Author Topic: The world has gone mad  (Read 14141 times)

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #75 on: April 27, 2020, 22:27:45 PM
Until the start of February the Republicans and their rich backers were making a lot of money from Trump's tax cuts and the rich were generally benefiting.

Trump was also fairly popular amongst the evangelical Christians, who's leaders also benefited greatly from Trump, that means voters for the Republicans. The issue has only really came out recently that Trump has no idea what he's talking about and is a liability.

Unfortunately as the Republicans backed him during the impeachment fraud there is little they can do at the moment. With the death toll heading towards 60,000 very fast and the Republican voters ignoring any suggestion of lockdown it is going to be some time before those numbers head down.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #76 on: April 28, 2020, 08:35:19 AM
The issue has only really came out recently that Trump has no idea what he's talking about and is a liability.

No, I think everyone knew; we all did. But thought they could puppet him like Putin has.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #77 on: April 30, 2020, 06:39:46 AM
The issue has only really came out recently that Trump has no idea what he's talking about and is a liability.

No, I think everyone knew; we all did. But thought they could puppet him like Putin has.

I think how it came about was that their candidates were not strong. They wanted back into the white house and Trump seemed to offer a lot of the old school business/cult votes and had a plan to get the votes of all the hicks and idiots and also have some "Help" from "Friends" Abroad.

With that he both fooled, cheated and bought his way into the white house.

Note: For years now, every time Republicans have got power they have continued to put laws in place to protect themselves and the president despite how corrupt they are. They are also always running their process to make themselves and their rich friends richer. Always undoing laws regardless of their good, putting new ones in place etc.

They got Trump his seat and hoped they could control him and I think they knew he was an idiot and crazy but hoped that they could still control him. Over time though it became clear that he liked the power and that he was more of an idiot and loon than they realised.

He has done all he has done and they have desperately tried to fan the flames he has created while anyone that went "Oh crap we made a mistake" has been quickly and brutally dumped, shuttered etc.

It has got to the point that they have spent so much time lining their pockets and fixing/covering up/ managing Trump that they have no one in their party that could have the public viewing to replace him. It is all they have got at this point and they got to run with it.

Right now they are loosing all their seats left right and centre as a result, they are in a real mess and I think they have little or no ability to really fix it but to ride the Trump bull crap train to try and get it to work again for the next election.

I think when the next election comes, unless there is really dodgy stuff going on and America is not a total lost cause - they should loose. I do not think the republicans will be in a good state after this and it will take them some time to recover. I think it will be 8 years before they get their next shot.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #78 on: April 30, 2020, 08:33:08 AM
Republicans, most specifically Trump cultists, have doubled-down now - even when it is blindingly obvious that he is materially making their lives worse - so unless the democrats do well magically with Biden, who isn't a particularly strong candidate, I think they are doomed for more Trump as the odds are firmly stacked against them. The game is rigged.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #79 on: April 30, 2020, 12:14:55 PM
Considering the opinions of the top Republicans they didn't want Trump at all, he isn't one of them. He was just as much a Democrat when it suited him during the Clinton years.

The ones who voted Republican were hoping for something different to break the mold, Trump isn't that. What he is could best be described as a selfish ignorant but with some charisma. He was not the first with similar properties, unfortunately they make the worst Presidents. Even worse for America he seems to be suffering some of the signs of dementia and possibly mild Parkinson's disease.

Biden is a gamble for the Democrats, he's another Clinton which the USA rejected last time. The difference will not be made by the Democrat supporters or the Trumpists/Republican loons but the swing voters. Democrats do not need a very large swing, just enough in a few states will turn the balance to them. Have they had enough of Trump? Had the USA a simple OMOV vote then Trump would have lost the last election, the voting has been rigged for a very long time, as has US law, they don't need to do more. Which is why the Republicans in the Senate have been doing very little legally and Mitch McConnell has been blocking legislation at all costs. What they have done is stacked the lower courts, installed as many Republican leaning judges as they can.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #80 on: April 30, 2020, 14:08:50 PM
Depending on who you ask, the swing voter doesn't exist, it's just about voter turnout. People are pretty much always going to be on one fence or the other, with exceptions of course; the problem is putting candidates in for running with no strong opinions. You're either for leapards eating faces or against, you can't be "well, just let them have a nibble".

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #81 on: April 30, 2020, 18:48:12 PM
Swing voters are those who say they are undecided and may vote either way, it's that simple.

The new theory isn't that they don't exist but there just aren't enough of them to make a difference. That would be about 7% rather than 15%.

That 7% is still more than enough to turn the Trump win seats into losses, in which case he would be put out of office.

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