all I wanted to do was make this guy realise Im one of the tiny reasons he has such a nice car, such a nice house, and so much power. I hate to think how he has spoken to people without confidence, or younger staff. In my early twenties I would have smacked him silly, but I have too much to loose right now.

/rant over.

The big issue for me is how I felt. I really wanted to hurt this person. How dare he speak to another human being like that? I wouldnt do that in a million years. Egg might (I appreciate your reply).

I rang my mum simply because I wanted to break something so much I didnt know what else to do, and I could tell even she was shocked at how wound up I was. I know the company so well that no matter which route I take when it comes to a complaint about someone from head office, it has to go through this guy, so there is no point even bothering. Maybe that is why I am still so angry, knowing there is nothing I can do.

Appogies for the long post.

Screw you S*B*A*N - I put my life and soul into my work and this is what I get, and scrawny suit slamming a door in my face?!?!?!?

**Sorry for the extreme punctuation, I seem to be obsessed.***

  • Offline bear

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/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 00:36:29 AM
Bucking fastard

  • Offline Eagle

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 00:38:42 AM
Call him when youve calmed down and ask that he comes to see you.  Man-up and air your grievance.

  • Offline Pete

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 00:39:33 AM
I hope you did vile and disgusting things to his food/drinks.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 01:26:08 AM
Quote from: Eagle
Call him when youve calmed down and ask that he comes to see you.  Man-up and air your grievance.

I really appreciate the reply, but you have to understand this is one of  the big-dogs when it comes to pubs in Wales, annoying him would be the end of my *ahem* "career". This dude can walk into any place (company owned or not) and the staff will kiss his feet.

As to the Man-Up comment, and I realise you dont mean to be offensive, but that it isnt something taken lightly by people my in position. I just have to take the crap Im given. Ive known of this chap ever since I started working for the company, mess with him, bye bye. Also, remember, when was the last time you walked into a pub and thought about the poeple behind the bar, or in the kitchen before you thought about the beer or food. We get crap from a random customer, we get ditched. There are 4 million waiting for a job.

    • - It's new and improved!
  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 01:40:01 AM
Look at it this way, if you have to put up with that obnoxious c*** for one day a year, then so be it, but at least you know there that you had the support of your manager behind you in keeping the door open after all.

For all your grievances I really think you should be aspiring to bigger and better things, it sounds like you know what youre doing and are skilled enough to step up your game. Maybe you should consider working for a proper restaurant as a chef and not a pub chain with a much different ethos.

  • Offline Eagle

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 02:43:57 AM
Quote from: White Giant
Quote from: Eagle
Call him when youve calmed down and ask that he comes to see you.  Man-up and air your grievance.

I really appreciate the reply, but you have to understand this is one of  the big-dogs when it comes to pubs in Wales, annoying him would be the end of my *ahem* "career". This dude can walk into any place (company owned or not) and the staff will kiss his feet.

As to the Man-Up comment, and I realise you dont mean to be offensive, but that it isnt something taken lightly by people my in position. I just have to take the crap Im given. Ive known of this chap ever since I started working for the company, mess with him, bye bye. Also, remember, when was the last time you walked into a pub and thought about the poeple behind the bar, or in the kitchen before you thought about the beer or food. We get crap from a random customer, we get ditched. There are 4 million waiting for a job.

Fair dos. :) For the record, yes Ive worked bars and kitchens so I know the pressures.

Clockd has it nailed I guess - just rise above it.  There are alternatives to fighting. ;)


  • Offline Eagle

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 02:45:48 AM
... although you could sh*t in his pint next time...  :mutley:

  • Offline Sam

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/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 03:46:04 AM
There are two things here.

Firstly, you could just suck it up because its one incident and you wont see him again.

But as Ive said to you before, you sound like a hard-working and talented lad. Now let me tell you as someone who has interviewed people numerous times-  NEVER underestimate the general level of idiocy in the world.

I think, from how you write, that you would find a job in 2 minutes elsewhere if needed, yet because youve never had the misfortune of seeing who else you are up against you think that youre not that special.

NEVER underestimate the effort you put in and be prepared to stand up for yourself. Dont ever let this guy treat you like dirt because he has a MBA in Business from a poly.

Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 08:29:39 AM
I would have turned everything off & walk out.

You obviously work in Yard Bar & Kitchen

  • Offline shofty

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #10 on: October 23, 2009, 09:13:50 AM
Quote from: Eggtastico
I would have turned everything off & walk out.

You obviously work in Yard Bar & Kitchen

im with this man.

fwiw, used to work behind a bar. never experienced situation like yours though. i do know its a tough sector.

youve got your managers support. risk losing your job. turn everything off and go sit with a pint. make him man up and apologise. and if he wont therell be a tribunal and lots of nasty local press publicity for them to avoid.


/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 09:19:50 AM
what sam said..... go for a few interviews and youll walk into a job

forgetting that you know what youre doing, work hard and take pride in your job.... the fact that youre not a total moron puts you in the top 10% at an interview to start with!

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #12 on: October 23, 2009, 10:02:39 AM
Also, consider karma, I think that there is an ounce of truth in it, in the sense that people usually do get what they deserve. A tosser like that is at some point likely to piss the wrong person off and end up in A&E ;)

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #13 on: October 23, 2009, 11:23:06 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Also, consider karma, I think that there is an ounce of truth in it, in the sense that people usually do get what they deserve. A tosser like that is at some point likely to piss the wrong person off and end up in A&E ;)

Quite honestly I bet this MD chap or whatever on earth he is talks the game but his mouth writes cheques his body cant cash. I wouldnt be at all surprised if something did get that intense/heated he would be scarpering for his merc quicker than you can say pint of bitter.

Unfortunately positions like this change people, generally they evolve into complete cockends, forget the jobs they used to do, and just generally think that its acceptable to be a complete cretin to people. (Im sure I am not the only one to have witnessed this first hand)

Forget about it WG, get your head down and look for employment elsewhere.

Re:/rant. Ive never wanted to hurt someone so much.
Reply #14 on: October 23, 2009, 11:52:07 AM
I must admit, Ive been in a similar situation before (not cheffing though) and had a door slammed on my.
My size nine came up and booted the door back open smacking the chuff in the back of the head and sending him flying.
Claret leaking.

I got a bit of a telling off for that :D
But I didnt give a rats ass.

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